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Less sticky threads in Citizens Sub-Forum


In Retrospect
Jan 7, 2002
We need to have less sticky threads in the citizens thread. Unstuck threads aren't getting the attention they should because of all the sticky threads. Maybe we should have a rule about this maybe like: Any sticky threads that last post was made over 10 days is to be UnStuck. To be re-stuck discussion has to start back up and it must be requested. Only important game-related threads are allowed to stay longer then that.

I asked DOM to unstick and close the Citizen Honors Hall of Fame. I encourage that other un-needed or un-important threads be unstuck to.

Threads that should be Un-Stuck:

Citizen Honors: Hall of Fame already done
Phoenatican Geographical Society Only 5 posts? Sounds like it shouldn't have even been stuck in the first place.
Power to the People Organization (PPO) Not meaning to target dis's threads, but this discussion seems to be over.
Passive Expansion Project (PEP) - Citizen Discussion This one also seems to be mainly over
Winning the Modern Wonder Wars - Citizen Disscusion Yet another one that seems to be about over.
German ethnic group in Phoenatica Not meaning anything bad to grandmaster and I really don't know sense I've never read the thread, but it sounds more like a citizens group to me.
We need to change it. Say only important game related or changing topics are allowed to be sticky. No Citizens groups etc. Their is far to many sticky threads. Or we could have a No-Sticky rule.
the NGS is our map-resource. thats why it was stuck and should stay so.
i simply fogot about the ppo though. will request to unstuck it.
just noticed this was done allready... also the PGS was unstuck :-(

so how will new ppl find the maps they need? there is no sticky resource for it.
the 5 posts were only because i UPDATE my info posts instead of making endless threads...
i request stickying the PGS thread again!
instead, the "demogame concern" thread seems to be dead and could also be unstuck.
Dis, The Provincial Maps thread has stayed relatively close to the top of the main forum for a long time, unstickied. Shouldn't the PGS go where the Provincial Maps are?
I dont know. But its useless to hide our maps in the mass of other threads. Maybe the provincial maps could be put to the PGS thread as reference, or a cross-reference link would do the job?
I could do with less sticky threads myself. I'd prefer to keep sticky only those threads that pass these standards:
- somehow relevant for everyone
- important ongoing game-related topic (like victory conditions, newbies shed...)

Popular threads and useful threads get bumped to the top anyway by participation. No threads are deleted so we can always find old topics. I don't think there should be any rules, as it can only start arguments, but I agree with Strider that there are too many.

Keeping our information as neat and easy to find as possible, especially for new and casual Demo gamers, is a big and important task, IMHO.
hello, just thought...isn't if funny that this thread "less sticky threads in citizens sub-forum" is, in fact, sticky! hahahaha...ohh..need caffeine! Hey!! I'm supposed to be in Greece! I'll go now!

Ehecatl Atzin
I didn't request for it to be stuck. Someone must have done it themselves. I'll ask DOM to unstick it.
It is funny :). Do you remember who requested that DOM?
Originally posted by Duke of Marlbrough
Maybe it was me in a moment of pure evil...... ;) :D

No I don't remember who it was... It may have been by PM or the Needed Stuff thread. It was in one of my 'spend five minutes on-line' periods, so I just slammed through it. :)

:lol: :lol:.... PI#? The mystery of the Sticky Thread.

Desc: Who asked for the "Less sticky threads in citizen sub-forum" to be stuck?

Ehecatl Atzin

Wait? Why am I a suspect!!! DOM!!! Did you use the little edit thing or something with my post :)
its a conspiracy! someone wants to flood our forum with sticky stuff! disgusting!
i wonder what this sticky stuff holding threads on the top of the forum really is made of?
:lol: I guess it will be made of a paper clip and a thread. Through I doubt that's the answer you wanted.
Goes to show that we need more police ;)
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