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[MOD] MagisterModmod

I do not why but turn times are slow... slower than MNAI, previous releases were not slower...
Loving this mod, however I have one issue. I like to play on marathon speed on a large world. The revolutions component becomes a little unbearable. Presently, I have had three conquered cities having revolutions for over 100 turns, with little sign of stopping (only 36% population). I tried razing cities and then resettling using my settlers, but it still shows population of the previous civilization.

The game has somewhat ground to a halt as all the civilizations are in similar situations. It creates lots of massively upgraded units - I have over 20 with 60+ experience points - but because you need 5 or so units for each city, no one can really maintain a war or expand.

Is there something I am missing here or a way to tone this down. I like the revolts immediately after capture, but it gets a little excessive when there have been over 20 revolts for one city.

Thanks for any thoughts.
Loving this mod, however I have one issue. I like to play on marathon speed on a large world. The revolutions component becomes a little unbearable. Presently, I have had three conquered cities having revolutions for over 100 turns, with little sign of stopping (only 36% population). I tried razing cities and then resettling using my settlers, but it still shows population of the previous civilization.

The game has somewhat ground to a halt as all the civilizations are in similar situations. It creates lots of massively upgraded units - I have over 20 with 60+ experience points - but because you need 5 or so units for each city, no one can really maintain a war or expand.

Is there something I am missing here or a way to tone this down. I like the revolts immediately after capture, but it gets a little excessive when there have been over 20 revolts for one city.

Thanks for any thoughts.

There are a couple of buildings that improve stability, like Monument, Courthouse and Dungeon (in MNAI, I'm not sure if Magister added any).
For short-term stability, bribe cities (but that can be very short-term)
Use missionaries to put down revolts (the "great work" ability to spread culture puts down the "angry citizens" revolts (but does not prevent real violent revolutions)) to build the buildings above, cultural buildings and buildings that reduce maintenance.

Generally, colonies and distant cities are much more likely to revolt, and all cities should be connected to the capital, as unconnected cities get a lot instability.
Religion can also play a part in revolution. If another civ owns the holy city of your religion, the revolution index will increase. Likewise, if Cult of the Dragon or Children of the One are in your civ, and you aren't Kuriotate (CotD), Sheim (CotD), or Grigori (CotO), you will have revolutions break out.

Order/Empyrean and Ashen Veil/Esus in the same city also have events that can cause revolutions.
Thanks for the responses. I have the buildings, although not the holy city. is there a way to easily modify/speed up cultural assimilation (Is it in the XML files anywhere)? I think that is what takes too long for me.

Thanks again
I'm not sure where this ranks on the scale between "Amusing Anecdote" and "Is this really how it should work?" I have a game with normal settings, Monarch difficulty, and I'm playing the calabim.

The Barbarians are rampaging across the land. There are a pair of ogres that are stampeding over the landscape. It's turn 148 and the barbarians have conquered the Wood Elves, Lanun, and Balseraphs. I have eliminated the Sheaim. The only remaining civilization is the Elohim, and they only have 2 cities and no units strong enough to defend themselves against the eventual barbarian hoard that will be approaching. My primary defense is that I am on the opposite side of the (Erebus) Continent and have dedicated my economy to a superlative military force.

I suspected that the AI investigated a dungeon that spawn the terrors. I also expect that the game will be over before turn 200.
High-risk, high-reward. I haven't decided if the AI's willingness to explore the Uber-dungeons is brilliant or foolhardy.
Whatever the case, its an unfun mechanic.
I really do think there needs to be something stopping the ai from popping those lairs too early. I was thinking maybe a lair guardian that can't move but just sits on the tile. Nothing too strong just strong enough to stop early scouts from exploring before they're ready.

Mistforms are the worst thing to come out of the lairs. They just kill everything. But since they are hidden nationality and invisible they just sit in your city rather than take it. Only counter to them early game is to not build units. Then the mistform gets bored and goes to ruin someone else. The scary thing is you know its out there somewhere... waiting...
I really do think there needs to be something stopping the ai from popping those lairs too early. I was thinking maybe a lair guardian that can't move but just sits on the tile. Nothing too strong just strong enough to stop early scouts from exploring before they're ready.

