[L5R] Legend of the Five Rings - A Total Conversion MOD {WIP}

Bummer, it looked interesting. Can you elaborate on the ideological issues?
This mod is abandoned.

I have a few ideological issues with the Company (AEG) and won't help with anything Alderac-related. It is a shame, because I love this game a lot.

I am know working on Warhammer with my friend from over-seas, Civitar.
Wow, that's sad. :(
I liked where this was going.

I hope you have fun with Warhammer!
Btw, I'm still waiting for a PM reply. ;)
Bummer, it looked interesting. Can you elaborate on the ideological issues?
Thank you! You might like Warhammer too, I don't know anything about that game (except it is fantasy haha) yet Civitar's passion for the game overcame my laziness, which is something... :D

I can't elaborate because it would be unfair with them posting something like this in a public forum, since they wouldn't be able to respond to anything I say.

Btw, I'm still waiting for a PM reply.
I could swear I already answered it... until I looked my outgoing messages folder. :lol:
Darn, it's always a bummer to see projects shut down. That being said, good luck with your endeavors into the 40K universe :D
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