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Language translations for leader sayings


Keeper of Records
May 7, 2007

Alexander the Great
Attic Greek.
Intro: "Hello, stranger! I am Alexandros, son of kings and grandson of the gods! (Χαῖρε, ξένε! Ἀλέξανδρος εἰμί, υἱός των ἀνάκτων και ἔκγονος τῶν θεῶν!)"
Attacked: As a matter of fact I too grow tired of peace. (μέντοι εγω και καμνω της ειρηνης) (Bad grammar, since καμνω requires its object to be at accusative form. Thus της ειρηνης should be την ειρηνην)
DeclareWar: You are in my way. You must be destroyed. (ει εν μοι ὁδῳ, δεῖ _______ ει(?)) Currently I'm thinking εξαιρειν (and assume they're contracting the sound to make the ε silent), but what I hear sounds like si-ta-nei(n)
Defeated: "You have somehow became my undoing. What kind of beast are you? (απολεσας με πως ει! ποιος θηρ ει; )" (Also bad grammar: με is the accusative form of εγω, but to deliver the correct meaning (that is, my (undoing)), it should be in the genitive form, μου.)
Neutral Hello: "You are being granted (an audience) (χαρίζεσθε)"
Neutral Let's Hear it 01: "Go On. (Προσερχου.)"
Neutral Let's Hear It 02: I'm listening. (Ακουω.)
Neutral Let's Hear It 03: "Yes? (Ναι?)"
Neutral Let's Hear It 04: "Come. (Ελθε.)"
Neutral Yes 01: "Certainly! (σαφως!)"
Neutral Yes 02: "(I like It) very much. (Μαλιστα.)
Neutral Yes 03: "Excellent!/For the very best! (Αριστα!)"
Neutral No 01: "Certainly not! (ου σαφως!)"
Neutral No 02: "We will stay away from it (ἀπεχώμεθα)"
Neutral No 03: "It is necessary to refuse" (δεῖ μη ἀποδέχεσθαι)"
Hate Hello: "What? (Τι?)"
Hate Let's Hear it 01: "You Say. (Ερ - Λεγεις.)"
Hate Let's Hear it 02: "And? (Και?)"
Hate Let's Hear it 03: "Come on. (Επελθε.)"
Hate Yes 03: "Well done. (ευ γε)"
Hate No 01: "This is not pleasant! (Ταυτα ουχ ηδυ!)"
Hate No 02: "You are not being earnest! (σπουδαῖος ουκ ει!)" (very tricky, since there is another σπουδαῑος, with the only difference in accent in the iota, which means quick)
Hate No 03: "Pardon me? (σύγγνωθι; )" (Bad pronunciation, as the two γ requires it to be pronounced ng, e.g. φαλαγγος pronounced phalangos)
Request: "Friend, does this seem good to you? (φιλε, δοκει σοι ταυτ' αγαθα; )"

Intro: I am Askia of the Songhai. We are a fair people - but those who cross us will find only destruction. You would do well to avoid repeating the mistakes others have made in the past.
Neutral Hello: Greetings.
Hear it 01: Yes?
Hear it 02: Proceed.
Neutral Yes 01: Very well.
Neutral Yes 02: Yes! (Ah'hoh!)
Neutral No 01: No.
Neutral No 02: Of course not.
Hate Hello: Oh, it's you.
Hate Hear It 01: And?
Hate Hear it 02: Continue! (Sobay!)
Hate Yes 01: Oh, very well.
Hate Yes 02: All right.
Hate No 01: That's unacceptable.
Hate No 02: You cannot be serious!
Hate No 03: We decline.
Attacked: Fool. You have doomed your people to fire and destruction OR Wretched scoundrel! You shall pay for this!
Attacked Option 1: You will burn for this, I swear it!
Declares War: Villain! You are an abomination to heaven and earth. You shall be destroyed! or You are ignorant savages. You must be destroyed.
Defeated: We have been consumed by the fires of hatred and rage. Enjoy your victory in this world - you shall pay a heavy price in the next!
Peaceful: We thank you for bringing an end to this pointless war.
Request: Can I interest you in this deal?

Otto von Bismarck
Exaggerated German.
Intro: In the name of the great German people, I welcome you. ("Im Namen des großen deutschen Volkes heiße ich Euch willkommen.")
Attacked: Depraved Villain! We will bury you (literally, "bring you under the Earth)! ("Verderbter Bösewicht! Wir werden Euch unter die Erde bringen!")
DeclareWar: I cannot wait until you grow even mightier, therefore: Prepare for war! ("Ich kann nicht warten bis Ihr noch mächtiger geworden seit. Bereitet Euch also auf den Krieg vor!")
Defeated: Germany has been destroyed. I weep for the future generations. ("Deutschland ist zerstört worden. Ich weine um die zukünftigen Generationen.")
Hate Hello: Well, Speak! ("Also - raus damit!")
Hate Let's Hear It 01: Well?! ("Und?!")
Hate Let's Hear It 02: Go On! ("Macht schon!")
Hate Let's Hear It 03: Well, tell me! ("Na, sagt schon!")
Hate Yes: Well, ok. ("Also, gut.")
Hate Yes 02: It seems I can't refuse. ("Ich kann wohl nicht anders.")
Hate No: That is unacceptable! ("Das ist inakzeptabel!")
Hate No 02: You can't be serious! ("Das kann doch nich' Euer ernst sein!")
Neutral Hello: What now? ("Was nun?")
Neutral Yes: Settled! ("Abgemacht!")
Neutral Yes 02: Alright! ("In Ordnung!")
Neutral No: No. ("Nein.")
Neutral No 02: We do not accept. ("Wir nehmen es nicht an.")
Neutral Let's Hear It 01: What did you say? ("Was habt Ihr gesagt?")
Neutral Let's Hear It 02: Move it! ("Vorwärts!")
Neutral Let's Hear It 03: Yes? ("Ja?")
Peaceful: What do you think about calling it a draw? ("Was haltet Ihr von einem Unentschieden")
Gloat: Well, I hope you have learned your lesson. ("Na gut, ich hoffe Ihr habt jetzt Eure Lektion gelernt.")
Demand: Give us what we demand, if you want your wretched country to survive. ("Gebt uns, was wir verlangen, wenn Euer jämmerliches Land überleben soll.")
Request: It would be in your best interest, to carefully consider this proposal. ("Es wäre in Eurem Interesse, dass Ihr dieses Angebot sorgfältig prüft.")

