[MAP] [Map] My huge 19 civ map for v.25 +

You aren't kidding about the elves. I reduced their starting location and took some of the bonuses away from the Ygdrisil area. (Gameplay over pretties!)
Also, Acheron/Orthus spawned on an island in the n. ocean, which is unfun, so it's much reduced. (first post updated.)
I'd leave in the Nature Preserve, its cool, it doesn't help the AI all that much I don't think, and it can be destroyed by Barbs rather easily. Just my 2 cents. And as for the tree area, maybe 1 deer instead of 2 and leave 1 of the furs?
Ironically I tried out your newest revised map and Acheron camped out right next to Yggrasil. :lol: Malakim are much better now I think, very playable.
Falamar is almost always in last place, I think he needs some help, maybe even changing the starting position a bit. He has trouble expanding...
Falamar is almost always in last place, I think he needs some help, maybe even changing the starting position a bit. He has trouble expanding...

Could be due to the constant stream of skeletons if he doesn't take out that nearby barrow early on, as it also blocks a main path north and west.
Good map! Very... interesting. Started as Ljosalfar (as always). Builded a city between a prebuilt Death Mana and a Shadow Mana, and -poof-, both mana nodes become raw mana! :crazyeye:
on the first post could you mention where to place the file? ( im not to sure where it goes myself... scenarios or ffh sub-folder?)
i have both the newest version of ffh and the newest bts patch but im still getting a crash when the intro movie starts

is there a solution to this problem yet?
Well, three suggestions if you are getting crash problems (obviously I double check each version myself before posting and haven't personally seen this)
1) Re-download. Maybe you dl'ed it the first time as I was replacing it? (File size unzipped should be 927 kb.
2) Try with movies turned off?
3) Try to load an autosave after a crash and see if that works to bypass the problem?
Let me know if anything works!
(All this assumes you have the CPU/RAM to play a huge map, of course.)
I started a game as Alexis, and on turn 8 one of the skeletons from the new lairs near Kandros killed me. Fastest death ever for me. I was unlucky though, and had chosen to make a scout instead of a warrior first. Next game there were three skeletons attacking my city around turn 12 but I had a couple warriors this time.

I'm not complaining though. I had Raging Barbs on so I was asking for it.

Also, you took away the Calabim's copper! That's okay, I realized I'd rather have a town there anyway. Good work here!
Mr Nikis Knight

What a marvelous map. It must have taken ages to design, but it's an excellent piece of work of which you should be rightfully proud: clever use of numerous small seas to define distinct regions, and get maximum playing space, and the little scenic touches look great (particularly the mountain range from the Vale of Arawn to the Broken Sepulchre).

Unfortunately, my humble laptop tends to keel over and kick it's legs in the air about the middle of the game, so I can't really play beyond that. I am most disappointed!

However, within this limitation I've had good games as the Ljosalfar (a shock when I went south, but a powerhouse under Guardian of Nature), the Amurites (starting position was a bit tough, but was getting things together when my "hungry" northern neighbour wiped me out with a proper horde) and the Grigori (great starting position).

Great work. I just wish I had a more powerful machine!
Thanks! When I tried playing the Doviello yesterday, I took out the Amurites after about 20 turns. Then the Bannor as soon as I found them. Then I was sort of stuck for a long time with super slow research. I don't know if there's much to be done about that., Charadon just makes a bad neighbor.
Well, I tried everything again, and the auto-save trick worked this time. Yay!

Is there a reason you put perma-vision on all the special sites for the Elohim? I can understand them knowing the locations, but I can't see the justification for the constant vision. I've met a bunch of civs already at the beginning of my game, including those that are quite far away.
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