[MAP] [Map] My huge 19 civ map for v.25 +

I knew they weren't developed yet, but as this is a WorldBuilder map, and such I was assuming it could/would be changed since we can play as them. Because honestly, if you could play as a Civ, wouldn't you want traits?
sorry to only put negative things in the last comment, I was in a bit of a hurry. This was one of my favorite pre-made maps before and it seems much improved now. I especially like the improvements to the Luchuirp starting area, it was a little weak before but much better now.
Adding traits isn't hard at all, it just requires very minor changes in the Civ4LeaderHeads.xml file. It is very easy to see how traits work if you look at the other leaders, and you could even just copy the traits you want from other leaders.
Okay, thanks. But, I don't think I can change it in the map; people need to do it themselves in their own xml.
True. And I doubt such a simple xml change could break the map, although it could probably cause multiplayer problems if all players didn't make all the same changes.

(I've actually added traits in the middle of a game before. Just save, exit, save the xml files with the changes you want, and load your saved game. You don't get the bonuses retroactively, e.g, giving yourself the magic resistant trait would not give out the promotion to existing units, but they are applied from that point on)
I really like it; ts awfully large but I guess thats the idea :D The only other complaint I have it seemed pretty easy to me. This is my first try with BTS .25 as well... (Actually, despite some people complaining .25 is too hard I find it actually easier than previous versions. I usually played with Raging Barbs before so I guess I'm just used to the swarms. I played some as the Amurites on Emperor and it was a real slog at first but once I got a hunting lodge built I was rolling easily, capturing hoardes of bears. (Having my intial scout turn into a Hero via Random event was a huge help as well! Love the BTS additions) I tried a game on Immortal as the Dwarves, and was doing very well. Interesting developments in that one: The Malakin succumbed to barbs, then the Calabim did too. The Dragon had spawned right next to the Tomb of Succellus (Of all places) and pretty much wiped out the Lucihurp. Hippus ended up being the major power, but I was gearing up to take them down, just had to secure the border with the barbs first (Not easy, they were swarming in stacks of 3-6 down the Calabims road right towards my capital). I had founded Runes, but the Hippus founded OO, and spread it to the Balseraph and Luci's as well as the Elohim, turning them neutral. I later offered a tech to the Elohim to convert to Runes and they accepted, giving me a strong ally to the west with the same religion and align...

Ended up wondering what was up with my weapons promotions and realized the patch was buggy.:crazyeye: Gonna try again with another civ now that I got the new patch, I'll try and give some more feedback for you...

Other Notes: The AI Sheaim seem to almost always get crushed by barbs...
Yes, I think the ai's will be less of a challenge with raging barbs turned on.
Also, difficulty levels were changed around alot for BtS; I'm not sure if Kael kept things as they were or went with the BtS changes, though.
I agree about a lot of land; I added some mountians and lakes and so on because of this, recently, though I will continue to tweak.
Tried another start with the Elves, as usual Malakim and Calabim died to barbs early on. This time the Kurioates also succumbed. Sheaim did make it this time. (Immortal level). Really like the Elf start spot, its a nice balance of fast start with the ancient forests+preserve and nearby Tree, but also difficult due to its relative isolation (lots of barbs) and nearby spawn points. I barely managed to survive the initial rush (the skeletons were especially annoying) but managed to get a hunting lodge up just in time. The hawks seem bugged right now (won't load onto hunters) , but were still helpful revealing terrain every turn to keep the barbs from getting too crazy. Its around Turn 130 and I've got a pretty healthy lead over everyone else around, and will have Fellowship in about 20 turns...Not sure I'll continue this one.

I think I'm gonna try Malakim, they seem doomed, but maybe they just need some better handling off the bat. :P
Anyone else having Nefelia's problem? Maybe you're not patched completely?
Yeah, me :sad:
Fresh install of Civ IV & BtS (with latest Firaxis patch) & FfH II v.25k.

I'm able to play .25 on its own, though. 24 civs, here I come!
I usually give Faeryl arcane/raiders (halfway between her old traits and what Sureshot always asks for, phi/rai),

Personally Faeryl is Aggressive/Arcane for me. I don't see background reasons for Raiders, and even less Philosophical.

I've started playing the map and it seems ok. Maybe Malakim has too few hills though. Also, from the beginning I have all the special features (like pool of tears and such) revealed on the map. Is it because I started as Elohim or it is so with any other civ ?
Yeah, me :sad:
Fresh install of Civ IV & BtS (with latest Firaxis patch) & FfH II v.25k.

I'm able to play .25 on its own, though. 24 civs, here I come!
:( Try a random huge map with >18 civs, see if that works? Also, maybe there is an auto save you can load.

Malakim are the only ones completely surrounded by open land, and hill-giant friendly land at that. At the least I'll start them out on plains hills, we'll see if that helps.

