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Land of the Rus


Nov 15, 2009
This my new story about Russia. (RFC 600AD, Monarch) I am trying recreate the USSR at the largest and do the UHVs, though going for Space Race victory is also possible. We'll just have to see how it all plays out.

It won't be historically accurate, though most it's characters will be historical persons.
Good luck. I've tried this a few times and never made it. Kicking Japanese culture out of the Vladivostok area was one of my biggest challenges. And keeping up tech-wise (with all the expansion) so that you have a shot at Apollo Program.
Oleg the Prophet was the despot leader of the Moscovites peoples. His Kingdom was small and only consisted of the city of Moskva. Nontheless Oleg was ambitious and in 880AD Oleg the Prophet ordered the Moscovites tribes to expand east towards the vast lands of Ukraine. He also sent settlers towards the Baltic Sea in order to found a naval base on it's shores.

The 1st Novski Horsemen met scouts from the northern Kingdom of the Norse, who were also known as Vikings. A peace treaty was signed. Later Russian ambassidors traded technologies with these brutal men, who were bound to the sea. Oleg wanted know more about fishing on the seas, so that his colony on the Baltic Sea could prosper.

Oleg's scouts also met with the Germanic tribes while travelling to west. There was immediately some tension between these expansionist tribes.

The city of Kiev was founded on the fertile lands of Ukraine around 900AD. Couple years later the city of St. Petersburg was also founded on the shores of the Baltic Sea. However, some of the settlers that arrived in Kiev didn't want stay there and they continued their journey towards southwest.

Oleg's Uralsk Horsemen continued their scouting of the eastern lands. They met some villagers and taxed them in the name of Tsar.

I once tried this and failed. The maintenance is gonna kill you before you get state property, IF you want to fill out every piece of land in USSR. But then again you are way better than me.:lol:
Thanks for the comments! :) Seems like this is going to be a challenge. I don't know about every piece of land but most of it anyways.

I am intend to tackle the tech problem by stealing. Since I have a lot of cities full of jails, CHs, IAs and SBs, I'll be making tons of espionage points. Don't know how it will work out though.
The settlers from Kiev traveled over the Carpathian Mountains and came across with great river. The magnificent river was called Danube and the settlers decided the found a city called Budapest on it's shores.

Spoiler :
I know you're wondering why I didn't found it 1N, but I intend the found Odessa on the horse, so left some room (iron) for it. And this way I get copper too.

The expansions of the Russian peoples were noticed around Europe and many western monarchs, like the Franks, sent their ambassidors to greet these strange men from the east. The welcome wasn't the warmest but nontheless some trades were made between these nations.

The 1st Novski Horsemen were given permission by Otto I himself to enter German lands, while continuing the journey towards west. These famous Horsemen lead by Sviatoslav the Brave discovered other western Kingdoms and formed diplomatic relationships with them. When the 1st Novski Horsemen finally returned to Russia they brought with them a religion called Christianity.
Spoiler :

Meanwhile in the east, the Uralsk Horsemen traveled through the endless lands of Siberia and finally arrived to a strange place called China. These Chinese men had only heard rumours of distant European Kingdoms and they were eager to share and compare their knowledge with Russia.

The 2nd Novski Horsemen were given orders to travel south and they encountered the desert peoples of Arabia. The Arabs were cautious towards the Russian Horsemen and did not let them enter their lands.

You're pretty cocky to steal land between Germany and Rome. Are you intending to conquer Greece and Constantinople too?
Also, why are the names in English, not Russian? I like realistic city names, especially as this is RFC. :)
Most likely because the tile is Pskov, not Sankt-Peterburg, and Zagreb (at least it is Zagreb when German settlers go there), not Budapest so he had to rename. Depending on who settles the spot, the name is different, too. Since Sankt-Peterburg is quite a big city I don't see a problem with him renaming since he's only one tile out :)

Because the resolution of the map isn't very high (i.e: one tile is actually a really big area of land, especially outside of Western Europe) some of the tile names are debatable :)
Did you rename your Tallin to St. Petersburg?:rolleyes:
Budapest is actually a well known trick, nerfs Germany a lot. Should probably happen a lot less in the next version since Germany is leaving Denmark to the Dutch.
Most likely because the tile is Pskov, not Sankt-Peterburg, and Zagreb (at least it is Zagreb when German settlers go there), not Budapest so he had to rename.

