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Lonely Hearts Club, BtS Edition, Chapter XXXIII : Louis XIV

yeah, I'm doing something completely different to everyone else...Going Cultural..:lol:
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Really I had this in mind from turn 1.

Mistake No1, not going hard for Parthenon, HUGE ERROR.

Pre trading frenzy

Did a massive tech trade, off loaded Phil and Education for Calender, horseback riding, drama, Machinery, construction, engineering, Monarchy, Feudalism, Guilds, banking. This was all to set up the Astronomy grab from Liberalism.

Got free artist for music, settled in Lyons, which also got a free settled artist for 137 gold or something, Cultural No 2, running 4 artists from civics change virtually.

Cultural No 3..Hmm this one I haven't considered, it was going to be wall street, but no, it need merchants and gold bonuses.

Probably will be my 3rd internal production city, I'm yet to settle..HA :lol:, it'll get the National hermitage, and run artists from farms.

War situation, Gil's got 'too much on our hands' or WHEOOHATM

Trade deals made post Astronomy;

I'm currently running research at 90% in profit, with 18 to go on Economics for the Great merchant, and a civics switch to free market, free religion, and maybe free speech ??

Time for a Pizza break, got to ring the 'Pizza dude'...
checkpoint 1 --immortal, normal. This is a fun one.
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why a fun one? well I like wonderspam games. Ind+isolated=wonderspam. And I got lucky and pulled off the early egineer/mid coup for probably the first time.
Settle in place, pop a scout, myst and then maps from huts. Research fishing-pot-mining-bw-priest-ash-writing.
Got the oracle-MC then whipped a forge and ran an engineer. This gave around a 55% chance for a GE which hit and got me the Mids in 925. Had I hit the prophet instead I might very well have gone the religious route and bulbed theo and built the AP.
Anyway the land is great so unless the AI pulls off a surprise it shoud be pretty easy.


  • Lonely Louis XIV BC-0925.CivBeyondSwordSave
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ever you broke mirror or played on higher diificulty in my game it is 1200 and lib is still open

Checkpoint 2 Emperor/Epic 1220AD
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Must admit my tech path was horrible. Why i have teched that literature by myself?

Problems started as i decided to live with chariots.

Had arround five spearmen. I dispatched them with fortified woodsman warriors, but i won't pretend these helped me to move faster.

This helped:

Picked monarch due to lack of happy resources.

These did not:

I somehow managed to have 7 cities in BC which was nit helping me to tech either.

arround 800AD

unbelievable i was idiot enough to take full tests. -1pop was minor hit but two:mad: faces. I massively whiped these into forges benefiting from gems. Still lost a time.

After MC i was torn in undecision: pursue liberalism or beeline optics. Since thao was still open (although divine right? went away about that time) i decided for optics.

Also got reasonable quest

I think i am very likely doing it.

Soon after optics:

looks i am a bit outteched

Next turn Surry founds me. :mad: Pretty idea get to optics by myslef. Still with some landwalk missionary i probably can score circumnavigation. Top with harbor masters and we will have fast delivery service.

I promptly did trade with Kubla (Philo for Alphabet and money:mad: but Surry had Philo already.) and sailed towards rest of guys.

Tech situation:

If i bulb+research education (yes a bit late, but still available) and score liberalism it will be okay. This actually forced me into caste+pacifism.

The thing i am more worried is demo screen:

:confused: And i was thinking i am doing fine. They are what living in goldmine land?

Keep in mind Surry an Pacal are pleased despite religion difference (and Surry having DOW on Paval), got that covered with recources, trade and civics. On other hand i am already worst surry's enemy. Oh, well....
The only other past wars i can track is Toku vs Peter and Toku vs Gilga



Okay, i definetely need to refine some tactical take at situation.
Currently Kubla is reted higher in power than Surry:confused:
Peter could be bribed into war with Pacal. I think Organizing dogpile on Pacal is the only way i can get some military action.
Other variants i see, go for Sushi based cultural or try out tech (or out trade) Kubla and tech into space with two islands (never done that).
Kublakhan has only 7 cities. If i know a thing about him these should be heavy cottaged.
for those of you interested, and for the 3rd time, I've delved further into victory
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But first up, I made a trade with the devil of the game

I think this was done after this had occurred

Yes, even though Gil was 'wheonhrn' mode, he was declared on by Surry and his crew, Peter took 1 city, and de-vassalized himself, Surry took another and Gil rolled over and played vassal

Since Peter has re-gained independence, he's teamed up with Kublai and as they both love Bureaucracy, they've been tech trading and declared on ME

Damm Kublai, took 1 city, that I had to retake, sunk a few other ships, and got peace. Peter, just made faces by :p across the sea, and bought himself out, proberly worried Surry was facing off against him.

Kublai, not so bright gave me 1 gold for 10 turns of peace when coming to declare war on me, I accidentally found his attacking flotilla, when I decided to check with a caravel. He lands his troops, wanders about for 7 turns, then declares and gets kicked back home to re-transport them across...

I've taken every opportunity to request 10 gold from surry, for 10 turn peace.

I'm running free speech, artist specialists, and building cultural wonders and trying for the SoL.

Victory conditions.

Long way to go.....running about 30% Culture slider. Kublai and Peter are tops in tech, surry's last, but double my score...Hooo boy.....:crazyeye: Crazy game...fun too.:D
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Settled in place, early exploration showed the usual land and resources. Decided to build few wonders and only expand slowly.

Built SH,TGW,Mids,ToA,Path,SoZ,G Lib, HG, building AW ,SP. Misssed GLig by 1 turn oracle by 2. Running Rep/Bur/caste/Pacism. Will expand a bit quicker to fill the rest of the land.

