Lore Question


Jan 16, 2004
Where are the various civilizations located with respect to each other? Especially the ones that are only in FF. Also, where (or what kind of terrain) are the unique features found on, some are pretty easy to figure out but not others.

Fall from Heaven Civilizations:

* Amurites: mage society -> reagents and mana
* Bannor: lawful crusaders -> metals, to support their military society and religious fanatism
* Calabim: vampire aristocraty -> high food potential area, to feed the human stock
* Clan of Embers: orcs -> edge of the jungle, Pyre of the Seraphic to sacrifice angels
* Doviello: age of ice barbarians -> light tundra, because they like it cold
* Elohim: wardens of the secret sites -> all kinds of unique features
* Grigori: stay away from the gods and their endless wars -> hard to reach area
* Hippus: mercenary horse lords -> flat featureless terrain to support mobility, horses
* Illians: winter god worshippers -> tundra, snow, Letum Frigus
* Khazad: gold dwarves -> hills, high commerce potential, pigs, gold
* Kuriotates: sprawling cities -> three rings of high potential yield plots
* Lanun: pirates -> coastal start, pearls
* Ljosalfar: light elves -> thick forest, some dislike for colder regions
* Luchuirp: dwarven tinkers -> hills, high hammer potential, pigs, marble, ivory
* Malakim: desert people lead by an elf -> desert, incense
* Sheaim: arcane end of world prophets -> mana, reagents
* Sidar: detached immortals -> "live" in a hard to reach area near a river
* Svartalfar: dark elves -> forest, mana

Fall Further's additional Civilizations:

* Archos: spider worshippers -> hills, high food potential to breed cave spiders
* Austerin: explorers of windy places -> windswept featureless terrain
* Cualli: evil lizards -> nowhere cold, prefer jungle over forest
* Mazatl: good lizards -> nowhere cold, prefer jungle over forest, Mount Kasheek
* Chislev: indian style tribal warriors -> plains
* Dural: artists and students -> marble, to help build their wonders
* Kahdi: lusting for knowledge -> reagents, mana (Oghma), high commerce (Mammon)

copied directly from Flavourmod's thread. Scions start near patrian artifacts and low food yield areas.
I don't think that really answered his question, or at least the first part. He is looking for some definitive map of the political geography of Erebus. Unfortunately, that doesn't really exist. Kael has chosen to leave most of the geography up to the player, but we do know a few things.

As of the 300th year of the age of rebirth the Bannor Empire was the largest in the world. Decius may have established a larger one for himself though, led mostly by his Calabim troops. Cardith's young empire is quickly growing too, and may surpass the sze of these, but the populated areas are not so widespread.

From Valledia's entry we see that the Amurites share a coastal boarder with the Infernal. The Bannor and Lanun are also close enough for the Infernal to invade them, but the Amurites are weaker so they are a better target. Presumably the Elohim also share an infernal boarder, but as they were winnign against the demons they signed a peace treaty that the Infernals will not break (but Ethne eventually will, when she summons Basium).

The Hippus lands are surrounded by those of the Amurites, Kuriotates, and Elohim. However, as mercenaries they can be found almost anywhere. While you would expect a nation of horse riders to come from a flat area, all their lands mentioned are hills where their sheep graze. The Hippus are in fact masters of animal husbandry of many kinds.

Most of the Khazad still live underground, but those aren't really relevant to the game. Those above the surface live near the Deruptus Pass.

Before Decius joined them, the Calabim preferred to keep only a small kingdom on the edge of the desert of Myrh, so they could better protect their secret. Decius (if he joined them) conquered a large empire from the tiaga just south of the Umbrawood in the north, the Great Ocean in the East, the Deruptus Pass in the South, and the foothills of Tempus Mor to the west.

In Kael's D&D campaign, the Calabim capital of Prespur of the Storms was the largest city in the plane (I'm not sure this plane was Erebus). It was by the coast, very close to the Maelstrom (hence the name).

The Desert of Myrh itself is of course Malakim territory.

Both elven nations live and fight in the Umbrawood, and possibly lesser forests as well.

The Lanun's empire is made of waters rather than lands, although they do control numerous ports both on major continents and islands. Ship captains are considered higher ranking than the governors of the ports. Many Lanun follow the Overlords. Hannah follows them fanatically, while Falamar is not a religious man and is a bit uneasy around their followers.

The Orks live in the Jungles of Labuscum, especially around the Eternal Flame at the heart of Braduk the Burning. This is the crater through formed by the fall of Bhall through the center of old Bannor Capital, dragging the palace and her greatest temples into hell with her. When the Bannor found their way out they came though this flame, face to face with the mosters that their relatives had become due to Bhall's fall. The Bannor fled from the orks, and set up their empire just ourside this jungle. They have been constantly at war with the Clan of Embers, generally gaining more territory than they lost but not regaining their old capital, except during a truce negotiated by Rantine. They broke this truce (I'd guess that Orthus's barbarians attacked the Bannor first, and the Bannor retaiated against all orks), which really hurt Rantine's position in society.
Thanks MC, thats mostly what I was looking for, is there anymore on the FF civs? I know the Chislev are either between the Bannor and the Orks (or next to them both if Jonas was trying to flank the Bannor when he smashed through their land) and IIRC Kahd was origionally an Amurite so they are probably not too far from them. The others Im not really sure.

