Kingdom Come: Deception (Game Thread)

From a flavor standpoint the healer was lured out into the night on a housecall and killed by wolves on the outskirts of our BFB village. The miller's daughter or niece or whatever is not keeping a trained killing machine that was roleplayed as licking people's hands the other day. Please do not take the flavor as instructions from Arakhor to lynch Takhisis.

Pzelda, dropping the literacy bomb out of nowhere at this late date was distinctly not villagery, but as my favorite Mafia player would say; villagers do crazy $^%^%$$# all the time. So I am not going to throw you into the "^&%$ now nobody looks like a villager" pool in disgust.

I have given my clear on Gamez. NO wolf would have quelled the chaos by copping to being the letter writer in the middle of the first burst of letter chaos. Period. Full stop.

Now, someone needs to do some &*^%$^ work around here. Find me another villager! Stat!

Jo please do not get sidetracked looking for wolves. Find a villager. Any villager. We need some $^^$$* villagers!
Zelda's tone is villagery.
I have my claim, which I consider solid.

That's two. If we take GR at face value... :hmm:

That leaves Tim/Tak/Jo/G1K.

We need to look at Marcher's posts and votes. This is the most important plan of action, because we know he was a wolf and that opens up plenty of things to think about.

We need everyone to vote as well. This happened yesterday IIRC. Slow voting lets wolves lurk.

Post with my ISO of Marcher

Here's the ISO I did of Marcher. Click the arrow to go the post. If you can't because it's mobile, go to page 60.

We need to look at which wagons Marcher was on too.
Here's MJ's posts after my ISO.

Spoiler :

I did not receive a letter last night. There's probably some sort of roleblocker or thief on the mafia team.

Vote: LordArgon
I understand why I'm getting suspicion, with a third of the town dead and another third having credible claims to power roles the suspect pool is shrinking pretty fast. But if you want to string me up today, can you at least get a solid claim out of LordArgon first instead of letting him skate through yet another day without explaining himself? He's claimed to have some kind of special role but has refused to tell town on the basis that it's a selfish power that doesn't help town, which is a claim so suspicious that I'm a little afraid he's actually a jester trying to get lynched. Even in the most townie scenario possible where town gets some penalty if he dies, there's still a doctor around as a higher priority kill. He had the chance to cut off some random theorizing I had that in retrospect was probably not super relevant and useful to the town, but instead decided to let it go on without comment. His play all game long has been scummy as hell and yet somehow the wagon never gets threatening because people keep saying it's just usual LordArgon, changing the subject, and never forcing him to make a defense.

So if LordArgon flips survivor, we have 10 people left: Tim, topsecret, Tak, Pzelda, Johanna, Csargo, me, Gamez, Samson, and G1K
Of those, I'd consider Csargo and Samson to be almost guaranteed town just because of roleclaims, and I am of course wouldn't suspect myself, so that leaves 7 suspects and probably 3 mafia out of them, considering if LA is confirmed a survivor it's most likely 11/3/1 split. Among those, I'd probably rank suspicion as follows:

Gamezrule: Is confirmed the letterwriter, which feels like a townie role. Also I agree with the assessment that he looked to clear up confusion going around town: he had the chance to let town argue in circles about the mysterious letter, and decided to clean it up. Of course the obvious counter to that is that I'm currently ranking him as third-most townie and if he's mafia he's just managed to accrue a whole bunch of townie points and eliminate any suspicion of him.
Pzelda: Probably the most consistently helpful person left, actively making reads, giving analysis and trying to dig up information
Timsup2nothin: Has been probably the most active person in town and constantly making claims and giving information, willing to dig for information. Rated under Pzelda for having already lead a mislynch of Raskol, but I'm inclined to see that as a town error rather than a mafia plot.
Golden1Knight: Has talked quite little but given good commentary when he has. I'd prefer you talked more but you've been giving and helping out enough that I don't really feel the need to press it.
topsecret: Between the poisoner and the roleblocker there's already 2 mafia power roles accounted for so if ts is mafia he'd have to be the third one. The thing is that the only other town roles we know so far are doctor, letterwriter, questionably 2-shot tracker/watcher. From a game balance perspective, the poisoner obviously counters the doctor which means the roleblocker is for the letterwriter and possibly tracker. The issue is that a roleblocker is pretty bad against the 2-shot tracker/watcher because the t/w would typically only be found by mafia once they either go public after finding a mafia kill early or after the t/w is out of shots. And I don't think that a roleblocker exists just to counter the letterwriter. This makes me think that there's probably another townrole hiding about that the roleblocker can help handle. Considering how many role claims we have already between 2 masons, a doctor, a t/w, a letterwriter, and a tiebreaker, this makes me think that either (in order from most to least likely) a. Tak is lying about being t/w, b. tiebreaker is a mafia role, c. Tak is lying and tiebreaker is also mafia role, or d. they're both telling the truth and the third mafia role is something really nasty like an extra night kill.
Takhisis: see topsecret for most of it. The reason I find ts less suspicious than Tak is a combination of how ts has generally been more active and helpful giving analysis and making claims, how Tak spent a lot of time with weird distracting roleplaying, and that I consider "I'm t/w, but I found absolutely nothing, and also I'm out of shots so I can't do anything else to confirm myself" to be a more suspicious claim than a known tiebreaker.
JohannaK: has said and done basically nothing all game without the same excuse Tak had of wanting to use all shots first, or how GamezRule could confirm his own role. I want to Jo to at the very start making more claims and reads before I stop considering them a prime lynch target. Also getting suspicious of the quick vote against me trying to save the survivor

tl;dr: the answer to your question would probably be either lynching Jo or thunderdoming you and Tak while voting Tak initially