Land @1100AD

Techs need a little work, but i should win the Lib race and maybe bulb to Astro.

Capital is not as big as it could be, but should work out ok with Oxford.

Checkpoint 1, 1160 BC.
I'm playing with the Noble save at Prince level. Forgot to change speed to Epic, so it's Normal.

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Looking at my Hall of Fame, there are only 2 cultural victories. Since Louis and his fancy hairs just scream for cultural win, I'm going to give it a shot. I just won a game as Willem with some massive intercontinental warfare, and can't really stomach another game like that.

So, the main goal in the early tech path was to found a religion.
Tech path: mysticism - polytheism - masonry - monotheism - fishing - pottery - priesthood - mining - BW - hunting - archery

Buildings in Paris: worker - warrior - settler - worker - warrior x 2 - settler
Orleans: worker - Oracle - workboat

4000 BC - Paris founded in place and starts building a worker

3960 BC - 39 gold from a hut

3680 BC - 69 gold from a hut

3560 BC - First religion is gone: Hinduism FIDL

3240 BC - Buddhism FIDL. We decided to ignore it and to go straight for Judaism.

2400 BC - We get our religion:

2280 BC - Marble city is founded. Marble + industrious = Oracle, please.

EDIT: It was mistakenly founded 1SW from the marble, with the southern fish mapped already. So I re-loaded the last auto-save and got it right:

2280 BC - Hostile villagers in a hut. Not looking good for our mighty warrior:

2240 BC - Our warrior kills the first 2 attackers and dies to the third.

1880 BC - Stonehenge is completed somewhere far away.

1680 BC - Orleans completes a worker and starts building the Oracle.

1560 BC - Great Wall completed far away.

1240 BC - Some exp points from the last hut and Lyons is founded:

1160 BC - Oracle completed in Orleans with some chopping. Free tech is Metal Casting (yay for cheap forges) and the Great Prophet will be used to build the Jewish holy shrine.

At this point the island is completely explored, except a few ocean tiles.
The core of the empire:

Southern region:

Northern region:

I like this island. It can easily support the 9 cities for a Culture win.
My only gripe is the lack of rivers in the northern region, but there are some nice spots for production and heavily cottaged cities.

Priorities now:
- Some units to fogbust the northern region.
- I'd like to found Confu and/or Taoism.
- Optics to see who's out there.

Checkpoint 2, Prince, 1525 AD:

Spoiler :

Tech path: AH - Sailing - IW - writing - Alphabet - CoL - Meditation - Philo - Math - Aesthetics - Literature - Music - Compass - Machinery - Optics - Calendar - Currency - Monarchy - Feudalism (partially traded from Gilga) - Horseback riding (Gilga)

1080 BC - Slave revolt in Paris.

900 BC - AH reveals horses right where we founded Orleans.

450 BC - Great Lighthouse built far away.

175 BC - Confucianism founded far away. And Rheims:

75 BC - Colossus completed in Lyons:

25 BC - Pyramids completed far away.

100 AD - Temple of Salomon built in Paris with the GP from Oracle:

250 AD - Tours is founded:

375 AD - Temple of Artemis built far away.

660 AD - Parthenon far away.

680 AD - And Hanging Gardens.

800 AD - Taoism founded far away and we miss it by THREE TURNS.

820 AD - Most advanced hit parade isn't that great:

860 AD - Great Library far away.

880 AD - A Great Engineer is born. Could be used later to rush the Sistine Chapel, as all the wonders are going away very fast.

900 AD - Truffles event:

1020 AD - SoZ far away.

1060 AD - Christianity founded far away.

1100 AD - Mausoleum of Maussollos far away.

1150 AD - Sistine Chapel rushed in Lyons with that Great Eng:

1230 AD - Islam founded far away. So we have Judaism only. Not good.

1240 AD - Chichen Itza BIDL.

1240 AD - Hagia Sophia BIDL.

1250 AD - AP completed in a distant land and it's Buddhist.

1330 AD - Notre Dame and Mahabodhi completed far away.

1360 AD - Another Great Eng to bulb Construction.

1390 AD - Angkor War far away.

1390 AD - One of our caravels find the first civilization. He's Christian and last in the most advanced hit parade:

1410 AD - Some good news:

1410 AD - The circumnavigation race may be at risk:

He's the owner of that caravel. Hindu and quite far away on the tech three:

1430 AD - University of Sankore far away.

1440 AD - Spiral Minaret away.

1470 AD - Another civ. Buddhist and advanced:

Tech trade. We get the last 2 turns of Feudalism and HBR:

1490 AD - More people. Buddhist and he's kinda advanced too. Probably traded a lot with his pal Gilgamesh:

1500 AD - Versailles built far away.

1505 AD - One more civ. Buddhist and useless as always:

1505 AD - We win the circumnavigation race. I think it was really close with at least 3 civs with caravels.

1525 AD - And the last one. Confucianist and slightly more advanced:

So the pack is complete. No violent maniacs around, but I'll have to keep a high power ratio anyway. I'm a bit worried about Pacal. In my limited experience he usually tends to be the runaway tech-leader.
There is a big Buddhist block (Toku, Gilga and Peter) and overall, everyone is quite pleased with everyone else. No Great Generals so far, but Pacal and Kubilai have enough on their hands right now. I'm a bit worried, as nobody obviously likes me. So I'm going to pump out some longbows and knights.

Probably converting to Buddhism whenever possible to start making some friends.

The glance screen:

Tech situation. Not very good, of course, but I was expecting something worse:

The empire:

The 3 candidates for legendary status:

Priorities at this point:
- Quickly settle those 3 coastal cities. I don't want enemy junk cities on my island
- Build defenses. Longbows and knights. I'm worried about Pacal and Kubilai. Both can research astronomy.
- Make some friends, possibly the buddhist block and get more religions spread to us.
- Fix the health issues. Clams from the next city and sugar's bonus from the upcoming grocers are going to help. But I'll try to get astronomy asap, as this island is quite poor on health resources.


