So if LordArgon flips survivor, we have 10 people left: Tim, topsecret, Tak, Pzelda, Johanna, Csargo, me, Gamez, Samson, and G1K
Of those, I'd consider Csargo and Samson to be almost guaranteed town just because of roleclaims, and I am of course wouldn't suspect myself, so that leaves 7 suspects and probably 3 mafia out of them, considering if LA is confirmed a survivor it's most likely 11/3/1 split. Among those, I'd probably rank suspicion as follows:
Gamezrule: Is confirmed the letterwriter, which feels like a townie role. Also I agree with the assessment that he looked to clear up confusion going around town: he had the chance to let town argue in circles about the mysterious letter, and decided to clean it up. Of course the obvious counter to that is that I'm currently ranking him as third-most townie and if he's mafia he's just managed to accrue a whole bunch of townie points and eliminate any suspicion of him.
Pzelda: Probably the most consistently helpful person left, actively making reads, giving analysis and trying to dig up information
Timsup2nothin: Has been probably the most active person in town and constantly making claims and giving information, willing to dig for information. Rated under Pzelda for having already lead a mislynch of Raskol, but I'm inclined to see that as a town error rather than a mafia plot.
Golden1Knight: Has talked quite little but given good commentary when he has. I'd prefer you talked more but you've been giving and helping out enough that I don't really feel the need to press it.
topsecret: Between the poisoner and the roleblocker there's already 2 mafia power roles accounted for so if ts is mafia he'd have to be the third one. The thing is that the only other town roles we know so far are doctor, letterwriter, questionably 2-shot tracker/watcher. From a game balance perspective, the poisoner obviously counters the doctor which means the roleblocker is for the letterwriter and possibly tracker. The issue is that a roleblocker is pretty bad against the 2-shot tracker/watcher because the t/w would typically only be found by mafia once they either go public after finding a mafia kill early or after the t/w is out of shots. And I don't think that a roleblocker exists just to counter the letterwriter. This makes me think that there's probably another townrole hiding about that the roleblocker can help handle. Considering how many role claims we have already between 2 masons, a doctor, a t/w, a letterwriter, and a tiebreaker, this makes me think that either (in order from most to least likely) a. Tak is lying about being t/w, b. tiebreaker is a mafia role, c. Tak is lying and tiebreaker is also mafia role, or d. they're both telling the truth and the third mafia role is something really nasty like an extra night kill.
Takhisis: see topsecret for most of it. The reason I find ts less suspicious than Tak is a combination of how ts has generally been more active and helpful giving analysis and making claims, how Tak spent a lot of time with weird distracting roleplaying, and that I consider "I'm t/w, but I found absolutely nothing, and also I'm out of shots so I can't do anything else to confirm myself" to be a more suspicious claim than a known tiebreaker.
JohannaK: has said and done basically nothing all game without the same excuse Tak had of wanting to use all shots first, or how GamezRule could confirm his own role. I want to Jo to at the very start making more claims and reads before I stop considering them a prime lynch target. Also getting suspicious of the quick vote against me trying to save the survivor
tl;dr: the answer to your question would probably be either lynching Jo or thunderdoming you and Tak while voting Tak initially