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[MOD] MagisterModmod

You could make it so the guardian spawns with held (so it cannot move) or Crazed (so you don't have to command it).
Also, is it possible for skeletons to be slightly less aggressive (they spawn faster than lizardmen and seem to zerg, leaving no one to guard) and goblins slightly more (I recently had a stack of 15 goblins in a fort very close by, but no invasions).
I'm starting to think that archmage summoners with affinity may be too powerful. A Metamagic Affinity Archmage with Twincast and Spellstaff in particular can just about win a war by himself, as he could summon 12 Djinni who could also get Twincast for 6 more summons of their own.

I'm thinking about dialing it back to that the affinity version of spells don't summon multiples of their summons anymore, just stronger versions of a single summon with a lower chance of miscasting.

Another idea that just came to mind is that I could stop giving Dimensional summoners a fraction of the summons' xp and instead allow summoners with affinity to keep the xp of their summons from that sphere. An Archmage with Fire affinity and Death 3 could thus gain the full xp of its Fire Elemental summons but none from its Wraiths.

The aggressiveness of the Skeletons comes from their Rebel promotion, which I gave them as a way of distinguishing the loyal Undeath Affinity skeletons from the Undeath 1
permanent summons as allowing multiple skeleton summons at that level seemed too strong. That was before the miscast mechanism was so fully implemented. I am now leaning towards removing their Rebel promotion from the xml define and the Loyalty perk from the affinity skeleton summons. It would be much more useful to let Undeath affinity casters earn the xp their Skeletons earn once the summons die.

What would you think if I moved the prerequisite for the Library of Oghma and thus founding of the Laeran Cord back to Writing instead of Arcane Lore? Right now it depends on Arcane Lore, making the Laeran Cord a decidely late game religion that seems a bit underpowered for how long you have to wait for it. Canonically it seems like the Laeran Cord may make more sense as one of the earlier religions, not as early as the Fellowship of the Leaves or Runes of Kilmorph (which never died out during the Age of Ice) but earlier than the Undertow. Most of the Undertow lore revolves around The Burnt Priest, Gaelan Sedracious, whose heretical Circle of Gaelan was founded well after the Laeran Cord had been re-founded. Mechanically I'm thinking allowing Archives before Arcane Lore would be too much, but it might be nice to allow Scribes to be trained with only Writing and Libraries. I might be convinced to allow Gaelan to be trained at Sorcery, but would probably leave it at Arcane Lore too.

Now that all the other religions have disciples and priests that can be built without state religion, I wonder if I should bring the Council of Esus more in line rather than requiring an undercouncil resolution to let their Agents of Esus/Illusionists to be trained without state religion.
A single stronger summon would be still be very useful. Obviously not as powerful as a trio of them, but it could be worth it to resolve the OP affinity + Twincast combo. I think the existing absence of miscast chance should still be there imo - it would suck hard to get an archmage and then have him die off by his own summon, especially now that you only get 1 (Runewyns especially come to mind).

Removing Enraged from Skeletons would make them a bit more viable. I find that currently skeletons are very much "fire and forget" type spells, and only on the off-chance one of them survives somewhere out there do i bother considering them a unit - even when summoned next to an enemy stack they usually run off to find something easier to kill (understandable, since they quickly fall off in strength) but this could let you actually retain a small defensive skeleton force.

Having the Library earlier sounds like a beneficial change. As you said, the Laeran Cord are currently very much a late-game religion (especially given the current absence of spellcasting for their Scribes/Saperes); i find them very comparable to The Between but lacking the mobility that religion offers in the early game. It should definitely require a Library to be built, and be blocked to Doviello (and Clan, by extension).

I was going to comment on Zealots and Firebrands having the same tech + building prequisite, but i just noticed that's shared by a couple of the new religions: Ember Legion, Eternal Cabal, House of Plenty and Ring-Givers (the HoP Curator actually lacks Gallery as a prerequisite, but this has already been mentioned before). HoP Curators & Techtons should probably have Priesthood added as a tech requirement, while i think Zealots & Sextons should be bumped down to only require Philosophy.