Noble, Marathon, up to 1777 AD, checkpoints 1 and 2, not sure of vic type yet.

Spoiler :
I know I know I always seem to give my first report waaaay late in game but early on especially in LHC games the early part goes FAST since it LOTS of nohing but hit returen again and again. And I always want to give in to just one more turn isntead of stopping hehe :p

But I will try to give a more detailed description of my early moves. That way maybe ppl can see where I go wrong early and ALWAYS seem to have to come from behind by mid game.

First thing I did was settle in place. We have wheel and TONS of flood plains so first tech researched is pottery while building worker and warrior explores.

First hut warrior opens pops Pottery like 3 turns in :)

After that my tech order is Mining, BW, AH, Masonry.

After masonry I go Hunting, Archery JUST in case any barbies get past my sentries and I need to whip archers real quick. I PROBABLY just should have relied on axes and skipped that but I LIKE being safe and in emergency (as in barbie uprising) having option to whip archers and spears i needed isnt all THAT bad :p

After Archery is done I go after wonderwhoring techs, myst,poly,priesthood, to go for oracle, and then sailing to try and get glh.

AFter wonderwhore techs I go writing, code of laws to try and get religion and also libraries and courthouses.

1480 BC Mids are done and I switch to rep.

1030BC Oracle gets done and I pick metal casting.

750 BC code of laws teched and I found confusionisn

Tech order at this point is Math (so I can work on HG), IW(to see if I have any iron), Currency (to help economy), Mono(so I can switch to oR and wonderwhore more :) )

260BC Great Light House done,

40 AD hanging gardens done.

400 AD colossus done

AFter currency and mono were finished I go for aesthetics and lit to try for gl.

565 AD I get a GE and in 575 AD I burn him to rush Great Lib.

My tech order around this time has been Calander (to work the sugar and try for MoM) then Med, Monarchy and Alphabet (MAINLY just cuz by this point they kinda quick to tech and getting them out of way leaves better bulbing options for great people)

680AD I get my first GS, when I got him he could only bulb alphabet (which is when I decided to get some of the rinkydink techs backfilled hehe :p) so I had him make a academy in my Cap.

740 AD parthenon built

AFter rinky dink techs all done I make play for notre dame so it construction, machinery, engineering

About around here other ppl start flitting by with their caravals Firtst peter then sury then most everybody else.

895 AD MoM done

940 AD I get another gs and he bulbs Philosophy

1080 AD the hindus build the AP

1090 AD I get a great merchant ands he bulbs paper so it look like I have shot at lib race.

1100 AD notre dame built which is handy cuz round this time happiness is becoming a PAIN.

1125 AD another grest sci pops so I save him for edu which he bulbs down from like 24 turns to 4 turns so lib definitely looking good when he does.

1295 AD I win lib race and pick astronomy althout it dont help much since ALL of the dillhole hindus HATE my confusionist religion and NONE of them will trade resources with me. But I can start building saloons now.

1364 AD I tech banking and switch to merc and BPT goes up by 200 :)

1468 AD I get lucky and a great priest pops and he builds holy city of confusionism

1544 AD I get Democracy done. I switch to emancipation (just cuz I am hoping it will slow done teching of other AI's and make em switch what they are doing to try and get democracy themselves and also to try and build SoL)

1694 SoL built the HARD way 70 plus fricking turns grrrrrr but it got done hehe and BPT go up by another 200.

Around this point I was teching towards Assembly Line so I can get infantry and then try and expand the Empire of Confusion :)

1757 Aseembly line done and it time to finish military build up.

Now as I am building up a military stack I start deciding who to go after. Peter is HUGE and is number one at this point.

I WANT to attack Pac just cuz he is annoying AND cuz I am PRETTY sure the lil dillhole TRIED to sneak attack me. There was a point where I saw a HUGE stack of caravals and galleons coming STRAIGHT towards me. So I upgraded all my old axemen sentries to best units I had at time--grenadiers and moved them and some curriasors I had built to city that it looked like galleons were headed to.

Then I checked diplo screen. Sury who over timed warmed up to me a lil bit and was trading with me now was willing to DoW on Pac for a price. The price was like guilds and some other tech I forget. But he takes the bribe and DoW's on Pac and that big stack headed my way truns around and goes back home :)

BUT pac is too far away to be convenient target. Unfortunately the two BEST targets are also the ONLY two civs who like me. Kublai who playing a lonely hearts game himself is very very backwards. When I first meet him his tech look like this:

Everyone else in Ren age and he isnt even Medievel yet.

And then by time I am ready to send a stack somewhere he still pretty backwards:

However there is two probs. First is he is only AI to embrace confusionism so is ONLY AI I am friendly with. PLUS he have def pacts with Pacal AND Peter.

First thought was was to just go after Pac instead but then realized doing that I would STILL be at war with Kublai anyways. Now getting into war with PAc didnt scare me at this point since I was ahead of him powerwise and he is very far away. Pete on other hand could be a BIGTIME pain.

BUT he IS willing to take a bribe to DoW on Sury which would A) keep him focused on somewhere OTHER than me and more importantly B) break off the def pact he got going with Kublai so I can DoW on Kublai without Pete getting involved.

Of course this would mean screwing over Sury who is my ONLY other friend after Kublai. I have some trades going with him and it wasnt that long ago he saved me from an invasion by DoW on Pac.

BUT there no more room to expand and if I want to get bigger I have to attack SOMEBODY. And dbl crossing one friend so I can dble cross another DOES have symetry to it. So with guilty look and I bribe pete into DoWing on Sury then I DoW on Kubla.