In general I'm (slowly) working on a world map with everyone in it and while Im at it I've updated Nikis-Knight's 19 civ map to work with the current FF version and I've been wondering if I could squish the other civs and unique features in there.
Thanks MC, thats mostly what I was looking for, is there anymore on the FF civs? I know the Chislev are either between the Bannor and the Orks (or next to them both if Jonas was trying to flank the Bannor when he smashed through their land) and IIRC Kahd was origionally an Amurite so they are probably not too far from them. The others Im not really sure.

In general I'm (slowly) working on a world map with everyone in it and while Im at it I've updated Nikis-Knight's 19 civ map to work with the current FF version and I've been wondering if I could squish the other civs and unique features in there.

Chislev - originally in jungles on the border of Clan lands, with the Bannor adjacent. Driven out to the plains by Jonas, where they plot their revenge.

Dural - On a peninsula with coastal routes to both the Bannor and Kuriotates (Karrlson takes a boat trip to see the effects of the war between the Clan/Bannor)

Archos - A small tribe of little interest, until Daracaat and the Haruspex decided it was time to expand. I had an image of them being south of the Doviello during their creation (that area of Erebus still being wild and untamed - it suits the savage nature of the two groups - plus they are linked by animal-themes - wolves and spiders).

Mazatl - An isolated jungle, somewhere to the south of the Sheaim.

Cualli - Moved back into the ruins of the old lizard civilizations (mostly wiped out during the Age of Ice). No real consensus on the relative location to the other civs, but fairly distant to the Mazatl.

Kahdi - Borders the Amurites. Kahd was originally an Amurite and he eventually sacks an Amurite city in order to plunder the library there.

Austrin - Scattered across Erebus. The original draft had allowed for having no penalties for distance between cities (I'd even considered bonuses for cities in separate continents) but it proved unfeasible and difficult to play. Might be a concept I'd like to revisit later though...
Yeah Nikis-Knight's map seems "accurate" and respect a lot lore wise....

The Belseraph seems isolated , far from the great war...

Wasn't Perpetach being prisoner in the ancient patria before being liberated? possible that he build his empire near.... so certainly near the scion (wich will allowed a cultural war between them) but Tarquelne will better answer this...

We know that the luichurp are close...
Problem is that they also send an army against the illian in the age of magic.... even if it was a golem army wich doesnt need much supply... still , i doubt they would have time to siege the illian palace before the ritual if they have to travel during 3 year before reaching them...
Solution would be a sea between perpentach/luichurp/scion are toward illian/doviello/amurite/lanun one
(since falamar went by sea in beseraph land to ask for more ship and then attack tebryn)

Khazad are also near the luichurp
Khazad must be near a chain of mountain
Same for the archos, in the "mother" world spell they bring mother against dwarf after all
And gameplay wise... khazad are defender, archos are offensive... could lead to a good fight (even if i fear the the quick spread of rune of kilmorph will kill that)

Amurite live near doviello and illian land also , certainly south of them

Then there is connection between elves land (both svart and lafj) , malakim, calabim and sidar.

I love fall further and first thing i chek after a first try , was some kind of official map , so i wish you good luck for yours, will sure try it ^^
Perpecntach was probably Kylorin's greatest student and a leader of Patria once Kylorin rebelled against his own empire. I prefer to think that Perpentach was more than just another student, he was an adopted son and heir apparent (at least in his own eyes, as Kylorin intended never to die). He was at this time a very somber man with no social skills. During one of the most celebrated battles of the Age of Magic, Kylorin stormed Perpentach's fortress and eventually defeated him. First, however, he had to kill a great number of his close friends and and innocent strangers, since he could not break Perpentach's control over them and they were attacking him I like to think that when Kylorin finally got into Perpehtach's chamber the Master of Mind's power was overwhelming, and he succumbed--briefly. Just as he gave in the copy of him inside Perpentach's head thought to break down a barrier he had helped Perpentach create when he first found him, causing a flood of copies of Perpantach's victims' minds to burst forth, driving him mad and breaking his concentration enough to release all his victims (including Kylorin) from his control. Kylorin could not ring himself to kill his adopted son, so he dragged him out of that fortress and imprisoned him in a tower deep in the wilderness and guarded by golems, far from any civilization. That would mean his prison was far from the Patrian civilization of the time, but I like to think that the Tower of Eyes may once have been Kylorin's own palace from which he ruled Patria (The Patrians actually called themselves Amurites, so I'd say the region may be called The Wilderness of Amur; the modern Amurites don't really have any stronger a connection to the ancient Amurites than any other human civ though, so this may be far from their lands.), but that his corruption had destroyed the heart of his empire and left it unlivable, so it had laid empty for centuries as the empire relocated its capital.
"I was once a hero amoung our people. But I tried to stop the war, to lead a clan of orcs into treaties with men and against the savagry of Orthus."

Sheelba stared at him, confused.

"The men never intended to make peace. The elders were slaughtered. I was... thanked and released."
There never was a truce between the Bannor and orcs; when Rantine tried, he was betrayed by the Bannor and the leaders of his Clan were killed. That's why Jonas hated him so much; because not only was he going to join in an alliance against his fellow orcs, but he also failed and really hurt his own clan in the process.
Thanks MC, thats mostly what I was looking for, is there anymore on the FF civs? I know the Chislev are either between the Bannor and the Orks (or next to them both if Jonas was trying to flank the Bannor when he smashed through their land) and IIRC Kahd was origionally an Amurite so they are probably not too far from them. The others Im not really sure.

In general I'm (slowly) working on a world map with everyone in it and while Im at it I've updated Nikis-Knight's 19 civ map to work with the current FF version and I've been wondering if I could squish the other civs and unique features in there.

Your finished product will be interesting. :goodjob:
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