Funnily enough @axx dropped by the Civ2 discord just 2 weeks ago and gave us an update.. it's a publicly accessible place so hopefully he'll be fine with me copying his post below for curious folks here...What's the status of the game?
I asked him about a sharable demo (for non programmers to check out) we can use to show off their work..Don't know how many have been following this project
A lot of work has been done recently, you can load a game it should draw a map, you can move around. The game is running on a loop with 60 fps, this is a big change compared to the original which was static - event based.
I'll probably do some sort of an update when the game gets in a quasi playable state. Right now there's not much to show off in terms of gameplay, but ruebene has been really pushing hard to get this project going.
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