Latin American Civilizations and City-States


Feb 11, 2013
Well, I thought of this thread to discuss designs for Latin America civilizations. I'll post some of my designs that I have been doing after some research. People are free to propose their own designs for Latin America civs. I'll post more design in the next days.
Each design I thought carefully to make them unique in their own way.


Leader 01: Eva Perón
Leader 02: Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear
Start bias: coast, not far from tundra

UA: Paris of South America - Cultural buildings and wonders have double slots for Great Works when built in the capital. When in a Golden or Heroic Age, Argentine cities receive +5% growth for each civilization that Argentina knows and is in a Dark Age, and these civilizations get -5% growth.

Eva Perón' ability: La Dama de los Descamisados - Specialists in Industrial Zones are called "Descamisados" and they grant +2 food, +3 production, +3 culture and +1 loyalty. It allows you to start Evita's Speech city project.
Evita's Speech: cannot be done in more than one city at the same time and can only be done in cities that have Industrial Zone. When active, grants culture and +1 amenity. Upon completion, all Descamisados in the city generate +100% food, production, culture and loyalty over the next 10 turns. This project cannot be done twice in a row in the same city.

Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear' ability: República Radical - International trade routes receive +0.5 gold for each improvement of bonus resource in the origin city. This bonus is doubled during Golden or Heroic Ages.

Unique improvement: Saladero
Available in Mass Production
Can only be built on flat land (except desert and snow).
Cannot be built adjacent to another one.
+1 food
+2 production
+2 gold
+1 extra production and +1 extra gold for each adjacent cow pasture.
International trade routes receive +2 gold for every Saladero in the origin city.

Unique unit: Gaucho - replaces Cavalry. Weaker than the Cavalry (55 combat strength instead of 62). Has 3 charges to build pastures or farms. When a Gaucho builds a pasture or a farm, small boosts of culture and GWAM points are generated.

I made some modifications to my design of Argentina to not be such a blatant cultural civilization. The biggest one is its new unique infrastructure, Saladero now reflects the great importance that the livestock sector has played in Argentina's economy. Its civ ability now more realistically reflects the migratory boost the country enjoyed during periods of great prosperity (or golden ages, if that's what you prefer to call them). Also, I improved Gaucho - now the unique unit has three building charges instead of two. In addition, I removed some bonuses from Evita's abilities. Finally, I added a new leader - Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear. What differentiates him from Evita is that, while the latter encourages its citizens to be more productive for the country, the first will seek the commodity trade to enrich the nation.

Leader: Montezuma
Start bias: close to lakes

UA: Legend of the Five Suns - Can spend builder charges to complete 20% of a district's production cost. The Aztec capital gets +2 housing, besides +1 food, production and gold for every trade route leaving or arriving in the city after Medieval Faires is researched.

Leader ability: Gifts for the Tlatoani - Improved luxury resources provide a extra amenity. +1 combat strength for all units for each different improved luxury resource in Aztec territory.

Unique improvement: Chinampa
Available in Irrigation
Can only be built on lakes.
+1 housing
+3 food
+1 production
+2 gold (after Feudalism)
+1 food for each adjacent Chinampa.

Unique unit: Eagle Warrior - replaces Warrior. This unit is stronger than the Warrior (25 combat strength instead of 20), but they are more expensive to produce or buy. Can capture defeated enemy units, turning them into builders for the Aztecs.

My design for the Aztecs is very similar to Civ6's current Aztec, which is quite historically appropriate, imo. I just made a few changes, deciding to focus a little on their big capital. Also, I find Chinampa something more interesting for a unique infrastructure.

Leader 01: Pedro II
Leader 02: Juscelino Kubitschek
Start bias: close to a coast

UA: Celeiro do Mundo - Farms on bonus resource, lumber mills on jungles, pastures and plantations grant +1 food and +1 production. International trade routes grant +2 gold for each of these improvements in the origin city. Building a farm on a bonus resource triggers a culture bomb, claiming surrounding tiles.

Pedro II' ability: Magnanimous - Gold and faith necessary to recruit Great People is reduced by 30%. Recruiting Great People grants +1 extra era score.
Also grants a unique unit: Voluntário da Pátria - replaces Line Infantry. Available in Nationalism. The unit has the same strength as Line Infantry. However, +5 strength against civilizations with which it has fewer cities than Brazil. Also the unit receives a 50% discount to produce or buy by gold in the first 10 turns after Brazil is the target of a declaration of war. Requires half the niter that is necessary to train Line Infantry.

Juscelino Kubitschek' ability: 50 anos em 5 anos - +50% production towards Industrial Zones, Dams and buildings in these districts. Government Plaza can only be built in Brazilian capital, but it grants +5 culture and +2 culture to adjacent districts. +10% of growth and gold in cities with Industrial Zones, increasing to +15% if the city has a Factory.

Unique improvement: Sambódromo
Available in Opera and Ballet
Limit of one per city
Can only be built on flat land adjacent to an Entertainment Complex or Water Park.
Cannot be built adjacent to another one.
+1 amenity
+2 appeal
+4 culture
+1 extra amenity after Radio
+1 extra culture for every Great Work of Music in the city.
All culture generated is converted into tourism after Flight.
Tiles with Sambódromos cannot be swapped.

Unique unit: Pracinha - replaces Infantry. This unit is weaker than normal Infantry (72 strength instead of 75). However, gets +3 strength when fighting on a continent other than your own and +5 strength if you have a military ally in war against the same enemy you are attacking. No oil required.

The same design I posted in another thread, with some minor changes. Brazil is represented here as an agrarian power that prospers through its productive agribusiness and commodity trade. The Sambódromo gives a more cultural orientation to the civ. Pedro II is a nice and smart guy who sponsors the arts and science, but he can't always be a nice neighbor. Meanwhile, Juscelino Kubitschek will prioritize domestic industry and economic development, managing the country from its modern capital.