Mistforms are the worst thing to come out of the lairs. They just kill everything. But since they are hidden nationality and invisible they just sit in your city rather than take it. Only counter to them early game is to not build units. Then the mistform gets bored and goes to ruin someone else. The scary thing is you know its out there somewhere... waiting...

I live in fear of fires myself. I don't the mechanic, but that "volcano" event is just terrible. If the smoke lasts long enough you inevitably get Mistforms.

What makes it really bad is it usually happens early in the game, when you have no way of putting out fires. I play Kuriotates a lot and usually use my first sage to bulb KOE, so generally I have an adept with water magic.

Pretty bad if you don't have water mana in the palace though.
Its a tough call... Remember the AI is also popping the extra lizard and skeleton forts, which also summon big baddies. Do you also want to be kept from exploring the same early on? Myself, I try to explore all nearby lizard/skeleton forts so my capital can grow in peace.
Its a tough call... Remember the AI is also popping the extra lizard and skeleton forts, which also summon big baddies. Do you also want to be kept from exploring the same early on? Myself, I try to explore all nearby lizard/skeleton forts so my capital can grow in peace.

Well those lairs have either lizards or skeletons so that stops the ai exploring them too early. Also the worst you get from those lairs is a few axemen. I've never seen anything really bad pop from the normal lairs. The unique lairs seem to give more powerful enemies and are never guarded so the ai scout is going to explore them.
They are not guarded in the first 20 turns or so. Once I popped an ogre and had to restart the game.

I wouldn't mind seeing a special requirement for unique lairs, however. Maybe level 4...but then you are affecting the strategy of exploring next to an enemies borders. If you don't get something cool, hopefully the monster will stomp on your opponent.
I've thought of another solution. What if you give some of the stronger enemies that pop out of lairs the UNITAI_ANIMAL this is what barb gargoyles and hill giants have. It makes them wander around wilderness and will only attack if you get close. This should stop ogres destroying nations early in the game but still keep lairs dangerous.
I'm thinking of giving the "henchmen" units from the Big Bad exploration results UNITAI_ANIMAL, but giving the "boss" unit UNITAI_LAIRGUARDIAN instead.

That way the strongest unit should prefer to stay on the lair's tile and thus prevent anyone from exploring it again until it is vanquished. The other units would still move around and attack you, but shouldn't go wipe out your cities.

Edit: In my first test that doesn't seem to work quite as well as I hoped. The Lairguardian does not seem to be staying put. I wonder if I should go so far as giving the boss the Held promotion? Or maybe set a immobile timer for a large, random number of turns.
I think that sounds like a reasonable idea. I'd hate to see "infinite" lair exploration go away, but I see the concerns some have about overly tough enemies in the early turns.
Sounds good. That would stop you just popping lair and waiting for bad guys to leave then come back to repeat. This way you have to fight for it.

On a unrelated note. A way for some fun. What you need. Peace with barbarians chaos mana. Then get some units with chaos 2. Summon chaos marauder. Delete chaos marauders. Repeat until world is covered in chaos marauders. This works well with ashen veil ritualists. Build a demons altar in a city and summon them there for free xp and whatever metal weapons you have.

They won't make much impact at first but they'll slowly over whelm your enemies.
I'm thinking of giving the "henchmen" units from the Big Bad exploration results UNITAI_ANIMAL, but giving the "boss" unit UNITAI_LAIRGUARDIAN instead.

That way the strongest unit should prefer to stay on the lair's tile and thus prevent anyone from exploring it again until it is vanquished. The other units would still move around and attack you, but shouldn't go wipe out your cities.

Edit: In my first test that doesn't seem to work quite as well as I hoped. The Lairguardian does not seem to be staying put. I wonder if I should go so far as giving the boss the Held promotion? Or maybe set a immobile timer for a large, random number of turns.
you'd have to find a way that the "boss" is not held on a tile NEXT to the lair, instead of the lair.
I will say that it made the game 'unfun'. It became more about a constant struggle against barbarians. The game has lasted longer than expected, but it's not been fun, boiling down mostly to a grind against a horde of barbarians. The Calabim empire dreads the coming of the Lunatic stack that consumes all before it before getting squashed.

Time to start fresh.
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