Augustus Caesar
Classical Latin.
Intro: I greet you. I am Augustus, Emperor and Pontifex Maximus of Rome. If you are a friend of Rome, you are welcome. (Te saluto. Augustus sum, imperator et pontifex maximus romae. Si tu es Romae amicus, es gratus).
Attacked: So strong, and still, so stupid. I hope your brains are similar to your force. (Tam fortis, tamen tam stupidus! Utinam habeas cerebrum simile tuae fortitudini.)
Defeated: The gods have deprived Rome of their favour. We have been defeated. (Dei fauorem a Roma reuocauerunt. superati sumus.)
DeclareWar: My treasury contains little and my soldiers are getting impatient. *sigh* Therefore you must die. (Aerarium meum paucum continet et milites turbidi fiunt...*sigh*...iguitur debes mori.)
Demand: Give us what we want or else endure the consequences. (Da nobis quod uolumus aut consecutiones patere.)
Gloat: The god Mars (god of war) has once again smiled upon us. Thus shall all enemies of Rome be suppressed. (Deus Mars nobis iterum subrisit. Ita omnes hostes Romae comprimentur.)
HateHello: What do you want? (Quid vis?)
Hate Let's Hear It 01: Yes? (Etiam?)
Hate Let's Hear It 02: Continue. (Continua.)
Hate No 01: That is unpleasant/harsh/severe. (Iniucundum est.)
Hate No 02: You can't be serious! (Non potes esse gravis!)
Hate Yes 01: Oh. Good. (Oh. Bene.)
Hate Yes 02: Good. (Bene.)
Neutral Hello: Welcome/hail. (Salve.)
Neutral Let's Hear It 01: Begin. (Incipe.)
Neutral Let's Hear It 02: Continue. (Procede.)
Neutral No 01: No. (Non.)
Neutral No 02: Certainly not! (Certo non!)
Neutral Yes 01: Good. (Bene)
Neutral Yes 02: I agree. (Consentio.)
Peaceful: Your soldiers fought well. I congratulate you on your victory. (Milites tui bene pugnaverunt. Te gratulor propter victoriam tuam.)
Request: I offer this, for your consideration. (Hoc offero, ab te considerandum.)

Attacked: You've mistaken my passion for a weakness, you'll regret about this. Ты принял мою страсть за слабость, ты пожалеешь об этом. Ty prinyal moyu strastʹ za slabostʹ, ty pozhalyeeshʹ ob etom.
DeclareWar: You've behaved yourself very badly, you know it. Now it's payback time. Ты очень плохо себя вёл, ты это знаешь. Настал час расплаты. Ty ochenʹ plokho sebya vël, ty eto znaeshʹ. Nastal chas rasplaty.
Defeated: We were defeated, so this makes me your prisoner. I suppose there are worse fates. Мы были побеждены, так что я становлюсь твоей пленницей. Мне кажется это не самый худший удел. My byli pobezhdeny, tak chto ya stanovlyusʹ tvoyeĭ plennitsyeĭ. Mne kazhet•sya, eto ne samyĭ khudshiĭ udel.
HateHearIt01: And? И? I?
HateHearIt02: Forward. Дальше. Dalʹshe.
HateHearIt03: Go on. Продолжай (Unpleasant tone). Prodolzhaĭ
HateHello: What do you need? Что тебе нужно? Chto tebe nuzhno?
HateNo01: Are you joking?! Ты шутишь?! Ty shutishʹ?!
HateNo02: I beg your pardon!? Прошу прощения!? Proshu proshcheniya!?
HateNo03: This is unacceptable. Это неприемлемо. Eto nepriemlemo.
HateYes01: Oh... Very good. Ох... Очень хорошо. Okh... Ochenʹ khorosho.
HateYes02: I think... I shall agree. Пожалуй, я...соглашусь. Pozhaluĭ, ya... soglashusʹ.
HateYes03: Deal. Договорились (Neat tone). Dogovorilisʹ
Intro: I greet you, stranger! If you are as intelligent and tactful as you are attractive, we'll get along just fine. Приветствую тебя, незнакомец! Если твой ум и такт сравнимы с твоей привлекательностью - мы замечательно поладим. Privet•stvuyu tebya, neznakomets! Yesli tvoĭ um i takt sravnimy s tvoyeĭ privlekatelʹnostʹyu - my zamechatelʹno poladim.
NeutralHearIt01: Go on. Продолжай. (Polite tone). Prodolzhaĭ.
NeutralHearIt02: Speak. Говори. Govori.
NeutralHearIt03: Go on. Продолжай. (same line as 01) Prodolzhaĭ.
NeutralHello: Hello! Здравствуй! Zdravstvuĭ!
NeutralNo01: Ha! Of course not! Ха! Разумеется, нет. Kha! Razumyeet•sya, net.
NeutralNo02: We decline. Мы отказываемся. My otkazyvaemsya.
NeutralNo03: Certainly not. Конечно нет. Konechno net.
NeutralYes01: Deal. Договорились (Polite tone). Dogovorilisʹ.
NeutralYes02: Wonderful. Прекрасно. Prekrasno.
NeutralYes03: Very Good. Очень хорошо. Ochenʹ khorosho.
Peaceful: Now it is time to enjoy the fruits of peace. Теперь пора насладиться плодами мира. Teperʹ pora nasladitʹsya plodami mira.
Request: How would you like it if I propose this kind of exchange? Как тебе понравится, если я предложу такой обмен? Kak tebe ponravit•sya, yesli ya predlozhu takoĭ obmen.