Additionally, Techtons and Tinkers also actually cost the same (200, with double speed from Enchantment). I think that rather than lowering Tinkers to have the same cost as other disciples (with a commesurate reduction in work speed), Techtons should be increased to 300 in cost. They're already some of the best disciples/priests in the game due to their worker abilities - the Ring-Givers is such an amazing mid-to-late game religion (i absolutely love their tanks) but they could use a bit of a nerfing tweak.
What settings are you all using to avoid late game freezes? I've just had my second Large map game grind to a halt around turn 300, with different crashes every few turns that require log reading and World Builder intervention. Deleting individual units is the most common remedy, but I abandoned these two campaigns when continuing required the full kill of an AI civ. Are the smaller map sizes noticeably more stable?
What settings are you all using to avoid late game freezes? I've just had my second Large map game grind to a halt around turn 300, with different crashes every few turns that require log reading and World Builder intervention. Deleting individual units is the most common remedy, but I abandoned these two campaigns when continuing required the full kill of an AI civ. Are the smaller map sizes noticeably more stable?

I played two maps on the previous patch up to turn 400 and had no problems, except crash on completing Dock of Dreams or smth.Still haven't tried new version tho
I haven't had any crashes with the last two patches, except like aleviq crashing when building the Dock of Dreams in the previous patch. I do feel like turn games that go beyond 300 or so turns often become unenjoyable, but that's generally a lag issue and AI computation time. I had an Infernal game i ended at turn 314 when i reached 100 AC and all the Hellfires gave me total map vision and about a hundred Sect of Flies to manage.
I haven't had any crashes with the last two patches, except like aleviq crashing when building the Dock of Dreams in the previous patch. I do feel like turn games that go beyond 300 or so turns often become unenjoyable, but that's generally a lag issue and AI computation time. I had an Infernal game i ended at turn 314 when i reached 100 AC and all the Hellfires gave me total map vision and about a hundred Sect of Flies to manage.
So that crash was fixed?
So that crash was fixed?

Yes, the latest patch seems to have fixed the issue completely - it hasn't crashed for me when adding it via WB, manually building it, or via getting Cliodna to spawn it as part of retrieving the Ocean's Tear.
What settings are you all using to avoid late game freezes? I've just had my second Large map game grind to a halt around turn 300, with different crashes every few turns that require log reading and World Builder intervention. Deleting individual units is the most common remedy, but I abandoned these two campaigns when continuing required the full kill of an AI civ. Are the smaller map sizes noticeably more stable?

I tried a few things but nothing really popped out, I just eventually gave up. Presumably less civs = more stability, and if you can finish the game fast enough that'd help too.
Perhaps this has already been mentioned somewhere, but I have a game in the task manager "Not responding". I noticed that this happens while studying the Fanaticism technology. At the same time, the bot calmly studies this technology and uses it. If it is important, at these moments I played for Bannor through Order and several times for Sidar through the Eternal Cabal. If it is possible to correct this error yourself, then you can please tell me. Thanks in advance)
can somebody fill me in in how you can build Pirate Ports as the Lanun? - Icant get it to work. I have the Fighing Boat, and not on any map square will it give me the option to build one. What am i doing wrong? Is it a tech prereq you need?
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Note that is a bug which Magister intends to fix.
I noticed i am getting a lot of War unhappiness as Svartalfar, but the only unit i am consistently losing is Alazkan's Black Mirror illusion duplicate. If possible, the Dark Reflection race should be set to prevent the unhappiness, in the same way some other units don't cause war unhappiness on death. I don't know if it's possible to control this via a promotion, admittedly.
Having some isues. My game is on a steam instalation, so I have had to go with the non standard instalation. I installed FFH2 (patch level n by default), renamed the directory, downloaded the magister archive, and pulled its contents into the FFH2 directory and overwrite. Then I launch civ 4, load mods, and about 2/3 way through loading get a failed to initialise the primary control theme popup, which comes up twice, and then the game dies.
Oh I dont have the media pack installed by the way, the download link for it didnt work.
Research suggests that this happens when the mod is not in the right place. However i followed all the instructions. Perhaps someone could zip and upload the whole thing, ffh2 with magister already installed. I, not sure what im doing wrong.
That appears to be an issue with it not being able to find the modmod when you start it. I found this example https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/loading-error.614177/ of someone with two mods folders, but it could otherwise be an issue with the filestructure inside the folder. On Linux Manjaro i had an issue where a recent update didn't merge folders properly, which didn't cause any CTDs but just missing models or textures. So i would double check the structure of the magister mod folder first. If you've gotten other mods or modmods to work, it's likely to be there the cause can be found.
ok here is my Civ4.htm file

// *** Control Bitmap Theme file

// Set the resource
resource_path "Mods/Magister Modmod for FfH2/Resource";

// Setup common properties
include "Mods/Magister Modmod for FfH2/Resource/Themes/Civ4/Civ4Theme.thm";

And here is my path

E:\Games\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Magister Modmod for FfH2\Resource


E:\Games\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Magister Modmod for FfH2\Resource\Themes\Civ4

Sadly does not work
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