Usually map settings is the last thing we see when new civ game is announced, but there's an interesting info so far:
- The reference to the new world always present, means we'll not see traditional map scripts like Pangea. There could be some configurations, like the number of unexplored continents or whether new world consists of islands, but it looks like the old world will always be a continent without coastal reach to the rest of the world
- Hard cap on civilization number raises question about map sizes. It looks like this time the game is even more tuned for specific world size, so it's possible we'll not see the map size option at all. Another thing hinting to this, is focus on console support out of the box, including pretty old ones. Civ 6 is not capable of running more or less big maps on these consoles and I doubt Civ 7 will
- Game speed options could potentially be there, but with age switching mechanics they sure would need more tuning than before (and I can't say they worked great before). Noticing developers already talking in fixed turn numbers, I suspect this option potential could be out on release either