Leader: Fidel Castro
Start bias: close to a coast

UA: La Bayamesa - Coastal tiles gain +1 appeal. You have a free access to the Tobacco luxury resource. After Opera and Ballet, you unlock five unique city projects called "Dance Performance", each of which has unique bonuses and can be done in any city:
Danzón: culture when active and +3% permanent culture across the entire Cuban culture generation when complete.
Salsa: culture when active and +3% permanent tourism across the entire Cuban tourism generation when complete.
Bolero: culture when active and a tourism boost in neighboring civilizations or on the same continent as Cuba when complete.
Mambo: culture when active and +1 amenities in all Cuban cities for the next 15 turns when complete, plus a culture boost.
Cha-Cha-Cha: culture when active and a big boost in generating Great Musicians when complete, plus a culture boost.
However, you cannot do two dance performances in a row in the same city and you cannot do more than one dance performance of the same type at the same time.

Leader ability: Viva La Revolucion! - When you liberate a city or city-state, all your land units gain +7 combat strength for the next 10 turns. When at war, both your units and your allies gain +5 combat strength. After the modern era, Great Generals gain the ability of revolutionaries, in which they can be consumed and five units of Guerrilleros are generated automatically

Unique building: Cigar Factory
Replaces Factory
Available in Industrialization
+3 production to all City Centers within 6 tiles of the Factory's Industrial Zone.
+4 culture
+8 tourism
+1 citizen slot
+1 Great Engineer point per turn
Grants a source of the Cigar luxury resource that grants +6 amenities and can be sold to other civilizations from the second source onwards.
However, this building doesn't receive an extra bonus from energy.

Unique unit: Guerrillero - Not buildable and doesn't replace any standard units. And it's not unlocked by technology or civic either. However, from the Modern Era, when Cuba is the target of a declaration of war, you automatically get eight of these units for free on your territory, you get new ones of them for free if other civilizations declare war on you afterward. They have 70 combat strength, +4 extra combat strength fighting on Cuban territory, +4 extra combat strength during Dark Ages, +4 extra combat strength when fighting a unit from a civilization that follows another government instead of yours. There is no gold maintenance cost. Requires no resource.

Cuba is a cultural powerhouse, which benefits from its rich and influential musical and dance rhythms, as well as its beautiful beaches. The Cuban cigar here is not only an important element of its culture, but also of its economy. Fidel Castro and his Guerrilleros will not go easy on any imperialist foreign power that dares against them. However, Fidel can be a good ally.
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Gran Colombia
[in development]

Leader: Sepe Tiaraju
Start bias: close to coast and rivers

UA: Land without Evil - +10% growth and faith for cities that are more than 6 tiles away from the capital, get this double bonus for cities that are more than 12 tiles away from the capital. All non-capital cities receive +4 loyalty. Camps and Breathtaking tiles grant +2 food and +2 faith.

Leader ability: Cacique Sepé - All land military units gain +5 combat strength when fighting within Guarani territory. It has access to the unique casus beli called "Territorial Defense War".
Territorial Defense War: unlocked in Defensive Tactics. It can be used against a power that colonized near to your cities or took Guarani territory through a culture bomb. Generates 0 grievances. +50% production towards land militay units during a Territorial Defense War.

Unique building: Opy
Replaces Shrine
Available in Astrology
+2 faith
+1 citizen slot
+1 Great Prophet point per turn
+1 amenity
When the first Opy is built, you can choose from any follower belief not chosen as part of a religion, and this will be the special bonus of any Opy. However, the Opys don't receive additional faith from religious city-states.

Unique unit: Karaí - unique religious unit that can only be bought by faithh after Astrology and is more expensive than Apostles, but the first Karaí has the same cost of faith as a Missionary. This unit has 3 spread charges and exerts more spread pressure than Apostles. Gain a cultural boost when converting a city for the first time. All military and religious units gain +5 extra combat strength when adjacent to at least one Karaí. When stationed on a city center, Karaí grants +4 loyalty and 10% faith in that city.

Before contact with Europeans, it's known that Guaranis were a decentralized people, in which spirituality was a very important thing to them. It's said that Guarani people were always in search of the "Land without Evil", where there would be no hunger, wars or diseases and that's why they traveled great distances. The Karaís are spiritual leaders with great influence on their people, while the Opys are places of prayer where many religious activities are carried out. Sepe Tiaraju was a Chief who led a rebellion against Portuguese and Spanish due to an unfair treaty on expropriation in which the Guarani people of a region had to evacuate their land.

Leader: Toussaint Louverture
Start bias: close to a coast

UA: La Perle des Antilles - Plantations grant +3 production, +2 faith and +1 gold and builders don't lose charges when building them.

Leader ability: Father of Haiti - Builders have combat strength similar to the most modern recon unit that has been unlocked by Haitian civ, with an extra +1 combat strength for each unused charge.
When Haiti is the target of a war, this allows you to consume a Houngan to start a Rebellion.
Rebellion: unique age of Hatian civilization. It lasts until the current era ends. When activated, it acts as any Dark Ages. However, you get a new age dedication: gets +2 era score when defeating an enemy. Also when activated, grants +50% production towards military units in all cities and all units receive double experience from battles. Only one Rebellion can be done per match.

Unique building: Ounfò
Replaces Temple
Available in Theology
+4 faith
+1 citizen slot
+1 Great Prophet point per turn
+1 relic slot
+1 extra faith and +1 culture for each religion that has at least 1 follower in the city.
Allows the city to buy the Houngan religious unit.
Houngans: have three charges to perform "Vodou Ceremony" in Haitian cities centers, generating a boost of faith according to the number of followers that your official religion has in the city. Also, +15% culture and +3 loyalty in the city during 10 turns. You can't perform this ceremony twice in a row in the same city. They cost as much as Apostles.