Killerkebab has me all figured out.:lol: The tile was Tallin, but I rather renamed it St. Petersburg for the story (Sankt didn't fit, I tried) and I did the same for Budapest (originally Zagreb), because of the story of course.:)
Of course when you discover communism you will have to manually rename to Leningrad, the game won't recognise St. Petersburg ;)
Did you rename your Tallin to St. Petersburg?:rolleyes:
Budapest is actually a well known trick, nerfs Germany a lot. Should probably happen a lot less in the next version since Germany is leaving Denmark to the Dutch.

Yes I did. It works out extremely well everytime I found it. Germany is somehow crippled by it. Looking forward for the new patch.:D
You're pretty cocky to steal land between Germany and Rome. Are you intending to conquer Greece and Constantinople too?

That would be the smartest thing to do, if I was aiming at the UHVs solely. But since I am recreating the USSR, I don't really need those cities. Although, I might just take them anyways. So it remains to be seen.:)
Yeah, my bad. I always misspell Tallinn (I'm not sure whether it's 2l or 2n, so I leave one out). Even though it misses the fish it's a much better city than 1W of it, since it has more land to work and is on a river too. I typically found it as Reval for the Germans.
I would have whipped monuments first before trading for calendar from the Chinese though, since German culture is quite strong over there.
If I'm correct, Pskov is actually a landlocked city in this mod.
Yeah, my bad. I always misspell Tallinn (I'm not sure whether it's 2l or 2n, so I leave one out). Even though it misses the fish it's a much better city than 1W of it, since it has more land to work and is on a river too. I typically found it as Reval for the Germans.

Whether it's two n's or not is a political issue. Tallinn is the Estonian spelling, Tallin is the Russian spelling (final double n's are very uncommon in Russian).
I've indeed made a mistake with Pskov, my bad too.
Christianity spread quickly throughout the Russian lands and it was soon adopted as the state religion by Oleg's heir Yaroslav I the Wise.

The 2nd Novski Horsemen were exploring the outskirts of Arabian city called Samarqand when suddenly a two times larger Mongolian Army appeared from the east. The commander of the 2nd Novski Horsemen, Prince Andrey Bogolyubskiy, ordered his armies to attack. The attack took the Mongols by a surprise and the Horsemen were able inflict serious damage to the mongolians, though they too suffered minor losses.

However, the Mongolians weren't defeated that easily, they counterattacked the retreating Horsemen and only the cunning tactics displayed by Prince Andrey Bogolyubskiy spared the 2nd Novski Horsemen from doom. He ordered the troops to outflank the approaching troops, which in the end proved to be the right move as the Mongols were expecting the Horsemen to flee. The battle raged on for another couple of ours and in the end the Mongolian army was decisively beaten. The battle of Samarqand was over and 10,000 Mongolians lay dead on the fields. However, the 2nd Novski Horsemen had also suffered heavy losses and Prince Andrey Bogolyubskiyn ordered his troops to travel towards their homeland. Nontheless this great victory prevented the Mongolians from advancing further into Russian lands, though later rumours spread to Russia that the barbaric Mongolian hordes had taken Samarqand from the Arabs.

Meanwhile in Russia, Yaroslav I the Wise negotiated new deals with the Vikings, since the Russians were eager to learn more about sea navigation.

The Uralsk Horsemen encountered distant nation beyond the borders of China. These Khmers were extremely hostile towards foreigners and no trade agreements were made.

In 1130AD the Arabian nation declared war on Russia whom they called the infidels.

What mod and difficulty are you playing and what have you done to Ragnar? Even when pleased, Vikings NEVER trade techs with anybody, least of all compass!
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