TransAttacked: What?! Y-you? ...מא?! א-אנת ma? a-ant...
Attacked: You are less than a son of a donkey-driver! I shall crush you! תחתי, בר חמר! אדכך! taḥtay, bar ḥammar! adakakh!
HateHello: Ahh, you... אה, אנת... ah, entu...
HateNo1: We say...No! אנחנן אמרין... לא! eneḥnan amrin... la!
HateNo2: Of course not (lit. truly, no!)! לא בשרירא! la bisherira
NeutralHearIt1: You were saying? אנת אמרת? enta amart?
NeutralHearIt2: Onwards, speak! הילך, מר! heylakh, mar!
NeutralHello: Good day to you! יום טב לך! yom tav lakh!
NeutralYes1: Certainly (lit. in truth) בשריר! besherir
NeutralYes2: Good/beautiful! שפיר! shappir!
NeutralNo2: You are not serious! (lit. your heart is not truthful) לבך לא שריר! libakh la sharir!
DariusGreeting: Hello (lit. peace be upon you), I am Darius, the great and outstanding King of Kings. As you surely know already. שלמא עליך, אנא דריהוש מלכ מלכיא פרש רבא. להאן פנא ידעת. shlama 'alikh! ana Darihush malek malkaya paresh rabba. lehan fana yad'at.
DariusHateHearIt1: Go on! (lit. go!) זל! zal!
DariusHateHearIt2: I'm listening (lit. I hear/listen) שמענא sham'na
DariusHateYes1: Very Well. טב סגי tab sagi
DariusHateYes2: Agreed (lit. it has become agreeable) השתווא hishtawe
DariusNeutralNo1: [your offer is] not good enough (lit. it's missing a handful) חפנא חסר
DariusPeaceful: Let's call it a draw? (lit. we will call it even?) נקריא שויא? naqraya shwaye?
DariusDeclareWar: Your ???? is a shame for all the kings such as they are. ???? you must be hanged! (executed by hanging) ערוא אל כל מלכיא בל מהו ???? תליאתך???? ???? arwa el kul malkaya bal mahu. ???? taliyatakh!
DariusDefeated: Woe upon you! The blood of this king *will forever be a shame upon him* (not sure about this part) וי עליך! דמא דמלכנא ??? עלם בוי דהוא wey alekh! dma dhimalkana ???? alam bewey dahu
DariusRequest: Because of all my great and endless ????, just this time, I will face you as an equal. You will now surely accept this [offer], won't you? בכל רביא ????? עלם, פנא שוא לך בקרם. תקבלי, א? bikul rabiya ???? 'alam, fena shwe lakh beqaram. teqabeli eh?

Elizabeth I
English (British accent)
Intro: We are pleased to meet you.
Attacked: We shall never surrender.
Declares War: By the grace of God, your days are numbered.
Defeated: You have triumphed over us. The day is yours.
Hate Hello: Oh, it's you!
Hate Let's Hear It: I'm listening.
Hate Let's Hear It 02: You were saying?
Hate Yes: Oh, very well!
Hate Yes 02: I suppose I must!
Hate No: You cannot be serious.
Hate No 02: Of course not!
Neutral Hear It: Go on.
Neutral Hear It 02: Go ahead.
Neutral Hello: Hello, again.
Neutral No: I beg your pardon?
Neutral No 02: That's unacceptable!
Neutral Yes: Certainly!
Neutral Yes 02: Very well!
Peaceful: Well then, that's settled.
Request: Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England?