Unique unit: Mawon - replaces Pike and Shot. This unit is weaker than Pike and Shot (50 combat strength instead of 55), but receives +10 combat strength during Dark or Rebellion ages. When a Mawon pillages a plantation, you get another free Mawon.

I tried to represent the Haitian Revolution through a unique age related to the leader ability. Regarding to Hatian religious syncretism, I tried to represent it through the Ounfò, which is the temple of Haitian Vodou.

[in development]
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[in development]

Leader 01: Pacal the Great
Leader 02: Lady Six Sky
Start bias: jungle

UA: Mayab - Specialized districts give a major adjacency bonuses (+1.5) to Campus and Holy Site, but these districts don't receive mountain adjacency bonus. Farms and plantations receive +2 food, +1 production and 0.5 housing when adjacent to a Campus. Allows cities with arenas to carry out the Ballgame city project.
Ballgame project: grants +2 amenities when active and a boost of faith and +1 era score when complete.

Pacal's ability: Ajaw of Palenque - +20% production towards districts and buildings in Mayan capital. Temples have a slot for Great Work of Writing, and these works give +2 science and +2 faith when they are placed in temples, but they need to be generated by Pacal. Gains Palace of Palenque building in the Government Plaza.
Palace of Palenque (tier 1)
3 slots for sculptures
+1 housing
+1 amenity
+2 culture
Receive +2 envoys
+3 influence points per turn.
Awards +1 governor title.

Lady Six Sky's ability: Ix Mutal Ajaw - +5 combat strength for all units when fighting against neighbors. Defeating an enemy unit grants +1 era score, +2 when invading a city. +10% faith generation in Golden or Heroic Ages.

Unique improvement: Temple Pyramid
Available in Mathematics
Needs to be build on flat land, except tundra and snow.
Cannot be built adjacent to another one.
+1 science
+2 faith
+1 culture if adjacent to a Holy Site and +1 extra culture for each building in the Holy Site district.
+2 faith if you have founded a religion.
All culture generated is converted into tourism after Flight.

Unique unit: Hul'che - replaces Archer. Has the same combat strength as Archer. +7 ranged strength against wounded units. No movement cost in jungles.

Well, I was inspired by Civ6's current Maya design to create a Maya that is not only scientific, but urban, quite religious and also agrarian. I tried to summarize as many aspects of Mayan culture and history as possible, maybe it got a little messy, I confess. While Pacal is undoubtedly a builder, Lady Six Sky is a terrible warmonger who will cause trouble for her neighbors.

Leader: Benito Juárez
Start bias: inland, close to mountains and volcanoes

UA: Las Tres Culturas - Artifacts collected within Mexican territory grant triple culture and tourism. Religious buildings grant +1 culture. After Nationalism, Monuments give +4 culture, +3 loyalty and +3 tourism.

Leader ability: La Reforma - International trade routes grant +1 amenity in the origin city. Receive +3% culture and +3% generation of Great Writers, Artists and Musicians for each economic and wildcard policy card adopted in your government.

Unique building: Lienzo Charro
Replaces Arena.
Available in Games and Recreation.
+2 amenities
+4 culture
+1 extra cultura (after Cultural Heritage)
+1 extra culture for every horse and cattle in the city.
All culture generated is converted into tourism after Flight.

Unique unit: Rurales - replace Line Infantry. They have three movements (one more than Line Infantry). They grant +4 loyalty when stationed on a City Center. +3 combat strength when fighting inside Mexican territory.

I initially thought of creating an agrarian Mexico, but then I thought Haciendas would be better for Gran Colombia, since this is generic (not related to just one country) in Spanish Latin America and Gran Colombia is the most appropriate civ to have it. I decided to create a cultural Mexico that benefits from its cultural heritages (Mesoamerican, Spanish and Contemporary). A liberal leader who encourages free speech and free markets will make genios around the world attracted to his country.

Leader: Nemequene
Start bias: inland, close to mountains

UA: The Salt and Emerald People - Three sources of the Emerald luxury resource appear near the Muisca start location, they give +2 gold, +1 culture and +4 amenities. After Currency is researched, domestic or international trade routes receive +2 gold for each mine on luxury resource and copper in the origin city. Allows cities to spend gold to buy Tunjo artifact.
Tunjos: unique artifacts of the Muiscas, can only be purchased in cities that have slots for them and they grant +4 culture, +6 faith and +4 tourism. Shrines and Temples have 1 slot for Tunjos.

Leader ability: Code of Nemequene - All cities receive +2 loyalty and +2 production for each military policy card adopted in your government. All military units gain +7 combat strength when fighting against units of free cities.

Unique improvement: Bohío
Available in Irrigation
Needs to be build on grasslands or plains.
Is immune to damage from floods.
+0.5 housing
+2 food
+1 production
+0.5 extra housing for each adjacent Bohío
+1 extra food for each adjacent farm or camp

Unique unit: Guecha - replaces Spearman. Stronger than the Spearman (30 combat strength instead of 25). Receives +50% experience from battles initiated by this unit.

The Muiscas are designed as great ore traders. Their unique artifacts, the Tunjos, can only be obtained by gold and can be used to decorate shrines and temples. While Nemequene with his severe code of laws allows him to bring order to his empire.
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Leader: Po Ngbe
Start bias: flat land, close to rivers and coast

UA: Rubber People - Every time you enter a Normal, Golden or Heroic Age, you receive two free eurekas and inspirations from technologies and civics that no civilization on your continent has researched. Receive +25% extra tourism rate towards other civilizations you have a trade route to. Flat land tiles beside rivers grant +1 food.

