Apologies if these have been discussed; I did do some digging beforehand which is why the list isn't twice as long as it is...
Just little mechanics things that I never fully understood, most of which are because the wording of many of the descriptions are... we'll say vague to be nice.
-Victoria/England Pax Britannica - late game, when receiving the free units from (land) first city on a new continent and (naval) one for every dockyard:
1.) Do the resource-consuming land units consume a resource, or are they really free?
2.) And the resource-consuming naval units?
Workshop of the World - the wording says, "Iron and coal mines accumulate +2 resources per turn."
3.) Do you not get the extra if you settle on the resources?
Workshop of the World - "Buildings that receive additional yields when powered get +4 of that yield." Straightforward about research labs and stock exchanges; military academies and shipyards aren't powered so they wouldn't apply, but:
4.) Do the English stadiums or water parks get a bonus when powered?
-Kupe/Maori Kupe's Voyage: I've restarted several games because I wasn't 100% sure about this, the first civic is automatically selected, but
5.) Do you lose the +2 science/turn before settling if you forget to select a technology?
-Eleanor of Aquitane/Both Court of Love
6.) Does the 9-tile range emanate from the tile of the great work or the city center?
7a.)The description says "great works cause foreign cities to lose loyalty" Is this just GWAMS, or do artifacts count?
7b.) Relics?
7c.) Void relics?
7d.) Heroic Relics?
7e.) Corporation products?
-Saladin/Arabia Righteousness of the Faith
8.) You don't get any bonus for cities in other civilizations having your worship building, right? (it seems to clearly state that it's +10% to three diffierent yields if you have it, there's no overlapping, but it just seems weird that his agenda is to have his worship buildings in other civs...)
World Wonders:
Biosphere -
9.) Does it just neutralize the -1 appeal from marsh and rainforest, or make them +1?
Colosseum -
10.) Does Mexico city suzereinity extend the Colosseum's range to 9 tiles?
Great Zimbabwe -
11.) +2 gold for each instance of a resource in this city or +2 gold for each type of resource? (i.e. 3 crabs in that city is +2 or +6?)
Natural Wonders:
Giant's Causeway -
12.) Is there any way of knowing which of your units have this bonus and which still need to make the pilgrimage!?!?!
Zhangye Danxia -
13.) If multiple cities each have one of the 3 tiles, can you double or triple the extra GPPs?
14.) Stadiums and Water Parks: they both say "+1 amenity. +2 amenities when powered." Does the +1 upgrade to the +2 level, or do they add to a total +3 when powered?
15.) Electronics Factory (Japan) - do all cities within 6 tiles get +4 culture after electricity or just the parent city?
Thanks guys!
Just little mechanics things that I never fully understood, most of which are because the wording of many of the descriptions are... we'll say vague to be nice.
-Victoria/England Pax Britannica - late game, when receiving the free units from (land) first city on a new continent and (naval) one for every dockyard:
1.) Do the resource-consuming land units consume a resource, or are they really free?
2.) And the resource-consuming naval units?
Workshop of the World - the wording says, "Iron and coal mines accumulate +2 resources per turn."
3.) Do you not get the extra if you settle on the resources?
Workshop of the World - "Buildings that receive additional yields when powered get +4 of that yield." Straightforward about research labs and stock exchanges; military academies and shipyards aren't powered so they wouldn't apply, but:
4.) Do the English stadiums or water parks get a bonus when powered?
-Kupe/Maori Kupe's Voyage: I've restarted several games because I wasn't 100% sure about this, the first civic is automatically selected, but
5.) Do you lose the +2 science/turn before settling if you forget to select a technology?
-Eleanor of Aquitane/Both Court of Love
6.) Does the 9-tile range emanate from the tile of the great work or the city center?
7a.)The description says "great works cause foreign cities to lose loyalty" Is this just GWAMS, or do artifacts count?
7b.) Relics?
7c.) Void relics?
7d.) Heroic Relics?
7e.) Corporation products?
-Saladin/Arabia Righteousness of the Faith
8.) You don't get any bonus for cities in other civilizations having your worship building, right? (it seems to clearly state that it's +10% to three diffierent yields if you have it, there's no overlapping, but it just seems weird that his agenda is to have his worship buildings in other civs...)
World Wonders:
Biosphere -
9.) Does it just neutralize the -1 appeal from marsh and rainforest, or make them +1?
Colosseum -
10.) Does Mexico city suzereinity extend the Colosseum's range to 9 tiles?
Great Zimbabwe -
11.) +2 gold for each instance of a resource in this city or +2 gold for each type of resource? (i.e. 3 crabs in that city is +2 or +6?)
Natural Wonders:
Giant's Causeway -
12.) Is there any way of knowing which of your units have this bonus and which still need to make the pilgrimage!?!?!
Zhangye Danxia -
13.) If multiple cities each have one of the 3 tiles, can you double or triple the extra GPPs?
14.) Stadiums and Water Parks: they both say "+1 amenity. +2 amenities when powered." Does the +1 upgrade to the +2 level, or do they add to a total +3 when powered?
15.) Electronics Factory (Japan) - do all cities within 6 tiles get +4 culture after electricity or just the parent city?
Thanks guys!