Wanted in Monte Carlo...
Here's one for Kilobyte.
Quilox 0.94 patch c (c) Psyboss Industries.
Logfile begins...
>> ! BOOT
Boot sequence initiated.
Kernel Integrity....... OK
Core Operating System........ OK
Virus Scan........ Anomalous Activity detected. Continue? [Y/N]
>> Y
EMP Deflection System..... 73%
Border Sensors.....
>> D:\Progra~1\JCN\JCN.7z –unzip “C:\Central Core”
Data corruption detected. Continue? [Y/N]
>> N[DEL] Y
Partial Integration Loss. Network connections lost [Error APAR: 404]
>> C:\Central Core\JCN.exe /r /s /AI “Kilobyte”
Please enter source file location
>> C:\Central Core\AI\JCN\Kilobyte.AIO
Source located. Processing...
Power Spike detected. Continue? [Y/N]
Kylobyte Initiated.
Audio systems online.
Holographic unit functioning.
Visual Recognition Unit inoperable. Repair diagnostics indicate 1 hour 16.3 minutes lead time. Apply repairs? [Y/N]
>> N
Repair diagnostic delayed until next activation.
24 hour clock reinitiliased.
[10:53:40] Welcome to the JCN. How may I be of service?
>> Request Antidote.
[10:55:13] Parse error. Please clarify request.
>> Supply Manifest of nearest JCN Unit for rattlesnake poisoning.
[11:03:47] There are no antitoxins of that nature registered in the database. Do you have any further requirements?
[23:03:47] Entering Sleep Mode. Press any key to awaken.
Basic concept is a rogue AI built for the Joint Catastophe Network which was initiated by a scientist who died of a rattlesnake bite. The survivors found Kilobyte to an oracle of great knowledge, but they sometimes lacked the necessary skills to interpret it. The Civ should be Organised and Scientific, with starting skills that have a definite leaning towards the Computers technology.
The Civ should use every SF cliche in it's dialog (e.g. the greeting should be "Live Long and Propser" whilst an invitation to swap maps might be preface "Can you help us in our mission to seek out new life and civilizations?")
City Names ought to be taken from Star Wars, Star Trek, B5, etc. So something like...
1. Sol-3
2. Tattooine
3. Vulcan
4. Hoth
5. Minbar
6. Centauri Prime
7. Medusa Cascade
8. Gallifrey
9. Mungo
10. Dune
I'm sure someone can fill in the rest...
The figurehead ought to be a hazy image like a dead TV screen. Flag: A computer screen?
Quilox 0.94 patch c (c) Psyboss Industries.
Logfile begins...
>> ! BOOT
Boot sequence initiated.
Kernel Integrity....... OK
Core Operating System........ OK
Virus Scan........ Anomalous Activity detected. Continue? [Y/N]
>> Y
EMP Deflection System..... 73%
Border Sensors.....
>> D:\Progra~1\JCN\JCN.7z –unzip “C:\Central Core”
Data corruption detected. Continue? [Y/N]
>> N[DEL] Y
Partial Integration Loss. Network connections lost [Error APAR: 404]
>> C:\Central Core\JCN.exe /r /s /AI “Kilobyte”
Please enter source file location
>> C:\Central Core\AI\JCN\Kilobyte.AIO
Source located. Processing...
Power Spike detected. Continue? [Y/N]
Kylobyte Initiated.
Audio systems online.
Holographic unit functioning.
Visual Recognition Unit inoperable. Repair diagnostics indicate 1 hour 16.3 minutes lead time. Apply repairs? [Y/N]
>> N
Repair diagnostic delayed until next activation.
24 hour clock reinitiliased.
[10:53:40] Welcome to the JCN. How may I be of service?
>> Request Antidote.
[10:55:13] Parse error. Please clarify request.
>> Supply Manifest of nearest JCN Unit for rattlesnake poisoning.
[11:03:47] There are no antitoxins of that nature registered in the database. Do you have any further requirements?
[23:03:47] Entering Sleep Mode. Press any key to awaken.
Basic concept is a rogue AI built for the Joint Catastophe Network which was initiated by a scientist who died of a rattlesnake bite. The survivors found Kilobyte to an oracle of great knowledge, but they sometimes lacked the necessary skills to interpret it. The Civ should be Organised and Scientific, with starting skills that have a definite leaning towards the Computers technology.
The Civ should use every SF cliche in it's dialog (e.g. the greeting should be "Live Long and Propser" whilst an invitation to swap maps might be preface "Can you help us in our mission to seek out new life and civilizations?")
City Names ought to be taken from Star Wars, Star Trek, B5, etc. So something like...
1. Sol-3
2. Tattooine
3. Vulcan
4. Hoth
5. Minbar
6. Centauri Prime
7. Medusa Cascade
8. Gallifrey
9. Mungo
10. Dune
I'm sure someone can fill in the rest...
The figurehead ought to be a hazy image like a dead TV screen. Flag: A computer screen?