Leader ability: Tu Ku - The first governor you recruit will grant +10% to faith, culture, and gold in whatever city that he is established, plus an extra +5 loyalty. Subsequent governors will grant +10% faith in cities that they are established.

Unique improvement: Colossal Heads
Available in Craftsmanship
Needs to be build on flat land, except desert and snow.
+1 faith
+2 culture
+1 extra faith for each adjacent jungle
+1 extra faith for each era since constructed or last repaired
All faith generation is converted into tourism after Flight.

Unique unit: Obsidian Lancer - replaces Spearman. This unit is weaker than Spearman in melee combat (20 combat strenght instead of 25), but they have range attack with 25 combat strenght. Trader units can't be plundered if they are within 4 tiles of a Obsidian Lancer and on a land tile.

Being the first civilization of Mesoamerica, Olmecs were first in many things in their region and their cultural influence extended throughout the area through their great trade network. About their leaders, it is known that their kings were called Tu and their governors referred to as Ku. The little that is known about Po Ngbe is that he was a ruler who belonged to the craftsmen caste and who was possibly buried in a pyramid. As almost nothing is known about him, his ability in my design is to reference Olmec kings and governors through governor bonuses. The first Olmec governor recruited would be a Tu and the following ones would be Ku. Olmec troops used obsidian-tipped spears and clubs, and they were used to support distant trade operations.

Leader: José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia
Start bias: flat grasslands beside rivers, away from the coast.

UA: Paraguái Tavakuairetã - Farms on bonus resources, camps and marshes, as long as they are next to rivers, generate +3 gold, +2 food and +1 production. Flat grassland tiles beside rivers cost half to buy with culture or gold. There is no movement cost when crossing rivers in Paraguayan territory.

Leader ability: Karaí Guazú - Paraguay receives +15% culture and +5 loyalty in all cities if there is no border opening agreement in place. Also, international trade routes generate half gold, but domestic trade routes generate +3 gold, +3 production, +2 food and +2 culture. Tourism from other civilizations against Paraguay is reduced by 15%.

Unique improvement: Reducción
Available in Teocracy
Limit of one per city
Can only be built by a Missionary, which completely consumes it.
+1 culture
+3 faith
+2 housing
Allows the purchase of Missionaries in this city without needing a Shrine.
Missionaries purchased from this city have the ability to convert barbarians to your empire, and each barbarian unit converted generates a culture boost.
Allows this city to receive follower beliefs of all religions with at least one follower in it.

Unique unit: Acá Carayá Cavalry - replaces Cavalry. It has the same combat strength as a common Cavalry, but receives +5 combat strength against neighboring civilizations. In addition, it gains +1 movement when starting to move on a tile beside a river.

Paraguay is represented here as a hybrid with Guarani, especially in the elements of interaction with the map and the Jesuit Missions. During the government of José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia, policies of strong isolation were adopted, encouraging self-sufficient economic growth and a sense of national identity.

Leader: Anacaona
Start bias: island with 6 or 7 tiles in maps with islands. Coast in maps without islands.

UA: Lukku-Cairi - Coastal tiles give +1 food, production and gold. Coastal cities receive +2 housing, +5 loyalty, and +2 culture and faith. All units can embark on Sailing.

Leader ability: Golden Flower - When a Taíno city is invaded, three Taíno anti-cavalry units appear nearby the city. Governors established in Taíno cities invaded by other civilizations grant +4 loyalty per turn in the first 10 turns, instead of +8. Breaking promises against her generate twice as many grievances.

Unique district: Yucayeques
Replaces Holy Site district.
Available in Astrology
Needs to be build adjacent to the City Center.
+1 housing
+1 amenity (after Games and Recreation)
+2 culture (after Mysticism)
+2 faith (its adjacency bonus will always be +2 faith, not receiving adjacency bonus from anything else).
Allows the city to start the Areitos city project, in which turns production into culture and gives a boost of faith when complete, based on how many Great People you have recruited.

Unique unit: Bohique - religious unit that can only be bought by faith after Theology and they are 35% more expensive than apostles. They have 6 charges to heal other religious units or land military units. If no healing charge has been used, you can use the "adviser" option, in which Bohique is immediately consumed and grants a random bonus which can be any of these: culture boost, science boost, gold boost, diplomatic favor boost, a governor promotion or two envoys.

Taíno was a fun civilization to design because it's very unique. I thought of not giving them a unique military unit, but rather a unique powerful religious unit: Bohiques were not only healer priests, but also advisers to the Taino Caciques. The Areitos, religious ceremonies dedicated to the ancestors, will make the Tainos a powerful island religious civilization. Anacaona is a strong woman that will definitely require you to keep your promises.

Leader: Cunhambebe
Start bias: river with jungle around

UA: Amazon Nomadics - Settlers, builders and recon units receive +1 movement and extra sight. Recon units get +10 combat strength when fighting inside Tubi territory and they have 2 charges to build farms.

Leader ability: Tamoyo Confederation - +15% production for military units for each city-state that you are suzerain for the first 10 turns upon receiving or declaring a war. Having a military ally gives you +5 combat strength for all units. Gains +1 trade route capacity with Diplomatic Service.

Unique district: Maloca
Replaces Neighborhood district.
Available in Irrigation
Cannot be built adjacent to another one.
+2 housing
+2 food
+1 culture
+1 extra food for each adjacent river tile.
Get a free recon unit when built.
Trigger a culture bomb when built, claiming surrounding unowned tiles.

Unique unit: Tupiniquim - replaces Scout. This unit starts with the ranger promotion. There is no movement cost when crossing rivers.

Of all the Latin American civilizations I've created so far, this would be my favorite to play. Here I decided to make a different thing with the recon units. The Tupi are an explorer and expansionist civilization, but they don't have remarkable bonuses for any specific type of victory, which makes them quite versatile.
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Militaristic city-state
All military units gain +5 combat strength when fighting adjacent to rivers.