And look:

Awwww even after backstabbing him Kubla still likes me. That made me feel sad :(.

Sury not as forgving tho:

He dropped down from pleased to cautious. I guess SOME ppl just not as understanding as others.

So I maove my stack and take kublais cap which is since he JUST barely has gunpowder wasnt that diff since it meant pretty much Infantry and cannon VS Knights, and Longbows.

But he is STILL making me feel guilty by being pleased with me. So I figure it WOULD save me on maint costs by vassalizing him. I figured it shouldnt be TOO hard to get im to see reason since he still liks sme alot and the battle for his cap should have made it clear that techwise he is bringing spoons to a spork fight. So in a SUPREME gesture of kindness and goodwill and mercy that are in keeping with the foundations of cunfusionism I decide to let Kublai live and vassalize him and then give him back his cap so he keeps his WHOLE empire AND has honor of being my lackey and giving me pretty much ALL his resources to me for free. Plus then I could send my stack after Pac who really DOES need to be slapped around a bit for getting on my nerves.

So I go to make my offer and :

GRRR here I am TRYING to be sweet and merciful like a good confusionist and the stubborn lil $*!&&@!#@ wont EVEN consider capping? Ok he gonna die now.

So that is where game is at this pont.

Here is how world looks. My Empire:

Happiness getting to be issue again but it nothing TOO bad this point.

Kubla's Island:

Soon to be MY isalnd but I REALLY cant be blamed for that. If Kublai didnt decide to be SOOO stubborn he COULD have kept but NOOOOO :p

The big AI Cont:

Pete and his lapdog vassal Toku are the biggest power going right now. It was a lil scarier when I first saw it cuz since both petey and toku are read it was like SHEESH pete is frickin HUGE. Then I realized about half that red is toku. But even though lots of those cities are vassal cities and not his own the Petey/Toku team is still gonne be the main prob to deal with at some point.


I managed to get my power up from dead last to number one but just barely Pete still is neck and neck with me.

tech sitch:

Behind as usual ::sigh:: but I am TRYING not to panic just by telling myself the techs I have and they dont are BETTER than the techs they have and I dont.


Still behind Petey in lots of areas. The REALLY sad and scary thing is right now I have things like Assembly Line, Railroads, Steam Power on Petey but he is STILL out hammering me :/

Not really sure on Victory start yet. I think Petey with his vassal Toku are too strong to fight firectly. So best plan seems to be to Conquer/Cap the lil guys around em Pac, Sury, and Giggles after I am done with killing Kublai and hope then then I will be big enough to handle em.

Thgats kinda of the plan maybe. Anyways wish me luck :)

Checkpoint 3, Prince, 1846 AD:

Spoiler :

Not a nice round, that's for sure. Lost the Lib race and got war declared by Toku and Pacal.

Tech path: civil service (partially from Kubilai) - Theology (Kubilai) - Paper (Sury) - education - astronomy (lib was lost at this point) - banking (Sury) - gunpowder and drama (Gilga) - Engineering (Kubilai) - Chemistry - Liberalism (Gilga) - Printing Press and chemistry (part of) from Kubilai - rep parts - Divine Right (Sury) - rifling - nationalism (Gilga) - Steel

1530 - OB with Peter. Chartres is founded:

1535 -Trade with Kubilai. Kashi Vishwanath built far away. Switch to Bureaucracy.

1540 - Trade with Sury:

1560 - A Great Merchant is born. Will use it for cash. Lots of people with enough on their hands, so I want to upgrade those bows to rifles asap. Avignon is founded:

1580 - Peter is the first to Liberalism.

1590 - Rouen:

1605 - Sury builds the Kong Miao.

1630 - OB with Kubilai.

1630 - Great Merchant in Mutal:

1645 - Taj Mahal built far away.

1660 - Sury builds the Dai Miao.

1690 - Switch to Free Speech. Great Artist settled in Orleans.

1695 - Trades:

1800 - Toku declares war. Switch to Nationhood to draft some rifles.

1804 - Pacal joins the party:

1808 - Toku captures Avignon and Pacal lands a very outdated stack:

1814 - Pacal's stack is destroyed by rifles, we get a Great General and sign peace with Pacal, for free.

1844 - Avignon reconquered, peace with Toku. Switch to Free Speech and Free Religion, as I'm getting really annoyed by the diplo penalties.

As said above, a bad round. Had to draft a lot of rifles to fend off Pacal and Toku. They didn't accomplish anything, but I have quite a few improvements to rebuild.

Kinda regretting the cultural route, but I'm sticking to it. Right now I'm spreading Hinduism in my cities to get the second +50% :culture: building in the big three. Orleans still needs the first one, with 2 more jewish temples to go in the newer cities.

Health is still an issue in this game. I'm trading a couple resources, but I don't want to mess the diplo situation even more.
Overall, a culture win looks very doable, but it will be a late culture win, and probably I'm going to miss the broadway/holliwood/rock'n'roll, as I'm still behind the pack.

Plans for the future:

Chartres is going to pump out units for a while. I want to raise that power ratio to avoid more surprises. I need a decent navy, too.
Spreading Hinduism to build the Hindu Mandirs.
And I think I'm going for the 3 modern culture wonders.

The empire:

Legendary wannabe:


Active deals:

Tech, not looking good:


Noble, Marathon, 1892 AD checkpoint 3.

Spoiler :
Kublai gets killed off and all of the followers of confusionism now under my rule :).

Next target I pick is Sury. No real issue about backstabbing now since he WAS one of my few friends our relation drop down to cautious by time of war with Kublai.