Mohandas K. Gandhi
Intro: On behalf of the Indian people, I extend a hand of friendship to you. (भारतीय जनता की ओर से में आपकी ओर दोस्ती का हाथ बढाता हूं।) Bhāratīya janatā kī ōra sē mēṁ āpakī ōra dōstī kā hātha baḍhātā hūṁ
Attacked: Unfortunately, not everyone in my country is as committed to non-violence as I am. (दुर्भाग्यवश, मेरे देश मे हर इंसान अहिंसा के प्रतीत इतना वचनबद नही है जितना की में।) Durbhāgyavaśa, mērē dēśa mē hara insāna ahinsā kē pratīta itanā vacanabada nahī hai jitanā kī mēṁ
Declares War: I have just received a report that large numbers of my troops have crossed your borders. (मुझें अभी-अभी सूचना मिली है की हमारे बहूत अधीक सिपाही आपकी सीमा मे घुस गये हैं।) Mujhēṁ abhī-abhī sūcanā milī hai kī hamārē bahūta adhīka sipāhī āpakī sīmā mē ghusa gayē haiṁ
Defeated: You have defeated the innocent and the helpless. (आपने मासूम और असाह्य लोगों को हरा दिया।) Āpanē māsūma aura asāhya lōgōṁ kō harā diyā
Hate Hello: What do you want? (आप क्या चाहते हैं?) Āpa kyā cāhatē haiṁ
Hate Let's Hear It 01: And? (और?) Aura?
Hate Let's Hear It 02: Continue. (जारी रखें।) Jārī rakhēṁ
Hate Yes: Oh. Very good. (ओह... बहूत अच्छे।) Ōha... Bahūta acchē
Hate Yes 02: I think that I should do this. (In the context of accepting a deal) ( मेरे खयाल से मुझे यह करना ही चाहिये।) Mērē khayāla sē mujhē yaha karanā hī cāhiyē
Hate No: This is not acceptable. (यह मान्यलायक नही हैं।) Yaha mān'yalāyaka nahī haiṁ
Hate No 02: You are probably not serious. (Equivalent of "Surely, you can't be serious?) (आप शायद गंभीर नही हैं।) Āpa śāyada gambhīra nahī haiṁ
Hate No 03: What did you say?! (क्या कहां?) Kyā kahāṁ
Neutral Hello: I wish you peace. (में आपकी शांती की कामना करता हूं।) Mēṁ āpakī śāntī kī kāmanā karatā hūṁ
Neutral Yes: OK. (ठीक हैं।) Ṭhīka haiṁ
Neutral Yes 02: We co-operate. (Less accurately, "We agree.") (हम सहमत हैं।) Hama sahamata haiṁ
Neutral Yes 03: No doubt. (बेशक।) Bēśaka
Neutral No: Very good. (बहूत खूब।) Bahūta khūba
Neutral No 02: No. (नही।) Nahī
Neutral No 03: Absolutely not. (बिलकुल नही।) Bilakula nahī
Neutral Let's Hear It 01: I'm listening. (में सुन रहा हूं।) Mēṁ suna rahā hūṁ
Neutral Let's Hear It 02: Yes? (हां?) Hāṁ
Neutral Let's Hear It 03: What were you saying? (आप क्या कह रहे थे?) Āpa kyā kaha rahē thē
Peaceful: I am happy that it is once again peaceful at our place, even if we had to pay a price for it. ("At our place" may sound awkward, but it was awkwardly translated to begin with.) (मुझे खुशी है की हमारे यहां फिर से एक बार शांती कायम हो गयी हैं, चाहें इसके लिये हमें कीमत चुकानी पडी हो।) Mujhē khuśī hai kī hamārē yahāṁ phira sē ēka bāra śāntī kāyama hō gayī haiṁ, cāhēṁ isakē liyē hamēṁ kīmata cukānī paḍī hō
Request: My friend, are you interested in this arrangement? (मेरे दोस्त, क्या इस इंतजाम में आपकी दिलचस्पी है?) Mērē dōsta, kyā isa intajāma mēṁ āpakī dilacaspī hai?

Harun Al-Rashid
Formal Arabic
Intro: Welcome foreigner, I am Harun Al-Rashid, Caliph of the Arabs. Come and tell me about your empire. .مرحبا أيها العجمي. أنا هارون الرشيد، خليفة العرب. هلم إليَّ وحدثني عن إمبراطوريتك marHeben eyyuhel Ejemeey. enaa haaroon arrasheed, khaleefetul Arab. helumma ileyya wa Heddithnee En imbraaTooreeyatik.
Attacked: Ridiculous! You will soon regret dearly! I swear on that!
.أحمق. سوف تندم أشد الندم. أقسم على ذلك eHmaK. saofa tendemu esheddun nedem. aKsimu Elaa dhaalik.
Declares War: The world will be more beautiful without you. Prepare for war.
.سيكون العالم أجمل من دونك. إستعدٌ للحرب seyekoonul Aalemu ejmelu min doonik. isteEdd lil Harb.
Defeated: You have won, congratulations. My palace is now your possession, and I beg that you care well for the peacock. لقد انتصرت. تهانينا. قصري الآن هو ملكك، وأتمنى أن تهتم جيداً بالطاووس laKadintaSart. tehaaneenen. KaSriyel aan huwa mulkuk, wa etemennaa en tehtemma jeyyiden biTTaawoos.
Demand: Can we do business? Your advisers can explain to you this matter if you do not understand. .هل بإمكاني التجارةُ معك؟ قد يشرح لك مستشاروك هذا الأمر إذا كنت لا تقدرُ على فهمه hel bi imkaanit tijaaratu meEk? Kad yeshreHu leka musteshaarooka haadhel emru idhaa kunta laa taKdiru Elaa fehmih.
Hate Hear it 01: What is this?! ما هذا!؟ maa haadhaa!?
Hate Hear it 02: Finish your speech. .أكمل حديثك ekmil Hedeethek.
Hate Hello: Oh, it's you. .آه...إنه أنت aah... innehu ent.
Hate No 01: This matter is unacceptable. .هذا أمر غير مقبول haadhaa emrun gheyru maKbool.
Hate No 02: You can't be serious about this request. .لا يمكن أن تكن جدًّا في هذا الطلب laa yumkin en tekun jidden fi haadheTTaleb.
Hate Yes 01: Excellent indeed. .حسنا جدا Hesenen jidden.
Hate Yes 02: If I must. .إذا وجب عليَ idhaa wejeba Eleyya.
Neutral Hear It 01: What is this? ما هذا!؟ maa haadhaa!?
Neutral Hear It 02: What were you saying? ماذا كنت تقول؟ maadhaa kunta taKool?
Neutral Hello: Peace be upon you. .السلام عليكم esselaamu Eleykum.
Neutral No 01: Of course not. .كلا kellaa.
Neutral No 02: Certainly not. .بالطبع، لا biTTabE, laa.
Neutral Yes 01: Excellent. .حسناً Hesenen.
Neutral Yes 02: Fabulous. .ممتاز mumtaaz.
Peaceful: We thank you for your generous terms, we shall not be ungrateful about the generosity. .أشكر لكم كرم شروطكم. لن نكون ناكرين للجميل eshkuru lekum karma shurooTikum. len nekoona naakireena lil jameel.
Request: Come forth, let us do business. .تعال، دعنا نتاجر teAala, De'naa nutaajir.