Religious city-state
Allows you to build Nazca Line improvement. Grants +2 faith and 1 culture, besides +1 food and +1 production to adjacent tiles. Needs to be put only on desert tiles.

Industrial city-state
All your cities receive +5% faith for each district they own.

Cultural city-state
+100% culture and tourism for Great Works of Music.

Cultural city-state
Allows you to spend faith to buy the Reggae singer civilian unit. This unit has three charges to perform concerts in other civilizations, generating a boost of culture and tourism.

Trade city-state
Domestic Trade Routes receive +2 gold for each rainforest in the origin city and +1 food for each farm in the destination city.

La Venta
Religious city-state
Allows you to build the Colossal Head improvement. Grants +1 faith and +2 culture, +1 additional faith for each adjacent jungle, +1 additional faith for each era since constructed or last repaired. All faith generation is converted into tourism after Flight.

Trade city-state
Each international trade route generates +10% growth in the city.

Scientific city-state
Cities that have Campus or Holy Site receive +15% growth. Cities that have both districts receive +25% growth.

Cultural city-state
Theater Square and Entertainment Complex grant +1 amenity and +4 culture.

Os Camutins
Cultural city-state
Allows you to build the Teso improvement. Can only be built on grassland floodplains and doesn't take damage from flooding. Grants +3 gold, +2 culture (after Natural History) and +1 housing.

Militaristic city-state
Allows you to spend faith to buy Capoeirista unique military unit. Its combat strength is increased through the eras until the industrial era. The Capoeirista has three charges to peform "Roda de Capoeira", generating a boost of culture and Great Musician points, these boosts are tripled after Opera and Ballet. The Capoeirista disappears when all the charges are spent. This unit also has some unique promotions: extra combat strength during Dark Ages; extra combat strength when defending; generation of Great General points when fighting; receives two new charges of Roda de Capoeira when defeating an enemy unit; and gain a boost of faith by defeating an enemy unit.

Santiago de Chile
Industrial city-state
Mines grant a major adjacency bonus to Industrial Zones (2, instead of 1 or 0.5).

Industrial city-state
All your cities receive +10% production towards districts for every district adjacent to the one being built.

Cultural city-state
All your cities receive +2% culture and faith for every lake and mountain tiles within their boundaries.

Trade city-state
By establishing a trade route with another civilization, you gain a copy of a luxury resource that that civilization has and you don't have in your own empire.
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I like all these ideas, but you might want to add "American" to the name of the thread. I thought we were talking about Italian City-States for a second here. :p
Leader: Eva Peron- Ability- Descamisado- Happy citizens gain 5% production and culture in cities and gain an extra +1GWAM point per turn in Theater Squares and +1 Great Engineer point per turn in Industrial Zones. Ecstatic cities double these bonuses. (Basically Scottish Enlightenment but culture bonuses instead of science)

Civ Ability: Paris of South America- Cities grant extra culture based on how many different ethnicities you have (I'd like there to be an immigration/ethnicity mechanic next game). 20% production towards Theater Square and EC districts and buildings. Bonus resources give your cities +1 amenity.

UU: Gaucho (Cuirassier Replacement)- Use a charge to create a unique Great Work (Writing, Art, or Music). Gain Culture for kills on plains tiles or a tile on, or adjacent, to a pasture.

UB: Tango Salon (Replaces Opera House/early Broadcast Center) at Opera and Ballet- 2 Great Work of Music Slots. Cities can produce a Milonga city project. When completed Milonga city project converts production into culture and amenities.
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Here are some of my ideas that I want to share and maybe you could borrow from.

Spoiler Uruguay :

Jose Artigas of the Uruguayan Empire

Leader Ability: Banda Oriental
While at War with a Major Civilization, City-State Envoy Bonuses are doubled. +2 Envoys whenever Jose Artigas liberates a City, increasing to +4 if is a Capital City.
Will immediately go to War with another Civilization if it declares War on a City-State Jose Artigas is Suzerain of.*
Gain the Los Oriental Unique Unit with Military Science.

Civilization Ability: Los Pueblo Libres
If the Capital has an Established Governor, all Uruguayan Cities within 4 Tiles generate +1 Culture, Food, Production, and +1 Influence Point per turn for every Promotion the Governor has.

Unique Unit: Blandengue
Uruguayan Unique Industrial Era Light Cavalry Unit that replaces the Cavalry.
Pays no Movement and Combat Penalties when Crossing Rivers. Can only be built in the Capital.
Requires 10 Horses to train.

Production Cost: 330

Gold Cost: 1,320

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 6

Combat Strength: 62

Sight Range: 2

Unique Unit: Los Oriental
Uruguayan Unique Industrial Era Melee Unit that replaces the Line Infantry when Jose Artigas leads Uruguay.
+1 Movement and +5 Combat Strength when in Uruguayan Territory.
Requires 10 Niter to train.

Production Cost: 360

Gold Cost: 1,440

Gold Maintenance: 5

Movement Points: 3

Combat Strength: 65

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Saladero
Uruguayan Unique Building that replaces the Workshop.
Pastures in this City provide +1 Food and Production, increasing to +2 Food and Production after completing Industrialization.
Domestic Trade Routes starting from this City provide +2 Food and +1 Amenity to the Destination City.

Production Cost: 195

Gold Maintenance: 1

+3 Production

+2 Food

+1 Amenity

+1 Citizen Slot

+1 Great Engineer Point

Leader Agenda: Tratado del Pilar
Will strive to protect City-States he is Suzerain of. Likes Civilizations that protect City-States they are Suzerain of and disdains those who abandon them.

Greeting: I am General Artigas, a father to my people and my nation. Welcome to Uruguay, my friend.