The order is in order of suspicion. You are where you are because I consider Csargo, Samson, and GamezRule more trustworthy than you and Tim, G1K, ts, Tak, and Jo more suspicious than you.

At this point I'm probably worth more dead than alive. When I flip, we'll have a solid 2-player contested tie to make wagonomics work. I kinda buy LordArgon's survivor claim considering this is a 15-player game and noone cc'd, so even if he gets lynched it doesn't make a difference to the lynch math

We have another day and with 3 mafia left and we had 5 voters on each wagon (though I guess it's 4/3 now), we can start getting lynches tomorrow because at this point I have zero faith in any vote today actually getting mafia. A clear town vs. survivor vote is probably the best information we can get to set ourselves up next turn.

That's what I'm looking for anyways.

Is this confirmed? I thought Arakhor was intentionally ambiguous about whether it was an instant coinflip or an extension.

I mean if someone makes a solid enough case for a last-minute lynch, I'd be willing to go along, but as-is, I think this'll be the outcome that gives us the best shot.

Looks like the dice fell in our favor this time, thank goodness.

After the night there'll be 9 players, assuming it's a 6/3 split that means we have 2 mislynches left.

@Golden1Knight Didn't get your letter
Anyways considering that I have an approximately 99% chance of getting mislynched today considering I never got a letter to read, I'm gonna
I'm leaning towards exactly one of the remaining literate people is probably scum, but I'm not sure enough which is which to make the call. I am much more confident that Johanna is very likely scum. He jumped onto my wagon very quickly yesterday the moment it got moving, leading it to become a 5-3 runaway wagon before getting reined back in. He's been constantly pushing for me and Tim's lynchings but has never taken the time to actually present a full analysis and case, despite there being plenty of evidence on either of us to go around. He's just been causing chaos all game.

Also last caveat to people who say that letter thief would be a terrible role—the priest got killed n1. I don't think there'd be a whole literacy mechanic for just one role and if anyone else had a literacy-related power it'd probably be the priest. It could be that the role was meant to balance a power that got killed off n1.

My one request before getting lynched is to please don't let it be an 8-0 decision that'd be utter garbage for wagonomics. We've gone three whole days without a single decent wagon to read for townreads and scumreads. Please don't make it four.

Alright let’s do it
Vote: Golden1Knight

vote: Marcher Jovian
Alright Tim, let me get into your POV for a minute. If you're town, then here's what you've got as town-reads:
Gamez for claim, tone, and refusal to cause chaos.
Me, if you believe my claim
Zelda, for tone.

If you don't agree with one of those, lemme know, but that leaves:

Tak, G1K, Jo.

Which two would be a team, and which one would you lynch?

Is Johanna K your father then?
Just noticed this. Cover roles are a thing, but they would be uncle and niece in game.

@Golden1Knight What's going on? Where's your vote?
One thing bugging me about this thing with Tak is that MJ seemed OK with his lynch D1. :think: But it is possible he knew Tak probably wouldn't get lynched.

Not sure about it. I'd like to see what Tak has to say about who we should lynch.

@pzelda who do you think we should vote for?
Alright Tim, let me get into your POV for a minute. If you're town, then here's what you've got as town-reads:
Gamez for claim, tone, and refusal to cause chaos.
Me, if you believe my claim
Zelda, for tone.

If you don't agree with one of those, lemme know, but that leaves:

Tak, G1K, Jo.

Which two would be a team, and which one would you lynch?

It is too late to turn back. I am looking for villagers, not wolves. You are a villager, if I believe your claim. In the absence of anything else I will have to do that, but I am still hoping that someone does some real work and clears someone else, whether that's you or someone else else, I'm good.

As of now, yes, me, Games, Pzelda, and you are my village.
vote: Marcher Jovian as discussed all day yesterday.

@Timsup2nothin who else could have sent it?
No reason for GR to push MJ twice in a row.

I'm gonna say solid town as well, because I can't keep suspecting everyone.

No reason for GR to push MJ twice in a row.

I'm gonna say solid town as well, because I can't keep suspecting everyone.
Clarification: No reason <as a wolf> for him to do that.
Tally yesterday before it became a runaway. MJ initially started voting Jo.
Please note that Takhisis actually voted for MJ before G1K, despite the different order listed in the official tally.

