Missing In-Game Interface

Unfortunately I have to. I tried the official patches but when I tried installing them they didn't find Civ4 installation.

The Civ4 is pre-patched to 1.6 (or something like that. I don't remember exactly what was the patch version). I downloaded the patch 1.74 and installed it and then uninstalled and re-installed BTS, but it didn't help.

BTS is pre-patched to 3.17.
open the civilizationIV.ini for each of the games (should be in my games\<gamename>\ ) and set all items with log in their name from 0 to 1 - then start a game and recreate the problem, exit the game and post the logs in my games\<gamename>\logs as a zip file attachment here :)
I'm not absolutely sure about the terminology because I have Finnish language version of xp but there is a square mark in the Read-only check box. Not the usual checked sign. Could that cause some problems or help?
I tried it but it didn't help and when I looked the properties again after restart the read-only check box was checked again.
Thanks for all ideas. Can't win every battle.

I'll contact take2 support, maybe they can figure out what's wrong.
I am having a similar problem. Not sure if this is the identical problem or not.

Setup: BTS on Vista.
There seems to be a conflict between the HOF Mod and the Bug 3.6 Mod. Interface is fine when using BUG Mod but when using the HOF Mod the interface is gone. The Cntrl/Alt i functions do not bring back. After uninstalling Bug 3.6 all is well. So both work fine independently but not when both are installed.
the HOF-Mod certainly is picky with stuff in custom assets - so I would put both in their own folders and make sure to clear the cache by holding down shift during game startup when changing the mods or to just disable caching in the civilizationIV.ini
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