Agenda Approval: I am glad to see that I have made an example of showing support to one's allies. It is a virtue best emulated.

Agenda Disapproval: It is a sin, wrong and unjust, to abandon your compatriots in need. How would you feel if they so abandoned you?

Attacked: You have mistaken my love of peace for a lack of experience in war. I assure you, the opposite is true.

Declares War on You: For your violations against the rights and freedoms of the Uruguayans, I now declare a war. Brace yourself for the oncoming storm

Defeated: Uruguay has been thoroughly defeated. I hope that the rest of the world can resist your bloodthirsty ambition better than I.

*This triggers even when Jose Artigas is allied with said Civilization.

Spoiler Haiti :

Toussaint Louverture of the Haitian Empire

Leader Ability: Papa Ayiti
+1 Movement and +4 Combat Strength to all Units during a Dark Age, doubled if Haiti is fighting a Defensive War. Pillaging an Improved Luxury Resource provides a free Mawon.
Historic Moments that provide more than +1 Era Score provide -1 less Era Score.

Civilization Ability: Mother of Revolutions
+10% Culture and Production towards Military Units, as well as an additional Military Policy Card Slot while in a Dark Age. Loyalty Penalties for Haitian Cities while in a Dark Age are reversed. Builders receive -1 Build Charge.

Unique Unit: Mawon
Haitian Unique Renaissance Era Melee Unit that replaces the Musketman.
Can build Improvements and Forts, but is not expended after expending all Build Charges. +4 Combat Strength when in a Dark Age.

Build Charges: 2

Production Cost: 220

Gold Cost: 880

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 45

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Citadelle
Haitian Unique District that replaces the Encampment.
Can only be built on Hills or Cliffs, but can be built adjacent to a City Center.
Receive a free Builder in this City after constructing a Citadelle or any of its Buildings.

Production Cost: 27

Gold Maintenance: 1

+1 Great General Point

Citizen Yields (per Citizen): +2 Gold and +1 Production

Trade Yields: Domestic Destination: +1 Production

International Destination: +1 Production

Appeal: -1

Leader Agenda: Soul of a Free Man
Will persevere through Dark Ages. Likes Civilizations that are in Dark Ages and have the same Government, and dislikes those who are in Golden Ages, especially those who have a different Government than him.

Greeting: I am General Louverture, who freed my countrymen from the shackles of tyranny. I hope I may expect that you too fight for liberty.

Agenda Approval: The soul of your people is something to be proud of. They laugh in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Agenda Disapproval: The character of your people cannot be tested when you put your nation on such a pedestal. You are not so glorious as you would have them think.

Attacked: War? No such thing will occur. War would mean valiant battle and brave victories - something your soldiers are incapable of.

Declares War: Today, I begin my campaign against you, a campaign which will destroy a threat to the continued existence of Haiti.

Defeated: You may have taken our cities, but my people would rather die than live in chains.
Leader: Benito Juárez
Start bias: inland, close to mountains and volcanoes

UA: Las Tres Culturas - Artifacts collected within Mexican territory grant triple culture and tourism. Religious buildings grant +1 culture. After Nationalism, monuments give +4 culture, +3 loyalty and +3 tourism.

Leader ability: La Reforma - International trade routes grant +1 amenity in the origin city. Receive +3% culture and +3% generation of Great Writers, Artists and Musicians for each economic and wildcard policy card adopted in your government.

Unique building: Lienzo Charro
Replaces Arena.
Available in Games and Recreation.
+2 amenities
+4 culture
+1 extra cultura (after Cultural Heritage)
+1 extra culture for every horse and cattle in the city.
All culture generated is converted into tourism after Flight.

Unique unit: Rurales - replace Line Infantry. They have three movements (one more than Line Infantry). They grant +4 loyalty when stationed on a City Center. +3 combat strength when fighting inside Mexican territory.

I initially thought of creating an agrarian Mexico, but then I thought Haciendas would be better for Gran Colombia, since this is generic (not related to just one country) in Spanish Latin America and Gran Colombia is the most appropriate civ for have it. I decided to create a cultural Mexico that benefits from its cultural heritages (Mesoamerican, Spanish and Contemporary). A liberal leader who encourages free speech and free markets will make great minds around the world attracted to his country.


Santa Ana a very bad leader choice for Mexico? Or do you intend them to be Wildwest Outlaws themed (Antagonizing Blonde peoples up north by the late quarter of 19th Century into even prsent day maybe?? :p )
And 'Rurales' a light infantry actually? or are they actually akin to American National Guard or Sherriffs?
^ And also Mexico with every European style fancy units like Lancers, Cuirassiers, and Grenadiers were not really that good? especially against American whom didn't have much of fancy units like that particularly with US Army Cavalry is modelled after British Light Dragoons and nothing else.
^ And also Mexico with every European style fancy units like Lancers, Cuirassiers, and Grenadiers were not really that good? especially against American whom didn't have much of fancy units like that particularly with US Army Cavalry is modelled after British Light Dragoons and nothing else.
America had fancy regiments modeled on European units, as well. For example, Zouaves became popular during the Mexican-American War and were widely used by both sides in the Civil War. Unfortunately, most Zouave regiments proved to be much more impressive on the parade grounds than the battlefield...
Uruguay :
Spoiler :
Jose Artigas of the Uruguayan Empire

Leader Ability: Banda Oriental
While at War with a Major Civilization, City-State Envoy Bonuses are doubled. +2 Envoys whenever Jose Artigas liberates a City, increasing to +4 if is a Capital City.
Will immediately go to War with another Civilization if it declares War on a City-State Jose Artigas is Suzerain of.*
Gain the Los Oriental Unique Unit with Military Science.

Civilization Ability: Los Pueblo Libres
If the Capital has an Established Governor, all Uruguayan Cities within 4 Tiles generate +1 Culture, Food, Production, and +1 Influence Point per turn for every Promotion the Governor has.

