I haven't really played Civilization IV (spelt the ******ed American way instead of the correct Civilisation of all lands that actually speak a language that actually resembles English) all that much in recent times, but the few I have, the pesky little annoying leaders that are always at my throat seem to really keep annoying me. I mean, sometimes there are just leader who I think deserve a Cricket Bat in the face, a bit like Kevin Rudd. I mean, in the good ol' days Cyrus was just always there and in the heat of the situation. There I am, branding those bloody Frenchy’s and Americans (both at the same time) with the colour of a true Civilisation; England, Germany, Egypt or my personal favourites, the great Romans (much better than those diving little... who inhabit their great lands now)... you know, a nation with some balls. Then all of a sudden, while I'm handing certain parts of them back to them on a silver platter, Cyrus, out of nowhere decides: Opportunity and then comes through and takes all the undefended cities on the other side, like a bloody Italian (WWI, screw you Italy). So there I am, wasting all that time and effort, I have just made Washington and Napoleon kiss my shoes and then get in the kitchen and make me a Sandwich and all of a sudden I don't get to have it. Like the Italians in both world wars, just a complete snake. Now if this was real life and not a computer game, instead of quite literally chowing down on my motherboard I would have probably started by getting my good old rugby boots out and stomping the . .. .. .. .. .es face into the ground. Hopefully after this he would still be breathing so I could then make him continue what my slaves (France and the US) were doing before he Italianed up the situation. Then balence would be restored and would still have all of my teeth.
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Moderator Action: Warned! - Trolling and Language
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889