Final one then. I've never played Fallout, so I've no idea whether the Brotherhood of Steel is some kind of reference. I've also had to change Debbie's name to Trudy, for reasons which may not be obvious at first:
"...Following the onset of the Scourge a number of eschatological cults appeared. Although some of these cults were led by vainglorious madmen who genuinely believed their own self-deluded prophecies, many more were led by charismatic charlatans, preying on the weakness of those around them.
One notable character from this timeframe is Trudy Jensen. As is the case with most historical figures in the dark times that followed the Scourge, the precise details are sketchy. A recently recovered copy of her CV shows that she held a BSc (Exon) in Mine Engineering from Camborne School of Mines, that she was of Danish extraction and that her hobbies included electronics and conjuring tricks.
Jensen first came to prominence after the Miracle of Worlds End Harbour. The details of the occurrence are well recorded in many documents and records and it is beyond the scope of this analysis to record more than the briefest facts. Suffice to say that the missile was eliminated before it struck it's target. A number of eye-witnesses report that the missile was struck by lightning, although there is very little evidence which can be found to support this theory. The best weather forecasts at the time show that the nearest build of atmospheric pressure sufficient to produce the required lightning strike was more than 180 miles away. A more palatable alternative is that the missile detonated due to an error in it's timing system.
Jensen claims to have been personally responsible for the destruction of the missile headed towards Worlds End. The full story is lost to the mists of time but Cecil Raffs famous painting of her calling forth the lightning has struck a popular chord with many viewers. It is, however, this authors belief, that this paints far too simplistic a vision of the events.
Those that believe Jensens account of the events agree that her story begins with her discovery of her dying father on Worlds End beach shortly before the Scourge. In one biography, Jensens claims:
I had always known I would find him upon that beach, nine steps from the final battle. He was wounded beyond repair and I began to weep for him, but he would not bear to see my tears. He told me that I was his daughter and that I must continue his work against the wolf. With his dying breath he presented me with his most potent symbol and I knew exactly what was expected of me.
New Edda, K L R Fulz
The corpse was burnt on a pyre a few days later, but a chance photograph taken before the funeral remains. The photo shows Jensen weeping over her father. The image of Jensen is somewhat unfocussed, but her father or the man she claims to be her father - can be seen clearly. He is red headed with a full-beard. His complexion suggests that he is probably of north European origin. His body is muscular and well-toned, but there are numerous deep gashes in his side. These wounds would seem to be consistent with those found on the body of sailors who have been attacked sea serpents.
This presents us with the first of many tautologies: Jensen claims that she found the body before the Scourge, but the Serpents which plagued the high seas were products of the radioactive wastes in the waters. The best of estimates of our biologists place the existence of such creatures at least ten to fifteen years afterwards. Furthermore the size of the wounds suggests that the creature responsible for the damage was of a significant order of magnitude greater than those found today.
Close examination of these pictures reveals another clue. The unnamed subject in the photograph is wearing a pair of weathered boots, as might be found on some older sailing vessels. Scrutiny of this image under an electro-microscope has revealed a partial name (..ria Mor...) sewn into the lining of the boots. The origins of this name have puzzled linguists for some years now, but the presiding theory accepted by most academics is that this may have been one of the many fashion labels that existed prior to the Scourge.
The question also remains as to where the mysterious figure was washed up from. One of the more outlandish fallacies is that he was employed on a Scandinavian warship which was engaged in a conflict with timber smugglers working for the Naglfar crime syndicate. Whilst this theory does account for his complexion and general physique, the premise breaks down under close analysis of the facts. Even the least conservative estimates based on the logs of the GPS signals which were beamed to satellites prior to the magnetic pulse that eliminated their feed place the nearest warship sixty leagues from the coast... clearly far beyond the distance where he might be expected to wash up on Worlds End beach shortly afterwards.
Indeed there is no evidence at all that the figure washed on a beach at all. In the chaos that followed immediately after the Scourge, it would not be difficult to locate a corpse, though the distinctive wound markings do seem a little more difficult to replicate.
Let us move onto Jensen herself. Many of the powers she is claimed to have held can be mimicked, either through simple prestidigitation or else via electronic devices. Her gauntlets, for instance, upon which electricity was meant to play, can be simulated using equipment found in any modest electrical store from the time. The crows which perched upon her shoulders could have been trained after the Scourge. And her trademark weapon, which was said to return to her hand upon striking her foes, can be recreated through the suitable application of magnetism.
It is also germane to recall that Jensen had experience in the field in the field of media manipulation. In a radio interview with legendary Disc Jockey Re:Near, Jensen states:
"...Mum used to be a secretary in an advertising firm. I guess I was always destined to be a bit of a loudmouth..."
Voice of the Badlands The Early Interview Tapes
With a gift for self-promotion, it seems not only possible, but highly probable that Jensen weaved a Nordic Mythology around herself in the hope of providing some means of control over events. It has already been proven that even in the best of times, men tend to conform to the common standards of those around them. How much easier then would rumours spread in a world of panic and turmoil, where many are desperate for leadership.
Despite these flaws it would be unfair to castigate Jensen as a greedy opportunist. Her early victories over the raiders and savages of the times united people behind her and provided a solid base of popular support to lead them onto greater glories. Indeed, in a world without staples, scruples or safety, Jensen provided those around her with perhaps the most precious resource of all: Hope.
Source: ENDTIMES: A studied analysis of the tribes, warlords and mythologies that emerged after the Scourge By Allan Davids
So either she's the reincarnation of Thrud, the daughter of Thor or else she's damn clever and using the ancient Norse myths as a means to galvanise her people. I figured I'd drawn on quite a lot of Christian themes in some of the other backgrounds, so went for Ragnarok this time round. I hope you appreciate the "nods" to some of the people who contributed to this project.
Cities: Anything Nordic. Valhalla, Asgard, Aesir, Jotunheim, Yggdarsyl....
Flag: Use the Viking one.