Unique Unit: Blandengue
Uruguayan Unique Industrial Era Light Cavalry Unit that replaces the Cavalry.
Pays no Movement and Combat Penalties when Crossing Rivers. Can only be built in the Capital.
Requires 10 Horses to train.

Production Cost: 330

Gold Cost: 1,320

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 6

Combat Strength: 62

Sight Range: 2

Unique Unit: Los Oriental
Uruguayan Unique Industrial Era Melee Unit that replaces the Line Infantry when Jose Artigas leads Uruguay.
+1 Movement and +5 Combat Strength when in Uruguayan Territory.
Requires 10 Niter to train.

Production Cost: 360

Gold Cost: 1,440

Gold Maintenance: 5

Movement Points: 3

Combat Strength: 65

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Saladero
Uruguayan Unique Building that replaces the Workshop.
Pastures in this City provide +1 Food and Production, increasing to +2 Food and Production after completing Industrialization.
Domestic Trade Routes starting from this City provide +2 Food and +1 Amenity to the Destination City.

Production Cost: 195

Gold Maintenance: 1

+3 Production

+2 Food

+1 Amenity

+1 Citizen Slot

+1 Great Engineer Point

Leader Agenda: Tratado del Pilar
Will strive to protect City-States he is Suzerain of. Likes Civilizations that protect City-States they are Suzerain of and disdains those who abandon them.

Greeting: I am General Artigas, a father to my people and my nation. Welcome to Uruguay, my friend.

Agenda Approval: I am glad to see that I have made an example of showing support to one's allies. It is a virtue best emulated.

Agenda Disapproval: It is a sin, wrong and unjust, to abandon your compatriots in need. How would you feel if they so abandoned you?

Attacked: You have mistaken my love of peace for a lack of experience in war. I assure you, the opposite is true.

Declares War on You: For your violations against the rights and freedoms of the Uruguayans, I now declare a war. Brace yourself for the oncoming storm

Defeated: Uruguay has been thoroughly defeated. I hope that the rest of the world can resist your bloodthirsty ambition better than I.

*This triggers even when Jose Artigas is allied with said Civilization.
Don't really care for Uruguay, but I'd love for Montevideo to get in as a city-state. I've always liked that name for reasons. :)

Uruguay is too small to be a civ.
However, I think Montivideo would be interesting enough as a cultural city-state and a substitute for Buenos Aires, since the city is one of the birthplaces of Tango alongside the Argentine capital. Also, Uruguay was the first country to host a soccer world cup, Montivideo could get some bonus for amenities or sporting events.

Haiti :
Spoiler :
Toussaint Louverture of the Haitian Empire

Leader Ability: Papa Ayiti
+1 Movement and +4 Combat Strength to all Units during a Dark Age, doubled if Haiti is fighting a Defensive War. Pillaging an Improved Luxury Resource provides a free Mawon.
Historic Moments that provide more than +1 Era Score provide -1 less Era Score.

Civilization Ability: Mother of Revolutions
+10% Culture and Production towards Military Units, as well as an additional Military Policy Card Slot while in a Dark Age. Loyalty Penalties for Haitian Cities while in a Dark Age are reversed. Builders receive -1 Build Charge.

Unique Unit: Mawon
Haitian Unique Renaissance Era Melee Unit that replaces the Musketman.
Can build Improvements and Forts, but is not expended after expending all Build Charges. +4 Combat Strength when in a Dark Age.

Build Charges: 2

Production Cost: 220

Gold Cost: 880

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 45

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Citadelle
Haitian Unique District that replaces the Encampment.
Can only be built on Hills or Cliffs, but can be built adjacent to a City Center.
Receive a free Builder in this City after constructing a Citadelle or any of its Buildings.

Production Cost: 27

Gold Maintenance: 1

+1 Great General Point

Citizen Yields (per Citizen): +2 Gold and +1 Production

Trade Yields: Domestic Destination: +1 Production

International Destination: +1 Production

Appeal: -1

Leader Agenda: Soul of a Free Man
Will persevere through Dark Ages. Likes Civilizations that are in Dark Ages and have the same Government, and dislikes those who are in Golden Ages, especially those who have a different Government than him.

Greeting: I am General Louverture, who freed my countrymen from the shackles of tyranny. I hope I may expect that you too fight for liberty.

Agenda Approval: The soul of your people is something to be proud of. They laugh in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Agenda Disapproval: The character of your people cannot be tested when you put your nation on such a pedestal. You are not so glorious as you would have them think.

Attacked: War? No such thing will occur. War would mean valiant battle and brave victories - something your soldiers are incapable of.

Declares War: Today, I begin my campaign against you, a campaign which will destroy a threat to the continued existence of Haiti.

Defeated: You may have taken our cities, but my people would rather die than live in chains.

I liked your design. Unfortunately, many elements of Haitian history and culture are difficult to be reflected in Civ, such as revolution and religious syncretism, because the game lacks these mechanisms.

Santa Ana a very bad leader choice for Mexico? Or do you intend them to be Wildwest Outlaws themed (Antagonizing Blonde peoples up north by the late quarter of 19th Century into even prsent day maybe?? :p )
And 'Rurales' a light infantry actually? or are they actually akin to American National Guard or Sherriffs?

Well, I chose Benito Juárez because he seems to be the most outstanding leader in Mexican history, as well as having a very remarkable leader unique ability. But I can make room for the inclusion of more leaders in the future.
Uruguay is too small to be a civ.
However, I think Montivideo would be interesting enough as a cultural city-state and a substitute for Buenos Aires, since the city is one of the birthplaces of Tango alongside the Argentine capital. Also, Uruguay was the first country to host a soccer world cup, Montivideo could get some bonus for amenities or sporting events.
In the back of my mind I've wondered if it would be possible to create a set of city-states based around amenities/happiness. If so Montevideo could be one of them.
That being said Buenos Aires is Industrial in Civ 6. :p
However I think I would have personally switched Buenos Aires and Mohenjo-Daro around, making Mohenjo-Daro industrial instead and making Buenos Aires cultural.

