Missing Units in BTS

I'd like more tanks...And more boats too. :( They've added a lot of units in BTS though, so I can't say I'm not content. Too many units gets confusing...
There should be a gunpowered siege unit before steel.

I definetely agree with this; but we shouldn't really have any more units. The two units I want in are a Bombard, and Special Forces.
I don't really think we need more units but making the cannon available earlier wouldn't be a bad idea.
Plus if other countries had stealth aircraft and just didn't say so, how would we ever know? :)
I agree with the Gunpower tech Bombard unit (early cannon), and the Special Forces upgrade for Marines and Paras (who in the real world still exist in competition with Mechanized Infantry) would be nice too. Both fill niches which are obvious once you recognize them and which last a long time.

Other units which are only good for a few techs might be clutter, but also might be fun. We have some units now which have short lifespans at Normal, but at Epic/Marathon stick around a while.

The modern era gets hit with this, because the techs represent a short time in years (a decade or two), compared to earlier ages with perhaps centuries between them. The passage through the 20th century's wars can be pretty fast. There are basically two general eras -- WWII and late Cold War/current. WWI is somewhat there with the Infantry and Machine Guns, but the Tanks/Battleships are a leap ahead of that time.

Still, most of the time I guess we don't mind, because we're shooting for the end-game Modern Armor, which rules all ;-)
Well, there are three main holes, in the units upgrade paths that have old an modern units on the battlefield at the same time which just does'nt look right

Pikemen an longbowmen running around in the cannon, grenadier, currisars & cavalry era, it just does'nt look right, when things like pikes are fighting modern cavarly or you are bombarding longbows with cannons, it just goes against what people expect the look of combat in that period to be, units that have there basis in the napolonic era are engaged with ones that have there roots back in medieval times, while i know that early gunpowder units existed side by side with these units before eventually replacing them, in game terms longbows an pikes last to long and extend to far forward into the gunpowder age and the gunpowder era just does'nt look quite right as a result.

Without a lot of extra units, I don't know if this issue can ever be removed from the game. Obsolete units must be upgraded, and upgrades cost gold.

Having more units might simplify the incremental upgrading by reducing the cost per step, so the AI (and players) would upgrade more often.

Solution, Musketmen the current no role, an forgotten unit of the period should replace these units, and have a 25% bonus vs mounted like riflemen, so, longbows, crossbows an pikemen should all upgrade to the early musketmen unit, the result is the unit now has a clear upgrade path from previous units, which in itself will help to bring the poor old forgotten musketmen into the game far more, and the late gunpowder era will be more characterised by cannons, currisars, grenadiers, & musketmen all doing battle, rather than longbows an pikemen, it will give the era a feel more authentic and real to that timeperiod. cavalry with rifles being fighting men with pikes looks a bit naff.

The first Musketman is actual a matchlock user, an Arquebusier. The Grenadier represents not just the grenade throwing heavier assault forces, but the advent of the flintlock musket. However, there is room for a unit between them. They could also represent rifled muskets, which appeared before repeating rifles (which are what Riflemen apparently use). Infantry are closer to WWII (and modern) assault rifle users, with submachine guns and automatic weapons at hand.

There obviously could be more units to fill in the gaps between these types.

Mounted unit upgrade path, Mounted units have no proper upgrade path past cavalry, the gunship is miles away, the modern day equivalents of cavalry are helicopters which now fill the role of old light cavalry an tanks which are the modern versions of heavy cavalry, in terms of gameplay it would be much better if cavalry could be upgraded to either tanks or gunships, since these are the modern day equivalents of the unit an this would solve the huge gap between cavs an gunships, it's like a riflemen upgrading straight to a mech inf with nothing slotted in between, they need a more viable and shorter upgrade path an allowing them to upgrade to tanks or gunships would solve that.

That wouldn't be a bad solution, perhaps. Or if, like the Musketman, we don't want to allow an upgrade straight to the new technology, put a 1st generation Tank in place (WWI sort), with a not-much-later unit which the cavalry could upgrade too. After all, horse cavalry wasn't in use against armor in WWII (it might carry troops and pull wagons, but no longer was it a fighting force).
Some sort of sea going ironclad.. I was fighting a war today (Archipelago map) and it would have been nice to have had a sea going ironclad. I had a regular one, but even with me circumnavigating the globe first, and navigation 1 (So 4 movement) I could not reach there frigates and stuff, no way to get there. And that was annoying.. especially when I had to still use Ship of the Line (Though they were not so bad..)
No more Indus/Modern units for now. We need:

1 Renaisscance units (So there's more than 4 types under the Napoleonic Wars)
2 More focus on Ancient (It's over too soon)

And more dynamic unit obsoletion - like in the difference between the old Knight-Cavalry, we now have Knight-Cuirassier-Cavalry. What comes after Rifleman? Infantry? 12 vs 20? Almost double strength with one upgrade.