So I get my stack together and they sail off towards sury's empire. They attack take a city then all you know what breaks lose. Out of NOWHERE Petey comes flying in with tansports full of Cossacks he DoWs and suicides a TON of them out of the boats to kill the LONE infantry in grenoble garrisoning it. This is my fault two times. One I tried to save maintainance costs. EARLIER my coastal cities had multiple units garrisoning BUT to save maintainance costs I did things like every city that had like 2 mousketeers andf an archer or warrior or something got one CG infantry and then the older units delted. And TWO when I teched assembly line pete did NOT have horses but I figued I didnt need my horseys now since I would be spamming infantry and cannon and I NEEDED help with resources I traded em to pete for rice and 17 gold per turn. I just KNEW that was gonna come back and bite me but I told myself I was being too paranoid :/.

SInce Petey DoWed on me Toku his lapdog vassal follewd suit. Then on VERY next turn Giggles DoW's on me :(.

Now losing grenoble was annoying since I HATE losing cities it wasnt really an important city. And after spending all those troops just to take it Peteys attacks stalls out. Rest of time it was just sinking random naval units that sailed into my borders and replacing the seafood they pillaged.

Pete was being REAL PITA though since he arilifted bombers and fighters to grenoble and started to pillage EVERYTHING on my main island.

But luckily Sury is MUCH more reasonable than Kubla was. He willing to cap after losing that one city. So he vassalizes to me which really takes lot of focuse off me and on to sury.

My stack main attack stack comes home after everybody finishes healing and retakes grenoble. Not soon after Petey willing to accept peace. which is just peachy sine it mean He and his lapdog are off my back and I can focus on Giggles.

My stack heals up again and sails off to Giggles capitol.

I take his Uruk and one other city and he willing to cap. Which is kinda nice for me cuz while giggles didnt bother me much during war poor Sury got CREAMED he lost like 3 or 4 cities to Giggles. I didnt really mind sinc emy plan was to cap him so those cities would still COUNT towrad my victory so whether they were owned by sury or giggles I didnt matter as long as they both know I OWN them hehe.

Giggles even gave me one of cities he took from Sury when he capped. Which is kinda convenient. It is a rinky dink city but it right on border with Pac and will be nice jump point for an invasion.

So now overall sitch is is Me and my two vassals sury and giggles, the petey/toku monster combo and lil Pac all by himself.

Vic conditions are:

Still a ways to go for dom win and I doubt capping Pac will put me over top but I think at VERY least capping pac to make sure I own his vote will mean I will have nice shot at the diplomation win if nothing else.

One other NICE thing about having vassals is:

I made sure Giggles didnt skimp on the prezzies as price for being my vassal :)

And that helped my happy problems LOTS. So much that now I am back to health being biggest headache.

My main cities at this point:

Cities are happy and growing again and even yucky faces not slowing em down TOO much thanks to giggles's prezzies and sushi corp :) My last GP was an engineer so that also mean Mining Inc will start getting spammed too.

Power sitch:

MUCH better than what it has been :)

Tech sitch:

Tech sitch is alil better now too although I AM a lil worried that fission is starting to float around. Nukes could be a BIG headache if I not careful.


Also an improvement from earlier in game. Especially the hammers. I LIKE being ahead in hammers hehe :)

My Plan:

My plan is to build a new stack and airlift it to the city Giggles gave me, Angor Wat. My Old vetern stack will sail over and hit Pac's capitol from west and new stack will march out from east for two prong attack. I will try to get Pac to cap as soon as possible and hope he wont be able to bribe petey into joining him.

Then if capping him isnt enough to get dom win which I dont think it will be. UN will be built and then I will try for cheap diplo win. At VERY least I will try to get a nuke ban going so I ownt have to worry about that.

If it comes to it I am hoping if I cant get UN vote going for HOPEFULLY my hammer output will be enough to get a HUGE force going that I can take on Petey/Toku and get enough cities out of em for a dom win. ALthough taking on Toku promoted Infantry and other Indy age units does NOT sound like fun.

I am two turns for the crisco statue so if I can get it then it switch to US to rush an airport in angor wat then spam tanks and artillery and marines and paratroopers and SAM troops to get a nice force to handle anything Pac could throw at em and then make my move to cap him and see how it goes from there.

Wish me Luck :)

A short round to 1901, but I could really use some advice now. Prince, to 1900 AD.

Spoiler :

So the plan was to rebuild and keep going on the cultural route.

1850 - Toku completes Broadway. First modern cultural wonder gone.

1868 - Pacal declares war on Sury.

1878 - Gilgamesh declares war. And he was pleased.
The japanese idiot declares war again. Pleased.

1882 - Toku completes the Eiffel Tower.

1896 - Toku completes the Cristo Redentor.

1998 - EVERY FUNKING ONE declares war on me. Well, not everyone. Kubilai doesn't declare, but Peter, Sury AND Pacal DO. Peter was pleased. At least Sury and Pacal was cautious.

So right now my cities are a complete mess, as I've lost all the deals for happy/health resources.
Cities, looking pretty:

They aren't doing a lot so far. Only Gilga suicided a stack of Knights at Avignon. But there are enemy ships everywhere, destroying all my fishing boats and bombarding defenses. I think some big stacks are coming very soon. Hopefully Sury and Pacal aren't going to do anything at all. They are still at war.
Nobody wants to talk, obviously. Not that I have anything to offer for peace, but still.

So, I don't know what to do now. And I'm kinda irked by the whole diplo system. So much for trying to keep people happy. 4 of them declared at pleased. Makes sense :rolleyes: .

Tech situation:

I'm thinking to screw the cultural route and start pumping out units. Not going to win, of course, as it's too late (I really hate normal speed, btw) but a cultural win doesn't look so achievable, either.

