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Landmass shapes cooler in Civ5


Sep 24, 2010
Maybe I'm insane but for me I think the randomly generated landmasses in Civ5 are much cooler and more variegated than in Civ4. I played fractal on Civ4 but still found it to be really 'predictable'. Continents was a nightmare (for me) and always resulted in big "blob" continents.

Now, Civ5 still doesn't have as many large-ish lakes as I'd like (you know, 5-10 tiles...not massive or anything) but I still fidn the generated landmasses much more interesting.

What do you think?
I just wish you could set a resource quantity for Fractal maps. It's by far my favorite map type, yet I would like to play with abundant resources (I am in the camp that thinks yields are fine, but resources are a bit scarce at "standard" setting).
I just wish you could set a resource quantity for Fractal maps. It's by far my favorite map type, yet I would like to play with abundant resources (I am in the camp that thinks yields are fine, but resources are a bit scarce at "standard" setting).

You cannot? I thing there is a setting right in the advanced settings?
Pangea player here. I agree, Civ V does it much better. Instead of an almost square blob I get penisulas, bays, choke points and even few tiny off shore islands.
Whoa, whoa whoa... wait... there's a Fractal map type in Civ 5?!

Lol... I didn't even realize. That's all I used to play in Civ 4. I've been torn between Continents and Pangea in Civ 5 but now I think I've made my decision. Gonna fire up a game right now.
I agree with the OP. The new system definitely lets the continents get more realistic/varied and adds some interesting tactical challenges too, considering the new 1upt system they added and im loving that part of the game. :)
My biggest complaint about Civ4 was that the maps sucked. The land masses always seemed to be the same. Two amorphous blobs of land separated by a 100square sea was dull and boring.

But now its awesome, random chains of islands, small to medium sized islands all with several awesome land masses
I'm glad they improved that aspect of the maps.

I always thought the maps in Civ 2 were more interesting than the maps in Civ 4.
I usually play fractal maps in Civ 4 because they tend to be more interesting.
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