Micro Management Mania

Good observations AT. I just want to add a big picture kind of remark here. We're kind of short on tiles to work in some cities so I wonder how big the cities in red can actually grow. That may have a direct bearing on whether we should keep The New Watchtower.
In general, from what I've observed, they can all get to size 12 - there are many coastal tiles we are not using. And, especially if they are using coastal tiles that aren't being used, those cities can give us 4-6 bpt per citizen (3 for the coast, with lib/uni, minus corruption issues)

The big question in my mind is how to model keeping or abandoning the new watchtower. We can't have someone besides the turnplayer load the game and see what happens if we abandon it.
I'm far from thinking I'm perfect, so do not hesitate to criticize me. ;)

I also thought about The New Watchtower every now and then. I had compared the saves of and after the turn when we had gifted it away and the beakers where identical, the shields was one or two worse with The New Watchtower.

With culture, The New Watchtower could get 7 sea / coastal tiles others cannot claim. I guess the commerce should make up for the wasted in other cities - but the shields defintely not - before oil platforms... ;)

Maybe we should disband it for now (rushing the needed settler at pop 1) and resettle it once we don't know where to join our workers? ;)

The other ideas I'll check before playing the next turn.
I had tried to max out production for The Admirality giving it another mine on an irrigated tile from The Igloo this turn. But it's still failing to do 60spt so we migth as well give tiles to other towns again.
But I try to give disputed tiles to the town with lower corruption (unless urgent tasks demand a shifting).
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