[NFP] Kublai Khan Discussion Thread

2 cities on resource? I don’t think so. Not in this video. This is a hint to us
Also, Khubilai had already fought the barbarians ... what would that mean ..?

Discovering a Religious City State first + God King => 3 Faith per turn.
Discovering a Religious City State first + God King => 3 Faith per turn.
No. I would pay attention to this
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Welp, Kublai'd better come with a god-like ability. China would be a terribly underwhelming civ if it weren't for Qin's ability, so Kublai should somehow make up for it.

You only get 1 Faith from the CS since the Dip Quart district's introduction.
Kublai viewed himself as a religious figure and he was also surprisingly tolerant of religious diversity, something faith based would make sense for him.
Kublai viewed himself as a religious figure and he was also surprisingly tolerant of religious diversity, something faith based would make sense for him.
I think all Mongol rulers were religiously tolerant, to some extent.
I think all Mongol rulers were religiously tolerant, to some extent.
Yeah they are all usually noted for it.

Although I think that fact is somewhat misleading, I think it is far more noted in history simply due to the juxtaposition of the fact they were tolerant to something even some "peaceful" rulers were intolerant of while being so overtly violent elsewhere.
Honestly finding it hard to be excited when the leader model is so hideous. Why is his hair so big and straw-like? Why is one side of his beard longer than the other? Why is his head so square???
So are we gonna assume he just speaks Mongolian, even when he's ruling China? What if he switches between Mongolian and Mandarin Chinese? (of course the Chinese in his time was very different from today's, but I doubt they will use a reconstruction of Chinese).
So are we gonna assume he just speaks Mongolian, even when he's ruling China? What if he switches between Mongolian and Mandarin Chinese? (of course the Chinese in his time was very different from today's, but I doubt they will use a reconstruction of Chinese).
Eleanor of Aquitaine didn't speak two languages, so I'm not sure if Kublai would.
So are we gonna assume he just speaks Mongolian, even when he's ruling China? What if he switches between Mongolian and Mandarin Chinese? (of course the Chinese in his time was very different from today's, but I doubt they will use a reconstruction of Chinese).

Eleanor of Aquitaine didn't speak two languages, so I'm not sure if Kublai would.

It can go either way. I don't know about Eleanor of Aquitaine's language ability, but Kublai was fluent in both Mongolian and Chinese IRL. If he speaks Chinse the devs can just use Mandarin. For example: Qin Shi Huang actually spoke Old Chinese, and he got Mandarin anyway, since Old Chinese reconstruction is a very academic thing - you cannot easily find a voice actor to do Old Chinese unless they have a degree in Chinese Linguistics.
I don't think her lines change either. He could code-switch like Gandhi, CdM, and Laurier though.
Makes sense. Language changes are actually super easy, barely an inconvenience.
Old Chinese reconstruction is a very academic thing.
Also Old Chinese reconstructions give Proto-Indo-European a run for its money in the "can human beings pronounce this?" department. :p
It can go either way. I don't know about Eleanor of Aquitaine's language ability, but Kublai was fluent in both Mongolian and Chinese IRL. If he speaks Chinse the devs can just use Mandarin - Qin Shi Huang actually spoke Old Chinese, and he got Mandarin anyway, since Old Chinese reconstruction is a very academic thing.

They made Eleanor speak in Occitan, her presumed native language. I'm betting she knew other languages, like Medieval French and English.
Also Old Chinese reconstructions give Proto-Indo-European a run for its money in the "can human beings pronounce this?" department. :p

Old Chinese had the (voiced) checked tone, which is nearly unpronounceable by most of the modern dominant language speakers, but a Cantonese/Hakka speaker will have no problem pronounce them since these languages still have the tones. IIRC Vietnamese preserved some checked tones from Middle Chinese - the language that Kublai supposed to speak - as well.
They made Eleanor speak in Occitan, her presumed native language.
I seem to recall her native language was a langue d'oïl but that she doubtless also spoke langue d'oc, given that was the language of the trobadors/troubadours she patronized.
He's not the alternate leader I would have chosen, but at least China finally gets an alternate leader.
Looks like you also will get your Central Asian Silk Road Civ. :mischief:

"A free Eureka and Inspiration when sending a trade route to each civ the first time" is an unused code long existed in the game. The devs probably repurposed it for Kublai.

I would also say it is fairly situational, on a normal sized map Kublai would only receive 7 Eureka and Inspiration at maximum, not to say he would also have a hard time to reach civs on the other side of the world.
Isn't it when establishing a trading post?

When he leads Mongolia all he'll have to do is start a trade route probably to get the bonus considering it's based off of establishing a trading post.

So for China he'll have to complete it but gets even more boosted eureka and inspirations.
Isn't it when establishing a trading post?
When he leads Mongolia all he'll have to do is start a trade route probably to get the bonus considering it's based off of establishing a trading post.
So for China he'll have to complete it.

Yes, so for China Kublai this ability is even harder to be effective. Normally, on a standard sized map, you need to wait until mid-to-late game to manage your trade route to reach the farthest civ.
Yes, so for China Kublai this ability is even harder to be effective.
I doubt Firaxis would make just that his Ability. I'm guessing we'll see something else in the Leader Ability as well as the Trading Post stuff.
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