Minor Diplomacy Modification


Mar 14, 2007
San Antonio
One thing thats always bugged me about diplomacy is the constant bugging by the ai about every little thing. I can't go ask an annoyed Monty to pony up a tech out of friendship. I think it would be nice to be able to set three different attitudes towards the different ai:

Ignore: Very simply, that ai cannot bug you for any reason. There would be a large diplomatic penalty for using this that cannot decay until you switch it off after which it decays slowly.

Neutral: Small (-1?) diplomatic penalty for being in this mode with an ai. The penalty is only present when you are in this mode. The ai cannot come to you with friendly requests, i.e. "Charity begins at home...". Demands of any type are still allowed.

Favorable: AI can do whatever the heck the RNG decides they should do.
I think this makes a lot of sense - as much as I like entertaining guests, having a different monarch come by every turn asking for something does get somewhat tiresome. The fact remains, if I want Open Borders I'll let you know when I want it, not the other way round.

I'd like to see this implemented into a Mod (if it hasn't already been implemented). If you're about to ask me to implement it myself - I wouldn't bother since my reasons (cough: excuses) will involve the words:
lack of time
consumer culture has made me expect things to be done for me
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