I liked your design. Unfortunately, many elements of Haitian history and culture are difficult to be reflected in Civ, such as revolution and religious syncretism, because the game lacks these mechanisms.
I overall like the design too. I think the one thing I'd change is the unique infrastructure to not make them overly militaristic. I was thinking a unique shrine or Holy Site to reflect maybe Haitian Voudou which could also provide culture and a free Mawon unit in certain eras. It was at a Voudou ritual site where the idea of the slave revolt began.

That being said the Citadelle Laferriére would make a great world wonder built on a mountain.
Leader: Toussaint Louverture
Start bias: close to a coast

UA: La Perle des Antilles - Plantations grant +2 production, +2 faith and +1 gold, these bonuses are doubled after Mercantilism. Encampments can only be built on hills, but they grant +5 culture, which is converted into tourism after Flight.

Leader ability: Father of Haiti - Builders have combat strength similar to the most modern recon unit that has been unlocked by Haitian civ, with an extra +2 combat strength for each unused charge.
When Haiti is at war, it allows you to start Rebellion city project.
Rebellion project: cannot be done in more than one city at the same time. When active, grants +35% production to military units in all cities. Upon completion, it grants three free anti-cavalry units and all military units receive double experience from battles over the next 12 turns, plus +5 era score. Only one rebellion project can be done per era. This project is twice as expensive to produce as a normal district project.

Unique building: Ounfò
Replaces Temple
Available in Theology
+4 faith
+1 citizen slot
+1 Great Prophet point per turn
+1 relic slot
+2 extra faith for each religion that has at least 1 follower in the city.
Allows the city to buy the Houngan religious unit.
Houngans: have 3 charges to heal other religious units or land military units. Every time they heal a unit, a small boost of faith is generated. They are more expensive than Missionaries and Gurus, but cheaper than Apostles.

Unique unit: Mawon - replaces Pike and Shot. This unit is weaker than Pike and Shot (50 combat strength instead of 55), but receives +10 combat strength during Dark Ages. When a Mawon pillages a plantation, you get another free Mawon.

So here's my design for Haiti. I tried to represent the Haitian Revolution through a city project related to the leader ability. Regarding to Hatian religious syncretism, I tried to represent it through the Ounfò, which is the temple of Haitian Vodou. The Encampment bonus is a reference to Citadelle Laferriére, but I can change this if Henri Christophe is included as an alternate leader.

That being said Buenos Aires is Industrial in Civ 6. :p

True, I just think Buenos Aires would be better as a cultural city-state. Furthermore, there are already many modern cities as industrial city-states, and many of them could function perfectly as something else.
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Well, I chose Benito Juárez because he seems to be the most outstanding leader in Mexican history, as well as having a very remarkable leader unique ability. But I can make room for the inclusion of more leaders in the future.
Options for Mexico's leaders:

S- Tier (Great leaders with significative legacy, interesting personality and positive image).
- Benito Juárez, native Zapotec peasant that turn to be a model student of incorruptible moral, grew up as a leader of the liberal democratic republican movement, elected president and defeated the frech intervention, reformed all the goverment system and started the modernization of the country.

A- Tier (Good leaders that have a positive legacy)
- José María Morelos, for Mexico's independence war theme was a priest that unlike Hidalgo actualy had good militar sense and a proper plan for a new nation.
- Vicente Guerrero, afromexican that was the second president of Mexico, a mexican war of independence militar hero, abolished slavery, later when Spain tried the reconquest of Mexico it defeated and even was preparing to invade and liberate Cuba, finally was betrayed, treacherously caught, illegally prosecuted and executed.
- Lázaro Cárdenas, for a post-revolution 20th century, consolidate the peace and the state carry out huge social reforms, modernization and the nationalization of key means of production and infrastructure.

B- Tier (Interesting leaders with pros and cons)
- Agustín de Iturbide, criollo militar who originally fought in the royalist but changed side to become the first emperor of Mexico (from California to Costa Rica) but was deposed, exiled and executed by republicans.
- Porfirio Díaz, militar hero of the Guerra de Reforma who defeated the french troops, was elected president but turn to be a long lasting dictator. His goverment had the motto of "Order and Progress" that actualy fit very well since it was ruthless but certainly modernized the country like no other.

C- Tier (Recognized but bad leaders)
- Miguel Hidalgo, the official founding father of Mexico but in reality a terrible militar that started a directionless and bloody war in name of Fernando VII that destroyed the economy that at the end was won by the elites.

F- Tier (Official villains and bad leaders)
- Antonio López de Santa Anna, criollo aristocrat who was part of the royalist, then supposed loyal to Iturbide ended betraying the emperor, changed side multiple times to be president/dictator, pompous, inefficient and treacherous and lost half the national territory, exiled multiple times.

Even Kaiser Willhelm II for Germany would be better than Santa Anna for Mexico, he is a big NO.
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True, I just think Buenos Aires would be better as a cultural city-state. Furthermore, there are already many modern cities as industrial city-states, and many of them could function perfectly as something else.
I agree. Being called the "Paris of South America" should have made them a cultural city-state in my opinion. Like I said above I would have switched them with Mohenjo-Daro, making them an Industrial city-state in the base game instead of cultural, because of their success in engineering, city planning and water systems in the Ancient Era.
Palenque de San Basilio as a City-State
Also i have a done a Muisca civ concept before (really my most wanted as someone who is from Cundiboyacense area)
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