EDIT: no, 2 is more boats, THEN 3, more focus on the Ancient Age
I will always argue for more units in the game. Man, my Civ3 was a study in additional units. Now, if you play shorter games, I can see where the additional units just sorta make it a constant stream of unit upgrades. But in longer games, there just seem to be huge gaps that need filling, everything from Bi-Planes to Dreadnaughts to Early Tanks to Siege Guns... when it comes to units, I absolutely LOVE to fill in the gaps.

Some interesting suggestions, and a fairly strong consensus. Personally, I think the earlier periods require a little more love than industrial, however bi/triplanes (chocks away, what, what!) and special forces (I envision a paratrooper/marine amalgam) do seem to be notable by their absence.

If there could only be one additional unit though, my vote would have to be early cannon, which predate personal firearms by some stretch. I believe I'm right in saying most early cannon were bronze rather than iron, so I'd suggest required techs/resources being gunpowder, metalcasting (reaching gunwpoder solely down the education route is not sufficient) and copper. This also means, for a while at least, that copper will not be completely superceded by iron.

I like the idea of upgrading to musketmen. This would IMO appropriately see a phasing out of bows/crossbows in favour of muskets, with continued reliance on pikes and cavalry (knights, later curassiers), and throw in early cannon so the wooden wobblers can go. Watch out for the Turks and Ethiopians though - nasty!
Galleass, or whatever medieval age naval combat unit.
I agree with the early cannon, i see trebuchets running around with sars an grenadiers, it kinds tugs at the credability barrier, that such a obviously ancient unit is still very much in play in the late/mid gunpowder era.

special forces (modern version of marine/paratroop units) sounds good.

Musket man so desperately needs to have a upgrade path from prev units, how can you just stick a unit in the middle of the teck tree with no upgrade path from any prev unit? i mean every unit in the game has a upgrade path, you can take a trireme all the way to a stealth destroyer, a keshik to a gunship, and every unit you build thats not in the ancient era has a older unit that upgrades to it, no wonder the musketmen floats around hardly used, it's not properly intergrated into the games unit mechanic's.

cavalry should upgrade to either tanks or gunships, both are modern day equivalents of horse units, and the upgrade gap between cav an gunships is to big, either a unit needs inserting or a shorter upgrade path via allowing upgrade to tanks needs to be used, there's no need for another unit really, so shorter upgrade path gets my vote.

WW2 sub should be able to attack without declaring war, There was no way to tell if a ship was sunk by a WW2 U boat whos' nationality the boat actually was (of course it was the germans since we were at war with them, but had germany been made up of 3 differant but equally advanced countries who had declared war together, they would not know who's boat had done the job, civ is an alternate reality game, were civs like the zulu's can be running around in tanks, so it's quite historically plausable that had conflict in that time period involved smaller scale actions with several competing nations rather than 1 grand alliance vs another, that U Boats might have been used in an eitriely differant role of striking at ones neighbours without formally doing so, much like the privateers of earlier times, later attack sub teck would also yield a modern nuclear sub with missile carrying capabilty

Or they could just use a modern graphic instead of the WW2 one, since it looks naff on a sub carrying missiles!

Nuclear bomber would be an interesting idea, would certainly make fighters much more important

Any ideas for naval combat?
Any ideas for naval combat?

Catapult Trireme for Classical Era.
2 :strength:, 2 :move:
Can Combard City Defenses (-5% per turn)

(Of course a normal Trireme would also get the +50% bonus against this)

This would make early naval units more important. Rename it if you like.
Any ideas for naval combat?

I think naval is fine in terms of units, sailing era is very nicely done, i think whats missing is a hard counter system in the modern era + variety in terms of the naval promos' were's the seafaring equivalents of things like shock, pinch etc, it's all generic str boosters an FS with odd extra move thrown in
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