EDIT: forgot the best screenshot:

Checkpoint 3 (1824 AD, Noble/Epic)
Spoiler :
I was planning a long, epic update, until I realized that on macs, it's not command+shift+4 that takes pictures, but command+shift+3. So I have four pictures that aren't maps from when I realized my mistake. Sorry.

Anyway, I won Liberalism, taking Astronomy. The same turn, I completed the University of Sankore, which is good, as I'm running a hybrid cottage/religious economy now. I didn't plan it, it just happened. The Dai Mao, which I finally got (It took three great people to finally get a Great Priest, even though I had >75% odds for one. In every city. >_<) is solely keeping my economy afloat.

I also got the Spiral Minaret sometime later. My RE inspired me to go after Divine Right, which I never do. I usually trade for it the turn before I win, just to get my score up. :p

In the early 1500s, Japan and America went to war. Again. What is it with these two? They hate each other, even though they're both buddhist. Anyway, this happened.

FDR captured Washington back. Did this inspire him to not suck? Not even close.

The first thing I did when I got Astronomy was to settle the east coast of Russia. I succeeded in settling 4 cities before Russia boxed me in.

New France - circa 1824

I DoW'd Kublai in about 1760, facing a garrison of Longbows and the occasional Maceman. Even though he had tech parity with me, he just neglected military techs. I lost three riflemen in the entire war. Not even kidding.


Pretty damn nice, right?

After killing Kublai off, I sent the veterans of the war, along with some new recruits from France, were shipped off to Amerpan soon after. I'm about to declare, maybe within two turns.




My four core cities:

Paris (Commerce)

Lyons (Research, future Oxford)

Marseilles (Gold, future Wall Street)

Rheims (Production, troop pump/wonderspam)

My options are still open for a Diplomacy or Space Race. But I'm pretty much set into a Domination/Conquest. I like the idea of a scorched earth razing campaign for conquest. :devil:
I've given my approach some thought and will take revenge in the near future. This map has given me fits and I'm not going to let this end like lonely Sully did.

Noble, Marathon, 1919 AD, still checkpoint 3 since A's are NOT cooperating grrr.

Spoiler :
So I am getting my second stack together to spread the joy of confusionisn to Pac when the lil dweeb vassalizies to Pete grrrrrrrrr.

That meant NOOO chance of avoiding war with Pete. It also slows things down a bit since I need a THIRD stack so I can send it into Petes lands when I make my move on Pac's land.

So while I am building up AGAIN Toku builds UN and I have enough votes to get control but as for diplo win:

No Joy. If Pety had simply cooperated and refused to accept Pacs vassalage this game would be over by now but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO they just HAVE to make me do it the hard way grrrrrrrrrrrr.

Not just cuz now I have to fight Petey and Toku but Pac MUST die at this point. You SAW how he was taunting me by abstaining in UN vote showing he COULD have voted for me and let me win but he didnt.

Well thats not ALL he been doing. While I was building up a stack for Petey a about three or 4 times I get message Pacal renounces Russian rule and is now a free state. So I keep think coolies I can go ahead and attack Pac. But nooooooo RIGHT after message of Pac breaking free is message Pac has capitulated to Russia. Grrrrrrrrrr he didnt do it just once but like I said at LEAST THREE times of going "nyah nyah now you can get me oops no you cant". Grrrr so NOOOOO flipping way Pacal lives through this game grrrr.

Anyways I make my third stack and DoW and not it total world war with me and my two lackeys vs Petey and his two lackeys with winner take all. Unfortunately for me my two lackeys are pretty much useless especially sury. But I am hoping they can at least make sure war stays on main continent and leave my islands alone.

Opening move I got Pac's cap and one other of his cities but those stacks are stalled a bit now. Since they both need more siege BIGTIME. You see the plan WAS to take Pac out sooner when he didnt have flight. But taking the time to build third stack for Petey meant he had time to catch up so plan of mostly relying on bombers for Pac is now out the window since he has liek fighters EVERYWHERE now grrr.

Peteys stack however DOES have enough seige so at very least I hope to take at least ONE of his big culture cities to make sure he cant sneak a culture win. He also bene building ship parts but I am hoping game will be over before space race is issue for anyone.

So its gonna come down to me and my guys vs Petey and his. I hope I can win but game does like to irritate me:

Not EXACTLY losing to spear but darn tootin close grrrrrrr. I was HOPING to get game done by tongiht so I could start NC shaka next but looks like at least one more night to see if I can pull out a win. Modern wars take FOREVER.

Oh well I hope things been going better for everyone else.

I think I'll give this one a go tonight, not sure what level though. Last LHC I screwed up big time when going up to Emperor, by the looks of things TMIT seems to have trouble in this one on Emperor and if the pro has trouble, I'd surely have it as well. I might stick to Monarch for this one.

Or, I might finish an old NC game I never came around to finish, too many new fun games pops up all the time these days. It's a full time job to keep up with them all ;)

Last time I played Louis I made it a cultural game, perhaps something similar is in line here. Though I'd like to test the Musketeer in battle, but I'd guess I won't be invading with Muskets giving it's in isolation, so Rifles will be the choice in this case I guess. No, wonderspam + cultural VC is my likely aim here. Might be a relief from my recent Toku war showdown in the last PYL game.
Yes, I've reached a conclusion to the game...
Spoiler :
VICTORY IS MINE Cultural victory in January 1912

Starting off after my tech trading flurry to grab astronomy from liberalism, I teched into Gunpowder for Musketeers for protection and trade bait.

I then teched Chemistry for Frigates, and held this advantage for a while, got invaded once by Kublai with Muskets and caravels, with mainly medieval troops not even dintting my Muskets/rifles.

It ended up a 3 way battle, Kublai, and peter ended up paling up due to Bureaucracy bonuses, Surry and his team of Capitulates (mainly tokie, who never got free, the others all did) and me.

