Lamest random event ever!

You didn't give +1 food to all your stables from this point onward? Are you insane?! :)

Yeah, no kidding!! But to his credit, since the +1 food is bugged, I might just take the Horse Archers next time. The +1 food disappeared from my Stables when I advanced to the next era. The pre-built stables still displayed "+1 food," but it was obvious that it had in fact expired, because a bunch of my stagnant cities suddenly started starving, and counting of food revealed the problem. And newly built stables didn't even show "+1 food." And no, I was nowhere close to Advanced Flight where stables go obsolete. Hmm, I should really report this in the bug forum, but I never remember to do that until I'm at work and away from the game.
Only to mention, that their UU are not important in the case.
I dont think, that Huayana will use quachuas to protect his teritory and I cant believe that Toku will have samurais, when you go with your Axe rush.

Lamest random event for me was a quest. I must build 7 forges(I had only2) and I will fail the quest if I go to renaissance era, before it. In fact I was researching Education and only 1 turn left. Of course I can cancel researching of Education and go for another nonrenaissance, useless for me tech, like Horseback riding, but I am not sure, that I will have enough nonr. techs and surely the reward will costs me a lot like losing the liberalism race.

I was Toku. Shaka was my other neighbor. And he had Impis.

Yeah, no kidding!! But to his credit, since the +1 food is bugged, I might just take the Horse Archers next time. The +1 food disappeared from my Stables when I advanced to the next era. The pre-built stables still displayed "+1 food," but it was obvious that it had in fact expired, because a bunch of my stagnant cities suddenly started starving, and counting of food revealed the problem. And newly built stables didn't even show "+1 food." And no, I was nowhere close to Advanced Flight where stables go obsolete. Hmm, I should really report this in the bug forum, but I never remember to do that until I'm at work and away from the game.

I only completed it once and I chose the horse archers, for sure.
I was on a Pangaea aiming for conq/domi and I was mongol - 6 free Keshik? Sure thing! Sah-ly-dhin, come and get your butt kicked!
Just had the Forty Thieves event, which gives +2 commerce to a tile.
But the chosen tile was one of the only two in my borders which is not, and can never be, within a fat cross. So it's utterly useless.
The worst random event is when some AI leader popups his window and my computer crashes so I need to push reset button.
I got the "Saltpeter" event late in the game after most territory had been setled and ALL THREE locations that were inproved where unusably outside of BFC's
I just discovered oil with an explorer... in the modern era, and in my rival's territory. Gee thanks, he didn't have oil before you went and showed it to him, you bastard :). The only available response was something like, "Tell that guy to quit goofing off and resume exploring!"
While I do say that the Holy Mountain quest is a bit annoying (What do you mean that your Holy Peak is on a 2-tile ice island on the other side of the world!?"). If I get it, I get +1 happy, if I don't, I could care less. However, I think the lamest event is actually a series of 2 events.

Turn X: "Your scholars have made a breakthrough, +10% :science: on your current research."

Ok, this is a great event alone, but I get the next event every so often afterwards:

Turn X+1: "Your scholars followed false leads, -8% :science: on your current research."

Way to go guys, way to go. You got me +2% on a tech I would probably have researched in 3-5 turns anyways.
Theres a default one where ancient texts are found & boost your research that was bugged, you could get it when you were researching computers! haha
Theres a default one where ancient texts are found & boost your research that was bugged, you could get it when you were researching computers! haha

Didn't you know? The Atlanteans discovered semi-conductors around 5000 B.C.
Oh, they had to be synyster, especially since we didn't get cities on water tiles until Alpha Centauri.
i got the forty thieves thing on a useless desert plot outside my bfc WOO!

A cpl of days ago I got a new event that ranks up there in lameness. I got event where a champion has emerged in a gladitorial games or something like that and one of my units got free leadership promotion--my scout!! I was like oh gee thanks :/

Lamest is having to build 9 (or 12 i forget) stables early on when you have 2 cities, no horses and all you care about is pumping out enough axemen to stop Caesar. :wallbash:
Lamest is having to build 9 (or 12 i forget) stables early on when you have 2 cities, no horses and all you care about is pumping out enough axemen to stop Caesar. :wallbash:

Similarly awkward is the Quest of Classical Literature: on a large map, it demands the construction of 9 libraries before entering the Renaissance era. Often enough, you don't even have 9 cities that early. And the reward isn't worth much either.
My only complaint with this free upgrade is that if your units already have the promotion.

There are artillery upgrades and musketmen upgrades as well.
I am starting to think that these free-promotion type events mostly happen very soon after you discover the tech to build the unit in question. I guess to ensure that the event will be beneficial for more than a few turns. Perhaps "recently discovered tech" is one of the preconditions for the event.
Its a bit odd when units youve never produced get upgrades. I got one for all my spearmen even though id never built a single one!
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