Marathon game +8 AI


May 7, 2023
I am looking someone to play PVP PVE match.
I believe that Marathon speed and Huge map size give the best Civilization experience. Unfortunately AI can not provide exiting gameplay in the late game.
I want to combine Play by cloud and normal game. Schedule some active sessions during evenings and weekends. So game does not long for years. Ideally it should long couple of months.
- 8 AI bots (Deity difficulty)
- Other settings mostly default (negotiable).
- Preferred time zone: GMT+2

Game modes:
- Gathering Storm
- All leaders
- Monopolies and Corporations
- Heroes & Legends
- Dramatic Ages
- Barbarian Clans
"I believe that Marathon speed and Huge map size give the best Civilization experience."
Yeah, we agree here.
"I want to combine Play by cloud and normal game."
I don't understand this. You mean multiplayer?
Well actually I currently work home-office and GMT+2 (Central Europe) so can make several turns per day (no need to schedule from my side). I think though at least some other players would be nice, not just 2 and 8 AI. But whatever, just create it, I'll join. I wonder if the modes would work, some combos seem to work according to bug report, but not all.
But, note, I am not interested in multiplayer, only "fast" pbc.
Average Marathon game is about 1000 turns. If you do 2 turns per day it will long at least 2 years. I am looking for someone who can play also in multiplayer mode on weekends and evenings to finish game in reasonable period of time.
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