Peter and Kublai actually teched and traded quite well, Gil ended up going it along down the Industrial line, and I got a free run at the Media line.

As a result I wonderspammed the 3 media wonders, building them in my 2nd and 3rd cultural cities for the 50% bonus to culture.

Amazingly, they were slow on the UN, I built to one turn, then forgot to start in 2nd city to increase gold bonuses. Proberly could have built in 3 cities actually.

One good line to tech down is Biology, Refrigeration and super conductors for the Lab's. The AI NEVER seems to tech this tech, and with the 50 % bonus to space ship production, along with 25% science and 1 citizen scientist, its a great line to run. It slows down initially the Internet line, but science boost will more the make up the time spent.

Good trade bait too...

Spent most of later part of game ignoring this request, or just using it to check progress.

Leaving me facing this situation in the end;

so I had to play to my victory conditions.

I culture bombed my 3rd city the turn before the 2nd went legendarily,

Resulting in VICTORY

2 cities legendary on same turn...I thing of beauty to watch and execute.

Fun game, but I was able to use some real exploits, the beg 1 gold peace treaty every 10 turns, or demanding 1 gold every 10 turns. This kept the off my back for well over 200+ turns

No AI even got 1 part built, Surry did build the internet and Peter, Pacal and Gil all got Apollo project built, Surry kept losing his vassals, and as can be seen from victory screen, was going for a domination win.

At end, when UN was finally built, I got 3240 gold for failure, Ha at 1 turn remaining, could have built it 3 times over. Gil got elected to chair the UN, and upon losing 1 diplomatic vote, proceeded to bring up Emancpation twice, which I refused to accept.

That and Dumb A AI trade deals
I've decided to put an end to my own misery.
Prince, to 1988:

Spoiler :

When we left we was at war with Suryavarman, Pacal, Tokugawa, Gilgamesh and Peter.
All french cities was starved and unhappy. Every single fishing boat was destroyed and guarded by enemy frigates. And nobody was even willing to talk.
So we decided to ignore culture and focus on our immediate survival.

1901 - Only Kubilai talks to us and we arrange a little trade:

Switch to Nationhood, State Property and Theocracy.
The plan is quite simple: turtle up and try to get some decent ships to secure the coast. Going down anyway, probably, but we'll try to die with some style, at least.

1907 - Pacal has seen enough and vassalize to Sury. Bad news. That war was their only distraction and now it's everyone vs ourselves. We have ironclads at this point, and start destroying some frigates.

1911 - Peter finally arrives. Nothing impressive:

But Sury is a tad more advanced. Still no transports, though:

We try to contact Gilgamesh and he talks about peace, for a very symbolic price:

Promptly followed by Peter, after 2 of his 3 galleons was sunk by our ironclads:

Toku has lost only a couple frigates, but wants to give peace a chance. He wants Avignon, we manage to get peace for 100 golds.
So at this point we are at war with Sury and his vassal Pacal.

Sury doesn't talk to us yet.

1915 - Sury moves in his army:

1916 - And lands his stacks. We suicide 9 cannons on his main stack to soften it up.

1918 - Sury attacks and wastes a lot of troops vs our CG2 riflemen. His artilleries are kinda weakened by our cannons' attack.
And he finally talks about peace. The price, 900 golds, is high, but we are more than happy to oblige, at this point.
So we survived. Gilga, Peter and Toku basically joined the war for diplo points but didn't do anything spectacular. Gilga didn't do anything at all.
20 years later we can rebuild our trade deals to get happiness/health resources, fix all the fishing boats and keep going for the culture win.
Rheims suffered some massive drafting, but the other cities are going to recover quickly.

Switch to representation, free speech and free market.

1921 - Sury completes the Apollo Program.

1922 - We sign a defensive pact with Tokugawa himself and suffer no diplo penalties from anyone.

1228 - Sushi built by Peter. Bad news.

1929 - Gilga's Apollo Program.

1932 - Defensive pact with Kubilai.

1933 - Peter's Apollo Program.

1939 - Peter completes Hollywood. We lost all three modern cultural wonders. The first space component is completed by Gilga (Docking Bay).

1940 - Kubilai's Apollo Program and Peter completes SS thruster.

1941 - Industrialization is complete. Chartres starts pumping out tanks and marines. Science down to 20%, culture up to 50%.

1942 - We can get some techs for Industrialism.
Mil Tradition and some cash from Gilga.
Artillery and Mil Science from Kubilai.
Democracy, Biology and cash from Toku.

We switch to Emancipation.

1944 - We get a Great Engineer and he builds Creative Constructions, providing +18 :culture: in the big three.

1945 - Another SS thruster by Peter. At this point pretty much everyone is building SS parts.

1947 - Peter is the UN Secretary.

1948 - At this point, Paris needs 45 more turns, Orleans 51 and Lyons 45. Science down to 0, culture up to 80%, with -24 gpt.

1952 - Toku joins the space club with his Apollo Program.

1953 - Environmentalism voted as global civic. We voted NO, everyone else voted yes.

1959 - In the last 20 years, Sury has always been with enough on his hands. This worries us.

1964 - And six years later, this appears right in front of Marseilles:

Gilga completes his Manhattan Project. At this point we fear another massive dogpiling. With nukes, this time. French future is very grim.

Paris still needs 24 turns, Orleans 27 and Lyons 22.

1965 - Sury's stack is heading straight on Marseilles:

We are trying to mass some defense in Marseilles and our tanks are ready:

1966 - There is hope. Sury enters our borders without declaring war and turns east. Looks like he's heading to Gilgamesh.

1969 - His intentions are quite obvious at this point. Sorry dude, but I'm not going to fight that maniac to defend you:

1970 - Sury declares war on Kubilai. Still 18, 22 and 16 turns to go for our legendary cities.