Sources: civilization.wikia.com
Intro: Greetings, Stranger. I am Hiawatha, speaker for the Iroquois. We seek peace with all but we do not shrink from war. (Skana'gá:. Í:naya Hiá:wà:'tha kiehandese. Ne'de yò:ngwe te nuyá:n, nero dinohsun.)
Attacked: You evil creature! My braves will slaughter you! (Ise nesa tá:ksa! Ta diskaregette aye'tin nuá:ria!)
Declares War: You are a plague upon Mother Earth. Prepare for war!
Defeated: You have defeated us - so be it. But our spirits will never be vanquished! We shall return!
Neutral Hello: Good day.
Neutral Hear it 01: Yes? ('Aw?)
Neutral Hear it 02: I'm listening. ('Ya'sa tasudera.)
Neutral Yes 01: Very well. (Fá:gi'wahi.)
Neutral Yes 02: Alright.
Neutral No 01: No. ('Ya.)
Neutral No 02: Certainly not.
Hate Hear it 01: Speak.
Hate Hear it 02: I'm listening. ('Ya'sa tasudera.)
Hate Hear it 03: Oh, it's you. (actually the greeting when he is angry)
Hate Yes 01: Very well. (Fá:gi'wahi.)
Hate Yes 02: I suppose I must.
Hate No 01: You cannot be serious! ('Ya'ne dayenenas.)
Hate No 02: That's unacceptable.
Peaceful: I thank you for your mercy. I pray that we can now be friends.
Request: Does this trade work for you, my friend?

Ramses and Haroun both speak formal Arabic. Its not medieval and still used today in print (newspapers, novels...etc) and formal events.

Source of Translation would be me, an Egyptian whose mother tongue is Arabic. Here are a few translations:


Intro: Greetings, I am Ramesses the God. I am a living embodiment of Egypt, mother and father of civilization.
Attacked: You are a Fool who deserves sympathy. You have doomed yourself and your pathetic civilization. (His use of the word 'pathetic' here could also mean depressing, but I stand by my translation).
Declares War:You are but a pest on this Earth, prepare for your death.
Defeated: Knock me to the ground and my soul will torment yours forever - You have won nothing.
HateHearIt01.mp3: And then?
HateHearIt02.mp3: Continue your speech (In english you would just say 'continue' or 'please continue')
HateHello: Oh its you.
Hate No 01: This is unacceptable
Hate No 02: You cannot be serious about your request
Hate No 03: Excuse me?


Intro: Welcome foreigner, I am Haroun Al-Rashid, Caliph of the Arabs. Come to me and tell me about your empire.

Attacked: Fool! I will make you regret this dearly! I swear it!
Declares War: The world will be more beautiful without you, prepare for war.
Defeated: You have won, congratulations. My palace is now in your possession, I ask that you look after *word I can't make out*
Demand: Can we do business? Your advisers can help you out if you do not understand.

I'll do the rest later when I have some time.
Is there a place where we can find the sound files so I can play them all outside the game? Also, are they titled "Hate No 1" Hate No 2" etc? If so, I could translate Wu Zetian for you
Is there a place where we can find the sound files so I can play them all outside the game?
Yes, it's located in assets/sounds/speech/shared.

Also, translation of Napoleon's replies.

Intro: Welcome. I'm Napoleon, of France; the smartest military in the world history.
Attacked: You've fallen into my trap. I'll bury you.
Declares war: You're disturbing us, prepare for war.
Gloat: I hope you've learned the lesson; I'm invincible.
Defeated1: I commend you for your victory.
Defeated2: I've fought... Do what you want of me.
Peace: It seems I underestimated you. I won't do the same mistake again, I promise you.
Request: France offer you this exceptionnal proposition.
Demand: This is what France demand, your survival depends on your answer.
HateHearIt1: Speak.
HateHello: Shut up.
HateNo: Certainly not.
HateNo2: It's unacceptable.
HateNo3: This is not serious.
HateYes: All right.
HateYes2: I guess I've no choice.
HateYes3: Certainly.
HateYes4: It's all right.
HateYes5: Excellent.
NeutralYes: Excellent.
NeutralHearIt1: Continue.
NeutralHearIt2: I'm listening.
NeutralHearIt3: Go on.
NeutralHearIt4: You were saying?
NeutralHello: Hello.
NeutralNo: We refuse.
NeutralNo2: Of course not.
NeutralNo3: No.
NeutralYes: Very well.
NeutralYes2: Very well.
NeutralYes3: I heard.
My French is not really good, but it suffices for some of napoleon's ramblings:

Edit: But I was too slow.
Sorry :blush:
Well my translations sounds less english, and I may have made mistakes.
Otto von Bismarck
Speaks German.
Translation source: me & Aldor

Intro: In the name of the great German people, I welcome you. ("Im Namen des großen deutschen Volkes heiße ich euch willkommen.")
Attacked: Depraved Villain! We will bring you under the earth! ("Verderbder Bösewicht! Wir werden euch unter die Erde bringen!")
Declares War: I cannot wait until you grow even mightier, therefore: Prepare for war! ("Ich kann nicht warten bis Ihr noch mächtiger geworden seit. Bereitet euch also auf den Krieg vor!")
Defeated: Germany has been destroyed. I weep for the future generations. ("Deutschland ist zerstört worden. Ich weine um die zukünftigen Generationen.")
Hate Hello: Well, Speak! ("Also - raus damit!")
Hate Let's Hear It 01: Well?! ("Und?!")
Hate Let's Hear It 02: Go On! ("Macht schon!")
Hate Let's Hear It 03: Well, tell me! ("Na, sagt schon!")
Hate Yes: Well, ok. ("Also, gut.")
Hate Yes 02: It seems I can't refuse. ("Ich kann wohl nicht anders.")
Hate No: That is unacceptable! ("Das ist inakzeptabel!")
Hate No 02: You can't be serious! ("Das kann doch nich' euer ernst sein!")
Neutral Hello: What now? ("Was nun?")
Neutral Yes : Settled! ("Abgemacht!")
Neutral Yes 02: Allright! ("In Ordnung!")
Neutral No: No. ("Nein.")
Neutral No 02: We do not accept. ("Wir nehmen es nicht an.")
Neutral Let's Hear It 01: What did you send? ("Was habt ihr gesandt?") - unsure of the last word...
Neutral Let's Hear It 02: Move it! ("Vorwärts!")
Neutral Let's Hear It 03: Yes? ("Ja?")
Peaceful: What do you think about [some undecipherable sound/word] ? ("Was haltet ihr von einem (??)uninschn(?!?) ?") - last word doesn't make sense in german...
Gloat: Well, I hope you have learned your lesson. ("Na gut, ich hoffe Ihr habt jetzt Eure Lektion gelernt.")
Demand: Give us what we demand, if you want your wretched country to survive. ("Gebt uns, was wir verlangen, wenn euer jämmerliches Land überleben soll.")
Request:It would be in your best interest, to carefully consider this proposal. ("Es wäre in Eurem Interesse, dass Ihr dieses Angebot sorgfältig prüft.")