Also, I wonder if starting each civ at war with one other civ (whom they could later make peace with after 10 turns, I think) would help them start on war-footing and survive barbarians better? Would that be more annoying?

I'm also considering wrapping y-axis, and starting off with labels of important places. Anyone have strong feelings on either of these?
Hmm I played quite a bit last night, was extremely difficult on Immortal. Was one of the best games I've ever had so far of FFH tho, very challenging and the events and quality of the map added spice. The Malakim starting spot is poor and in the worst possible area for a raging barbs map: isolated from its neighbors, and surrounded on all sides with open wastes. The mirror was a great help as the barbarians began spawing as I could station a lightbringer on it to help slow the spawns to the east. I built a number of warriors and a second lightbringer and decided to not even try to build a worker as previous experience had told me it would be a wasted effort. Instead I just let the city expand to 5 pop, beelined to bronze working, and began building a settler to establish a second town near the mirror.

About the time the Svarltalar were overwhelmed by barbarians. I built the second town, and began construction of a training yard in my capital. By this time my warriors had destroyed so many orcs they had become hardy veterans. I slowed my tech to save money to upgrade them, and just as my training yard was finished a huge horde appeared from the northwest: The pillagers of the Shadow Elf kingdom I suspect, come to make me their next victims. There must have been 6-8 orcs, about 10 goblins, and a couple sects of flies. My veteran capital guards I upgraded to swordsmen and they, with only a few warriors to support them barely sufficed to hold off the evil horde: but a level 7ish swordsman with the proper upgrades and +60% defense bonus from the capital, and encircling rivers made them almost (except to the sects which were just barely survived) invincible.

Barbs continued to plague me, but slowly I built up a small force of swordsmen able to hold them off... Several emissaries from the elven kingdom dodged their way thru swarms of goblins and arrived to convert me to fellowship of leaves: very helpful even tho the terrain is not at all suited to this religion...I worked to build a third town, which attrated the attention of some more sects of flies (with escorting orc/goblin swarms). This was barely defended. I decided to attack the barbarian city up to the northwest and gathered a number of seasoned veteran swordsmen and managed to take it, only to be attacked by Alexis right after...An event declared something about runners being dispacted from the frontier to bring news of a surprise attack: this heralded a golden age! Much needed... I rushed my swords back from the northwest to defend the realm, managed to finish the Great Library quickly after the golden age and begin ramping up more swords. Locked in a brutal war with invading Moroi and supporting catapults are my veteran swords and supporting adepts: things are far from boring, but I needed to get some sleep, had stayed up much too late already ;)

As far as the world goes, the elves are the most powerful nation, with the Hippus also doing well. Im ranked third among the 6 nations Ive contacted.
And for starting balance, why aren't there horses anywhere close at all to their starting spot? Some guys mounted on Zebras would have been a big help...
And for starting balance, why aren't there horses anywhere close at all to their starting spot? Some guys mounted on Zebras would have been a big help...
It might have been an oversight, though everyone is supposed to struggle to find some of their resources.

If you are seeing sects of flies, it sounds like you don't have the most recent version, I nixed that hellfire. But if it is fun as is, stick with it!

Later today I'll put up a version that has Malakim & Calabim start on hills to help against barbarian attacks... I may also give the Malakim a lake nearby to limit the direction the barbs come from for them.
I played a bit more earlier, had to peace with the hated Calabim as it was more or less a stalemate so I gave them a tech for peace. Elves and Hippus are outpacing me quite a bit on tech... Malakim still a middle of the pack nation. The barbs have slowed to a trickle and Malakim forces are moving north to the capture what used to be Dark Elf territory from the barbs.

Theres not a horse anywhere in site still...
:( Try a random huge map with >18 civs, see if that works? Also, maybe there is an auto save you can load.
My huge map starting with 24 civs (minus 4 destroyed, plus Hyborem and Basium) is going just fine (though it took about 10-15 minutes for my computer to process AC 40).

I'll give your map another go within a week. Would it matter where I save the file, and how I start the game with it?
I'm no expert, but try this--open WB in a random FfH 2 v25 etc. game. save in WB, then load in WB. If it works, note the folder it saved to, try loading this map from there. If mine still doesn't work, post the save from your map so I can compare them to see what is different.
Just for the record, I had the CTD once starting this map but only once, not sure what that means. I'm gonna try another start with the new map to help you tune it up. I like the current default settings (The no tech brokering is cool, I used to like to play FFH with no trading at all but this is a great middle ground imo). Did you give the Malakim some horses now? Considering their poor starting location I don't think it would be a bad thing at all to put one close to the start spot.
I'll try that out Nikis-Knight.
Since I won't be able to touch Civ today (if I'm smart...), does the FfH patch matter? I notice that patch K is supposed to break saves.
The Ljosafar seem to always end up the leaders every game...

Kurioates are right there as well, but maybe its due to the sprawling being deactivated.
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