1971 - Peter completes the Space Elevator. He's leading the space race. A Great General is born for Kubilai. Looks like he's not getting slaughtered, after all.

1973 - Wrong. Sury captures a mongol city and wants us to join. We refuse. Probably a mistake, as Kubilai's future as a free empire looks very short. Could have gained a little bonus with Sury.

1976 - A Great Artist. He bombs Orleans and speeds up the process by 3 or 4 turns.

1978 - At this point Peter still needs the engines and the stasis chamber.

1980 - Sury launches a couple tactical nukes and captures Karakorum. Kubilai joins the Khmer empire as a vassal.

1982 - Global warming strikes near Rouen.

1984 - Orleans is the first to Legendary status.

1986 - Followed by Lyons.

1988 - And Paris. Victory.

The world:

Our mediocre demographics:

At least our cities are up there:

The lousy score:

The legendary three:

Diplo relations:

We are horribly backward:

Glance screen:

And our military. Not enough to fight off a possible attack by Sury, but ready to put up a decent fight:

Overall, a bad game. Super-late culture win and I managed to lose every single modern culture wonder. I was dead last on the tech board and suffered 2 invasions on my island. I ended with 2 religions only and the second +50% building was ready in the '900. Way too late.

Power ratio was horribly low and I think that was the main cause of that 5 vs 1.

Still, a win is a win and my other single isolated game so far has been an utter failure, at Noble. And I think I've learned something from this one. So, an interesting game.

Definitely looking for the next one.

As always, comments are welcome.

Noble, Marathon, 1926 AD checkpint 4, diplomation win.

Spoiler :
I am pressing on with the war. Unhappiness is startiong to affect my cities just cuz all those resources I am getting from giggles are getting pillaged left and right and the little dweeb is taking his sweet time fixing em.

But I take a few more of Pac's cities and one of Petey cities when all of a sudden Toku breaks free. I am like Yay maybe he will cap or at least want peace. I check and nope he wont cap but he will offer gold and gold per turn for peace so I take it. And just for heck of it I check Petey not expecting much since he is still pretty huge but:

So I atke it and realize I goofed. I SHOULD have checked Petey first. Capping him first PROBABLY would have had Toku more willing to cap if not that turn then probably the next turn and at VERY least I could have had easier time since Petey DEFINITELY would have kept him busy while I finished off Pac and then went after him. Any scenario like that would have made dom win come MUCH sooner.

But as it was I now had to wait 10 turns before I could start pressing Toku. But it still wasnt bad. I moved my stack that was going after Petey to go link up with one of stacks going after Pac. I figured by time ten turns are up with toku Pac will be dead and I should be very close to dom win and IF I moved fast enough maybe even conquest.

Also my cities got happy again since I made Petey fork over ALL his happy and health and mining inc boosting resources to make up for the ones I lost when Giggles prezzies got pillaged.

I take two more of Pac's cities but still not close to dom THEN Un vote comes up again. I call for diplo vote figure with Pete's votes it SHOULD be a lock.

Turns out even if Petey hadnt capped me and my other lackeys would have been enough to win peteys xtra 200 votes just makes it kind of a land slide hehe.

Final score graph:

Power graph:



All of which adds up to:

Grrr. I know it NOT a horrible score. But I honestly feel this was one my my best games played ever. It was definitely 100 times better played than the recent PYL game I played BUT that game which I played half as well got a score TWICE as high :/

I mean just like at my core cities:

I managed to get 11 cities on my island AND get em all to over 20 pop and all still growing with TONS of health and happy cap space still and all have enough hammers to build stuff in reasonable amount of time. Ok maybe it soumds like I am bragging but city placement and city management is still VERY hard for me and things very RARELY turn out this nice so yeah I am actually kinda of proud of these cities hehe :p

I mean this isnt Civ Total War it SUPPOSED to be building something to "stand the test of time" and I really do think a late game civ with a bunch of NICE big happy healthy cities SHOULD get if not a better score then AT least as good a score as winning game in 1100 AD with a bunch of smoking, unhappy, unhelathy cities your SOD left in its wake.

It just seems like end date affects score more THAN anything. If it were up to me I would have score where culture, population, wonders built, even things like somehow getting credit for having HUGE health and happy caps so that would all end up having impact on score. So like if you end game early then yeah you get hi score, if you end game late where you having trbl keeping your cities managed then you get lower score but if end late with nicely managed cities your score would be just as high.

ACtually I think maybe even that much isnt needed. I am not 100% sure but it seems like when game starts there is like a BIG time bonus to your score so like say if yous omehow won on turn 1 or something whatever your score is gets multiplied by a bonus of has some bonus added to it. Then after a certain number of turns you no longer get the bonus and in fact at a certain point in game (not sure where) it seems like from that point on every turn adds a NEGATIVE to your score that gets bigger the more turns you go past that point. If game would just NOT penalize you for taking game into later eras then that would be enough for me.

Oops Im ranting again arent I? sorry it just urks me that builders get short end of stick soo much in this game but I will stop now.

Anyways despite score I am happy with how I pl;ayed this game. And not JUST about my core cities but also about how I managed to use diplomacy to get Pac turn his early attack stack back home cuz I bribed another civ to DoW on him. And how I managed to break up a defensive Pac so I could attack Kubla earlier and also fact that I somehow managed to get decent army going by end. And that part wasnt always easy LOTS of turns I was like "I KNOW I NEED to build maore artillery but THAT city has a yucky face and NEEDS a recycling center to be pretty" but I FORCED myself to make it build artillery first (though for most part I DID manage to sneak in recycling center eventually hehe :p) and HOPE it means I am starting to learn something.

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