ok - this should be all now.

I would like to add that some of these translations aren't literal - I took the freedom to switch some words in order for the sentences to make sense.
Further I would like to add that this is not "proper" german as I use it every day. For example I have never heard anyone using the word "Bösewicht", which I have translated as "villian", when adressing someone - only when talking about a book or movie do you use this word... I wonder who did the translation for them...

Oh, and I haven't heard the "Gloat" and "Demand" yet.
Most often I hear the "Request" - which is as unfitting as the english talk.
I'll do one for Ramkhamhaeng tomorrow if I get the time.
Transcription of Napoleon's speech;
Intro: Bienvenue, je suis Napoléon, de France; le militaire le plus intelligent de l'histoire mondiale.
Attacked: Tu es tombé dans mon piège. Je vais t'enterrer.
Declares war: Tu nous déranges, prépares-toi à la guerre.
Gloat: J'espère que tu as appris ta leçon; je suis invincible.
Defeated1: Je te félicite pour ta victoire.
Defeated2: Je me suis battu... Fais ce que tu veux de moi.
Peace: Il semblerait que je t'aie sous-estimé. Je ne referais pas cette erreur, je te te le promets.
Request: La France t'offre cette proposition exceptionelle.
Demand: Voici ce qu'exige la France, ta survie dépend de ta réponse.
HateHearIt1: Parle.
HateHello: Tais-toi.
HateNo: Certainement pas.
HateNo2: C'est inacceptable.
HateNo3: Ce n'est pas sérieux.
HateYes: D'accord.
HateYes2: J'imagine que je n'ai pas le choix.
HateYes3: Certainement.
HateYes4: C'est d'accord.
HateYes5: Excellent.
NeutralYes: Excellent.
NeutralHearIt1: Continues.
NeutralHearIt2: J'écoute.
NeutralHearIt3: Vas-y.
NeutralHearIt4: Tu disais?
NeutralHello: Bonjour.
NeutralNo: Nous refusons.
NeutralNo2: Bien sûr que non.
NeutralNo3: Non.
NeutralYes: Très bien.
NeutralYes2: Très bien.
NeutralYes3: Entendu.
Even though some leaders speak a different language, what they say sometimes sounds like something in English.

Ever notice Caesar always opens with what sounds like 'fukoffero'.
I corrected the intro on the Ramessess translation after listening to it again with my brother. he says Egypt is the mother and father of civilization - not sure why I had heard it differently the first time *shrug*

After you mentioned the peacock, I realized that is the word I was missing (pronounced ta-wuus in Arabic) from the defeat message. So it goes:

Haroun Defeated: You have won, congratulations. My palace is now in your possession, I ask that you look after the peacock.
Here's one for Wu Zetian. I'm pretty sure for everyone except "Attacked"
Source: Me

Attacked: Hmph, I will slaughter all of you. (Not entirely sure about this one, but it does convey what she's trying to say)
DeclareWar: You won’t ever be able to bother me again. Go meet Yama (King of Hell, in other words, “Go to hell!”).
Declared: You have proven to be a cunning and competent adversary. I congratulate you on your victory.
HateHearIt01: And what else?
HateHearIt02: Keep talking.
Hello: Oh? It’s you.
HateNo01: I cannot accept that.
HateNo02: Sorry. Say that again?
HateNo03: Get out of my face!
HateYes01: I suppose I must accept.
HateYes02: Ah. Very good.
HateYes03: Ah. Very good.
Intro: Greetings, I am Empress Wu Zetian. China desires peace and development. You leave us alone, we’ll leave you alone.
NeutralHearIt01: Continue.
NeutralHearIt02: What?
NeutralHearIt03: Keep going.
NeutralHello: How are you today?
NeutralNo01: Nope!
NeutralNo02: Of course not.
NeutralNo03: Definitely not.
NeutralYes01: Of course.
NeutralYes02: I agree.
NeutralYes03: Excellent!
Request: My friend, do you think you can accept this request?
This is one amazing thread. You have no idea how annoying it was to me to hear one thing, and read something completely different - it was like watching a movie with some lame home-made amateur subtitles - yuck!

Nicely done, thank you! :goodjob:
Excellent guys, thanks so much! Will now busy myself adding in your translations. And yes, if you'd like to provide transcriptions too, that'd be excellent. I'd like to see the written Latin, German and French, myself. I could ask my friend for Mongolian transcriptions but she's busy with collegiate work, so I don't want to pester her more. XD

I think we'd easily be able to get translations for Gandhi, Catherine, Suleiman, Wu and Oda....and I'm sure there's people who speak Mohawk who use the Internet too. Might be tricky to find the Nahuatl speakers though.

