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LC's Deity LP #3(Babylon, Pangaea, Standard)

Light Cleric

ElCee/LC/El Cid
Feb 5, 2011
Here's LP #3. The goal here is going to be a Science Victory, although there will probably be some killing along the way; it's hard to get a tech advantage like Bablyon does and not abuse it to blow things up :D

My hope is that I can get one more LP after this one before BNW(I forgot BNW is July 9th not 19th).

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Thanks for doing these LP's as they are absolutely fantastic. I rarely post in these forums, but I just wanted to thank you for the content. I have some questions for you also.
1) Do you ever restart if you don't like the starting location?
2) In all your LP's so far you have had your opponents settle very close to you. Rome and Siam were right next door in the China LP. Korea was just to the north in the Sweden series, and in this Babylon LP you are just getting swarmed early. Do you prefer to be settled close to others civs (makes the game more interesting)? I ask this because I have started playing around in deity now and I rarely see civs settle as close (as early) as they do in your games.
3) Do you you ever take the liberty policy tree?
4) How many cities do you typically try to settle?
5) What turn number is your goal for getting the NC finished by?

I'm sure I have more questions, but that is it for now. Thanks again.
That double-DoW right at the start was funny, as well as your reaction to all the civilizations you met.
Meant to update this over the weekend but apparently CFC caught a bad case of blowing up. Episode 8 will be up soon. :p

This game is quite weird and is going a bit slower than a usual tech game. No faith pantheons and no religious CS in the game at ALL meant I was SOL with faith-buying GSes/GE for Hubble, 2 early DoWs slowed me down, Plains tiles SUCKING for food, no room, needing to sidetrack to Artillery to get America off my back, PT being less useful because of my research agreement partners getting murdered...you know, little stuff like that :lol:

Thanks for doing these LP's as they are absolutely fantastic. I rarely post in these forums, but I just wanted to thank you for the content. I have some questions for you also.
1) Do you ever restart if you don't like the starting location?
2) In all your LP's so far you have had your opponents settle very close to you. Rome and Siam were right next door in the China LP. Korea was just to the north in the Sweden series, and in this Babylon LP you are just getting swarmed early. Do you prefer to be settled close to others civs (makes the game more interesting)? I ask this because I have started playing around in deity now and I rarely see civs settle as close (as early) as they do in your games.
3) Do you you ever take the liberty policy tree?
4) How many cities do you typically try to settle?
5) What turn number is your goal for getting the NC finished by?

I'm sure I have more questions, but that is it for now. Thanks again.

First of all, thanks. :)

1)Yes but not nearly as much as I used to. I'll play things out and if they're still enjoyable then I'll keep going. For an LP I will be more picky; I have thrown out extremely bad(I somehow only got 1 luxury near my capital...and extremely good starts(4 Salt with Floodplains/Desert Hills everywhere) because neither are great entertainment. I prefer an "average" start for those purposes.
2)Yes and no. Yes because it gives me a chance to counterattack them, no because it's kind of dumb not being able to experiment a ton when the AI totally spams you in by turn 30. The AI gets 2 Settlers on Deity which makes it really hard to find land. If I do a wide LP(see #3) I'll probably do it on a Pangaea Plus ala MadDjinn's Maya game but not ICSing.
3)I do take Liberty. In the Sweden game my strategy was mid-game oriented with the Caroleans so I went Tradition there, and with Bablyon I went Tradition because that's a total no-brainer with science. In hindsight Liberty would have actually been better in my China game because I could have saved a lot of hammers and stuff. Hopefully I can squeeze one last quick LP with like Rome or something before BNW, 4th of July on Thursday so I'll be somewhat busy but I got Friday off so I have a long weekend to maybe marathon something ::lol:
4)If I go Tradition I aim for 2-3 counting the capital. I find going 4 is very difficult unless you're pretty isolated simply because you have to spend money/hammers on the Settler and defend that extra front. If I'm Liberty I can go a bit wider because it takes much less time to do so and lets me build more Archers in the interim for defense.
5)I'm usually pretty flexible on NC because I prefer to have an army first. My aim is turn 85-90 but anything under t100 is acceptable to me depending on the circumstances(heavy war). For Bablyon/Korea it's much earlier, I could have easily had like t65-70 NC in my LP had I not been swarmed unusually hard, and you can even get earlier than that with Bablyon since you can skip Construction entirely.
LC, what in your opinion is the top three civs? And your bottom three civs? Also, what civ would you have liked being redone?

Excellent LP btw. I really like the fact that you're clearly more aggressive than regular players, while still thinking through your moves from a diplomatic perspective. You rarely make stupid strategic moves. (well except for not befriending Sweden again... you do need extra GS, and their extra 10% could have helped...)
Also your tactics/unit handling is superb.


And make sure you get BNW! :)
Thanks for another great LP. Have you given any thought to a BNW LP? I personally would love to see you go for a domination victory with any of the new civs. Maybe Assyria or someone more war oriented. The new paths to victory are fine and all, but everyone seems to be complaining about the difficulty (or impracticality) of domination in BNW.

Also, it would be pretty cool to see a Let's Play with civilizations other than the Shoshone and Venice. There is nothing wrong with those civs, but it would be nice to see some more flavor in the LP community. Again, thanks a lot for the videos. I credit you for helping me finally win this game on deity.
I'm actually processing a Poland LP video right now and will start uploading it in like 20 minutes ;)

I decided to go with Poland because their UA is entertaining and has some cool stuff you can do with it especially now that Piety/Rationalism are no longer mutually exclusive. I know Primeval is doing the Shoshone and MD is doing Venice. The Shoshone are cool but not quite up there on the list I wanted to do first, and Venice seemed like it would bore the hell out of me so I wasn't doing it anyway :lol:. I think my #2 will probably be Indonesia on an Archapelago or something, I like their concept but their UA is hard to use on anything above maybe Large Islands. I also haven't done any naval combat in my LPs so that would be a good chance.

And glad I was able to help you out :D
I'm actually processing a Poland LP video right now and will start uploading it in like 20 minutes ;)

I decided to go with Poland because their UA is entertaining and has some cool stuff you can do with it especially now that Piety/Rationalism are no longer mutually exclusive. I know Primeval is doing the Shoshone and MD is doing Venice. The Shoshone are cool but not quite up there on the list I wanted to do first, and Venice seemed like it would bore the hell out of me so I wasn't doing it anyway :lol:. I think my #2 will probably be Indonesia on an Archapelago or something, I like their concept but their UA is hard to use on anything above maybe Large Islands. I also haven't done any naval combat in my LPs so that would be a good chance.

And glad I was able to help you out :D

Awesome, I look forward to seeing it. I started a Pangaea with Poland this morning and royally f'd it up. I for some reason though the Winged Hussar was a cavalry replacement (probably confused it with the Berber Cavalry). I had a bunch of knight units waiting to upgrade once I hit military science, only to realize my lone pike was my only up-gradable unit. I scrapped that game.

Also, I already beat the game with Venice, and it was boring. I pumped out tons of great merchants of Venice and easily won with diplo victory. I actually felt it was kind of a cheap and easy win. Anyway, look forward to seeing the new LP.
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