Mid-Morning Tally
MarcherJovian (4): Topsecret, GamezRule, Golden1Knight, Takhisis
Golden1Knight (2): Timsup2nothin, MarcherJovian
Timsup2nothin (1): JohannaK

Not Voting (2): Pzelda, Csargo
Day Three Tallies, which are very important because of the tie between Argon and MJ.
Early Evening Tally
LordArgon (5): Takhisis, MarcherJovian, Timsup2nothin, Samson, Pzelda
MarcherJovian (5): Golden1Knight, JohannaK, GamezRule, LordArgon, Csargo
Golden1Knight (1): Topsecret

There are 45 minutes left to vote.

Early Evening Tally (Redux)
LordArgon (5): Takhisis, MarcherJovian, Timsup2nothin, Samson, Pzelda
MarcherJovian (4): Golden1Knight, JohannaK, GamezRule, LordArgon
Golden1Knight (1): Topsecret
Timsup2nothin (1): Csargo

There are 30 minutes left to vote.

End of Day Three

LordArgon (4): Takhisis, Timsup2nothin, Samson, Pzelda
MarcherJovian (4): Golden1Knight, JohannaK, GamezRule, LordArgon
Golden1Knight (1): Topsecret
Timsup2nothin (1): Csargo

Abstaining (1): MarcherJovian
Day Three Tallies, which are very important because of the tie between Argon and MJ.
My current POE is either Tak -> Tim -> G1K
G1K -> Tim -> Tak

But that may vary on flips.

Need to check D1 tallies throughout.

Jo is my dark-horse candidate.
TS, if you want to stay in the village would you please find a villager instead of continuously reminding us of how wolfy we all look. I'm glad you agree on Gamez. If we reach a final three of you me and him you and I will shoot each other and the game is up to him. Now what?

Town: Gamez
Probably town: Pzelda
At the gates: TopSecret

I'm actually willing to strike Pzelda off the probably list and just say town. The ONLY reason to throw a sudden alternative literate into the mix as a wolf would be to save G1K, who is currently in less immediate danger than Takhisis. Pulling suspicion onto himself at this point smacks of daft confused villager play, not wolf losing his mind while in the driver's seat.

Vote: Golden1Knight
TS, if you want to stay in the village would you please find a villager instead of continuously reminding us of how wolfy we all look. I'm glad you agree on Gamez. If we reach a final three of you me and him you and I will shoot each other and the game is up to him. Now what?

Town: Gamez
Probably town: Pzelda
At the gates: TopSecret

I'm actually willing to strike Pzelda off the probably list and just say town. The ONLY reason to throw a sudden alternative literate into the mix as a wolf would be to save G1K, who is currently in less immediate danger than Takhisis. Pulling suspicion onto himself at this point smacks of daft confused villager play, not wolf losing his mind while in the driver's seat.

Vote: Golden1Knight

I'm trying. I am literally just putting what I am thinking and considering in the thread.

Anyway, no one is in danger of being lynched without votes.
I'm trying. I am literally just putting what I am thinking and considering in the thread.

Anyway, no one is in danger of being lynched without votes.

I know. Finding villagers is bloody hard when everyone acts like a wolf at least half the frickin' time in their zeal to find a wolf. I have FINALLY come to understand, after having it repeatedly slapped across my face, that villagers win by finding villagers. They don't actually have to find the wolves. If we had all started out looking for villagers we wouldn't be in such a mess, because we would have found enough by now that the wolves would be obvious.
I know. Finding villagers is bloody hard when everyone acts like a wolf at least half the frickin' time in their zeal to find a wolf. I have FINALLY come to understand, after having it repeatedly slapped across my face, that villagers win by finding villagers. They don't actually have to find the wolves. If we had all started out looking for villagers we wouldn't be in such a mess, because we would have found enough by now that the wolves would be obvious.
With Zelda as a literate nobleman, I am thinking G1K's case doesn't look so good for him. :dunno:
With Zelda as a literate nobleman, I am thinking G1K's case doesn't look so good for him. :dunno:

I'm really frickin' tired. Can you explain what you mean here?

Hunting villagers is hard and there is sooooo much thread...and thus far I've seen clearly that everyone still alive is a wolf, including me.

I will say that if we flip Tak red my town explodes, so there's that.
I'm burnt. Flipping either Tak or G1K clarifies PZelda for me. Gamez is town. I have nothing to go on but feelies and TS feels town sometimes. Jo I don't even have feelies other than a vague discomfort that the RNG has to catch up sometime and this might be it.

My vote is on G1K, TS is on Takhisis, and I dunno if anyone else even has an opinion...but either of those is fine because as I said it clarifies Pzelda either way.
vote: Golden1Knight after much personal deliberation now that my hangover has subsided. Let's see how this plays out, hopefully I'll be around to participate.
Commence wild random wagon jumping and Chinese fire drilling as if you have been seriously studying all this time in 10...9...8...
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