"Shimikakan, shimikakan, SHIMIKAKAN!" --Montezuma

One thing that strikes me as curious is how some AI have "Demand" and "Gloat" messages while others don't. I've never heard these ingame (though I have heard Peaceful), so I'm wondering if it's just the case that Firaxis didn't use these because they forgot to get ALL the voice actors to speak their Demand and Gloat lines.

_Axel said:
Well my translations sounds less english, and I may have made mistakes.
No problem! I will fix any grammar mistakes, etc on your behalf. Thanks so much for the translation. :)

Generic Player said:
Ramses and Haroun both speak formal Arabic. Its not medieval and still used today in print (newspapers, novels...etc) and formal events.

Source of Translation would be me, an Egyptian whose mother tongue is Arabic.
Wow! That's really cool. I've only met one Egyptian in my entire life. And Harun was talking about the peacocks in the sound file. The text for one of his defeat messages says so anyway. Thanks for your translations, and please do provide more when you have time!

Thanks Guardian_PL! I do agree that they should have had more of the leader's responses accurately translated. They do that for the defeat/intro messages (or at least, one of the intro translations), but not for anything else. :)
This is my transcription and translation.

He speaks a mix of old-fashioned and modern Thai. At times he speaks *extremely* quickly; there are two phrases that I can't be 100% sure of.

The transcription is easy to do, but translating Thai can be quite difficult in that much of the meaning is lost. English simply doesn't have the required words or expressions to do the job. Nonetheless, I have chosen a fairly literal translation but to better capture what he's saying I'd need to take quite a few liberties. A native Thai speaker could improve this translation.

Attacked: You are evil. I/we will be prepared to deal with you [low-status 'you']. (ผู้คนต่ำช้าเราจะเตรียมพร้อมสำหรับรับมือเจ้า)
DeclareWar: You are a lowly person, yet you are arrogant. I/we will make you sad. With words you have shown yourself to be overconfident. (ผู้คนต่ำต้อยจองหองเราจะทำให้เจ้าเสียใจ กับคำอวดดีของเจ้า)
Defeated: Although I/we shall be defeated, even so, only my/our mere possessions will be bothered to stay over the fire continuously. I/we have no way to choose what else to request. Good luck to you [high-status 'you']! (แม้เราจะแพ้แต่เกรดของเราจะลนอยู่ตลอดไปเราไม่มีทางเลือกใดอีกขอให้ท่านโชคดี) [It's impossible to tell whether he's saying 'ลนอยู่ตลอดไป' or 'รนอยู่ตลอดไป'... both make sense but have quite different meanings.]
Demand: This is an agreement of ours. You [high-status 'you'] shall agree [to the conditions] or you shall agree to die! (นี่เป็นเงื่อนไขของเราท่านจะยอมรับ หรือจะยอมตาย)
HateHearIt01: You say that... (เจ้าบอกว่า)
HateHearIt02: And? (แล้ว) [Devilishly hard to translate.]
HateHearIt03: I invite you to negotiate. (เชิญต่อ)
HateHello: Hello. (สวัสดี)
HateNo01: This is a thing that cannot be agreed on. (นี่เป็นสิ่งที่ยอมรับไม่ได้)
HateNo02: You probably didn't mean that really. (เจ้าคงไม่ได้หมายความเช่นจริงๆ)
HateNo03: You said what? (เจ้าพูดว่าอะไรนะ)
HateYes01: I/we think that you have to make it like that. (เราคิดว่าเจ้าต้องทำเช่นนั้น)
HateYes02: Very good. (ดีมาก)
Intro: I am King Ramkhamhaeng, King of Siam. I regard this occasion as a very great honour, that you are able to come here to visit my country of Siam. (เราพ่อขุนรามคำแหงกษัตริย์แห่งสยาม นับเป็นเกียรติอย่างยิ่งที่ท่านเดินมาได้เยี่ยม ประเทศสยามของเรา)
NeutralHearIt01: Like that? (อย่างนั้นหรือ)
NeutralHearIt02: You say that... (เจ้าบอกว่า)
NeutralHearIt03: I/we am/are listening. (เรากำลังฟังอยู่)
NeutralHello Welcome! (ยินดีต้อนรับ)
NeutralNo01 No. (ไม่)
NeutralNo02 [I'm] not sure. (ไม่แน่นอน)
NeutralNo03 [You] have no chance! (ไม่มีทาง)
NeutralYes01: If [it's] like that. (ถ้าอย่างนั้น)
NeutralYes02: Certainly! (แน่นอน)
NeutralYes03: Okay. (ตกลง)
Peaceful: You are the winner already; but I/we shall come back again in order to get adequate compensation for this [defeat]. (เจ้าชนะแล้ว แต่เราจะกลับมาใหม่เพื่อตอบแทนเจ้าให้สาสม)
Request: Hello. I/we believe that this is an offer that is suitable for both parties. What do you think about it? (สวัสดีเราเชื่อว่านี่เบ็นข้อเสนอที่จะทำสำหรับทั้นสองฝ่ายท่านคิดว่าอย่างไร)

I did want to note that I am sticking as close to a literal translation as possible as long as the meaning is conveyed - e.g. I would translate "grabbing the wolf by the tail" as "job well done" but in most things I will try to stay as accurate as possible, so the speech may not sound like something you would say in English. Where possible I will write the analogous English expression in square brackets []

Ok picking up where I left off


Hate Yes 01: Oh OK
Hate Yes 02: I think I should agree.
Neutral Hear It 01: Go on
Neutral Hear It 02: Speak
Neutral Hear It 03: I am all listening ears [I'm all Ears]
Neutral Hello: May your day be good [Would be used in same context as 'Good Morning'/'Good Evening']
Neutral No 01: No
Neutral No 02: Definitely No
Neutral Yes 01: Very Well
Neutral Yes 02: OK
Peaceful: You know I could have destroyed you, but I am feeling generous today
Request: Generous Egypt makes you this offer.

