Mr Nikis Knight
What a marvelous map. It must have taken ages to design, but it's an excellent piece of work of which you should be rightfully proud: clever use of numerous small seas to define distinct regions, and get maximum playing space, and the little scenic touches look great (particularly the mountain range from the Vale of Arawn to the Broken Sepulchre).
Unfortunately, my humble laptop tends to keel over and kick it's legs in the air about the middle of the game, so I can't really play beyond that. I am most disappointed!
However, within this limitation I've had good games as the Ljosalfar (a shock when I went south, but a powerhouse under Guardian of Nature), the Amurites (starting position was a bit tough, but was getting things together when my "hungry" northern neighbour wiped me out with a proper horde) and the Grigori (great starting position).
Great work. I just wish I had a more powerful machine!