New update is here!
Headline changes
Bug Fixes
Headline changes
- Zealot leader generals have a new action ‘Apply Enlist’
- Reworked regencies
- Added option to disable tile improvement recommendations
- Zealot leader generals have a new action ‘Apply Enlist’, which gives their next kill a 100% chance to Enlist for 3 turns, for the cost of 400 civics. This replaces their previous 10% chance to enlist on kill.
- Reworked regencies:
- Regents no longer lead to legitimacy decay as normal leader changes do.
- The Rightful Heir will automatically become the Chosen Heir and this cannot be changed by the Regent.
- Regents no longer cause others in the line of succession to become bypassed on becoming Regent or on giving up the throne.
- Regents who do not give up the throne become Usurpers and do cause others in the line of succession to become bypassed.
- The free Garrison in your Capital and Fair from a Traders seat can now appear on any valid tile instead of only on existing urban tiles. As before, the locations of these can be set by using improvement pings.
- Exiting a cloud game mid turn will now save your progress and no longer reset to the start of the turn on reload
- Urban tiles no longer placed under tribal settlements unless they are city sites (applies when City Sites number is modified)
- Pharaohs of the Nile campaign – No leader turns family opinion penalty no longer applies
- Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 3 – Reduced raids and increased Amun units on higher difficulties
- Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 6 – Climate change induced Nile flooding now has a 10 turn grace period
- Tweaked capture foreign cities ambition tiers
- Sacred and Profane – Make Clergy mission requires target to be single
- Enabled Extreme Terrain and Tribal Lands map options for multiplayer Continent and Donut map scripts and Tribe Number map option for multiplayer Seaside and Bay map scripts
- Fervent trait (from the Kush Piye dynasty) now grants the bonus militia in the city the religion spreads to instead of in the capital
- Enlightenment Theology now gives +3 happiness per Monk class instead of +2 per Elder Monk
- Guilds now gives happiness per Hamlet class improvement instead of just per Town
- Random maps are more likely to have at least one luxury resource of each type (does not apply to mirror maps)
- Added new EffectUnit options for modders – SelfApplyEffectUnitYieldCost, SelfApplyEffectUnitTurns, AttackApplyEffectUnitTurns, aiOccurrenceFromModifier, bMercenary
- Added new EffectPlayer option for modders – miMaxCities
- AI now waits until it has a greater power ratio before launching an attack outside of its borders
- Clarified the distinction between a tribe city site, a tribe settlement tile, and a tribe site, which are all technically different things but in many cases the same
- AI performance optimization
- Added AI for Zealot leader enlisting
- Improved performance in Heroes of the Aegean scenario 2
- Added player option to disable tile improvement recommendations
- Schemer’s Adopt Child mission now visible on the leader
- Character event log now puts all events of the same year on the same line, to save some vertical space
- Removed 16 nation display cap from Choose Leader screen
- Better improvement ping support for bonus improvements. If there is no improvement ping, an improvement ping for the same class is considered.
- Added helptext to events requiring an active Occurrence
- Mod Manager – Uploading mods is now a background task like downloading is. Status added to bottom of mod manager
- Mod Manager – faster Modio downloads. Download size and percentage added to mod download status.
- Added warning to the tooltip if assigning a general or governor is going to replace another character
- Character illness is now included in the turn
- Rival visibility toggle () now shows visibility from allied units as well
- New cognomen popup will now display the legitimacy it gives
- Other team VPs will now display in yellow/red as they get close to victory
- Improved display of Zealot Enlist Next effect
- Tooltip for event bonuses that affect all cities of a religion now shows how many cities it will affect
- Added loading hint for Slow AI option
Bug Fixes
- Fixed cloud game bug where sometimes it remained locked to a player who had exited the game without ending their turn
- Fixed potential issues with transition from sequential to simultaneous turnStyle
- Units that were under attacked cooldown and now are supposed to be allowed to move because of a turnStyle change, have their cooldown removed
- Attacked cooldown is no longer given if an attacked unit could not move at that point in the turn anyway
- Fixed null reference
- Fixed tile visibility exception
- Fixed OccurrenceEndPlayer bonus
- Fixed victory popup display with more than 10 ambitions or players
- Fixed camera panning to attacked cities with Follow AI set to None
- Fixed turn style and turn timer in the options popup being applied before you click save
- Fixed reset button on options panel not updating the turnStyle and turnTimer settings
- AI now does diplomacy with other AI first before getting to humans so diplomacy events are more current
- Fixed improvement help text bug on city sites
- Fixed victory event not appearing if the leader dies on the last turn
- Pharaohs of the Nile campaign – Blocked Visitor from the East event
- Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 2 – Blocked Monotheism law
- Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 3 – Change state religion hidden until appropriate time in the campaign
- Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 3 – Fixed some Zone of Control bugs
- Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 3 – Fixed defeat event not popping on total defeat, or loss of Akhetaten. Improved speed of victory event popup.
- Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 3 – fix possible AI hang when it’s thinking about healing an Amun unit by pillaging
- Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 4 – Ramesses and Muwatalli event and achievement fixes
- Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 5 – fix defeat event not popping.
- Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 6 – Worst Possible Ending achievement fix
- Learn to Play 3 – Fixed rare null ref error if there’s no heir. Fix defeat not triggering if conquered by raiders/rebels/barbs
- Fixed AI not declaring war on tribes to expand
- AI retreat fix
- Fixed some AI exploration confusion
- Map Editor – Fixed null ref when removing ruins improvement from an urban tile
- Old World premade map fix to Kush starting location
- Fixed events featuring players or tribes the player has not yet met
- Fixed some rare AI behavior when encountering danger before founding the first city
- Fixed new game portraits being overwritten with second display of portraits using nation index instead of playable nation index. Was affecting Hatti and Kush if those DLC were not owned.
- Fixed some issues with loading a save in a different game mode from where it was saved
- Reduced frequency of limit of 5 events per turn getting exceeded
- Fixed improvement upgrade cost bug
- Fixed Resume and Quick Cloud Load on main menu not unloading mods first
- Fixed bug with tribe settlement distribution
- Fixed free tech preferring tech currently being researched
- Fixed bad AI exploration with military units
- Fixed events not working for cities in anarchy
- Fixed bugs with Rise of Carthage scenario 3 sometimes failing to generate goals
- Fixed stolen city/city site trigger not taking teams into account
- Fixed family luxury menu display issue
- Fixed opinion bars displaying inconsistently
- Fixed specialist widget timers not updating when city yield production changes
- Fixed Learn to Play 5 bug where player couldn’t declare war again after accepting truce via an event
- Fixed unit/city stats sometimes not updating when general/governor stats change
- Fixed frame limit functionality
- Fixed map script non-city resource placement
- Fixed premade maps failing to start when No Ancient Ruins option enabled
- Text and event fixes