Aside from the fact that Ramessess never spoke Arabic, the script and the VA do an excellent job sounding regal and official. If I heard it on the phone I knew I would be speaking to someone important.

I will try to get the rest of Haroun's done this afternoon. As for transcribing what they say in Arabic script, it will take some time since I don't have an Arabic Keyboard or fonts loaded, and I probably will not get it done.
This is my transcription and translation.

He speaks a mix of old-fashioned and modern Thai. At times he speaks *extremely* quickly; there are two phrases that I can't be 100% sure of.

The transcription is easy to do, but translating Thai can be quite difficult in that much of the meaning is lost. English simply doesn't have the required words or expressions to do the job. Nonetheless, I have chosen a fairly literal translation but to better capture what he's saying I'd need to take quite a few liberties. A native Thai speaker could improve this translation.

Attacked: You are evil. I/we will be prepared to deal with you [low-status 'you']. (ผู้คนต่ำช้าเราจะเตรียมพร้อมสำหรับรับมือเจ้า)
DeclareWar: You are a lowly person, yet you are arrogant. I/we will make you sad. With words you have shown yourself to be overconfident. (ผู้คนต่ำต้อยจองหองเราจะทำให้เจ้าเสียใจ กับคำอวดดีของเจ้า)
Defeated: Although I/we shall be defeated, even so, only my/our mere possessions will be bothered to stay over the fire continuously. I/we have no way to choose what else to request. Good luck to you [high-status 'you']! (แม้เราจะแพ้แต่เกรดของเราจะลนอยู่ตลอดไปเราไม่มีทางเลือกใดอีกขอให้ท่านโชคดี) [It's impossible to tell whether he's saying 'ลนอยู่ตลอดไป' or 'รนอยู่ตลอดไป'... both make sense but have quite different meanings.]
Demand: This is an agreement of ours. You [high-status 'you'] shall agree [to the conditions] or you shall agree to die! (นี่เป็นเงื่อนไขของเราท่านจะยอมรับ หรือจะยอมตาย)
HateHearIt01: You say that... (เจ้าบอกว่า)
HateHearIt02: And? (แล้ว) [Devilishly hard to translate.]
HateHearIt03: I invite you to negotiate. (เชิญต่อ)
HateHello: Hello. (สวัสดี)
HateNo01: This is a thing that cannot be agreed on. (นี่เป็นสิ่งที่ยอมรับไม่ได้)
HateNo02: You probably didn't mean that really. (เจ้าคงไม่ได้หมายความเช่นจริงๆ)
HateNo03: You said what? (เจ้าพูดว่าอะไรนะ)
HateYes01: I/we think that you have to make it like that. (เราคิดว่าเจ้าต้องทำเช่นนั้น)
HateYes02: Very good. (ดีมาก)
Intro: I am King Ramkhamhaeng, King of Siam. I regard this occasion as a very great honour, that you are able to come here to visit my country of Siam. (เราพ่อขุนรามคำแหงกษัตริย์แห่งสยาม นับเป็นเกียรติอย่างยิ่งที่ท่านเดินมาได้เยี่ยม ประเทศสยามของเรา)
NeutralHearIt01: Like that? (อย่างนั้นหรือ)
NeutralHearIt02: You say that... (เจ้าบอกว่า)
NeutralHearIt03: I/we am/are listening. (เรากำลังฟังอยู่)
NeutralHello Welcome! (ยินดีต้อนรับ)
NeutralNo01 No. (ไม่)
NeutralNo02 [I'm] not sure. (ไม่แน่นอน)
NeutralNo03 [You] have no chance! (ไม่มีทาง)
NeutralYes01: If [it's] like that. (ถ้าอย่างนั้น)
NeutralYes02: Certainly! (แน่นอน)
NeutralYes03: Okay. (ตกลง)
Peaceful: You are the winner already; but I/we shall come back again in order to get adequate compensation for this [defeat]. (เจ้าชนะแล้ว แต่เราจะกลับมาใหม่เพื่อตอบแทนเจ้าให้สาสม)
Request: Hello. I/we believe that this is an offer that is suitable for both parties. What do you think about it? (สวัสดีเราเชื่อว่านี่เบ็นข้อเสนอที่จะทำสำหรับทั้นสองฝ่ายท่านคิดว่าอย่างไร)


wow if you are not thai and can typed/translated this much. you are very good in thai


Defeated: Although I/we shall be defeated, even so, only my/our mere possessions will be bothered to stay over the fire continuously. I/we have no way to choose what else to request. Good luck to you [high-status 'you']! (แม้เราจะแพ้แต่เกรดของเราจะลนอยู่ตลอดไปเราไม่มีทางเลือกใดอีกขอให้ท่านโชคดี) [It's impossible to tell whether he's saying 'ลนอยู่ตลอดไป' or 'รนอยู่ตลอดไป'... both make sense but have quite different meanings.]

should be

he said (ถึงแม้เราจะแพ้ แต่เกรียติของเราจะดำรงอยู่ตลอดไป เราไม่มีทางเลือกใดอีก ขอให้ท่านโชคดี)

Although I/we shall be defeated, but our honor will be there forever. there is not much i/we can do. Good luck to you [high-status 'you'] :goodjob:
Addendum for Bismarck:
Trade request: "It would be in your interest to carefully consider this proposal" ("Es wäre in Eurem Interesse, dass Ihr dieses Angebot sorgfältig prüft!").

Woops, missed that Azalnubizar posted it already, didn't see it in the first post. Sorry.
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