Hi! This is my first time posting on CivFanatic's Forums, but I have been lurking for quite a while.
All I can say is excellent job--this is one of the more enjoyable mods out there.
I can only see one problem with farmers and Argiculturists--late game unlimited growth. Although only in an OCC, this could really put the balance of late game at risk.
Globe Theatre=no unhappiness. That limit is gone.
Cure For Cancer=Basically, no unhealthiness. That limit is gone.
Speacialists don't produce two food--don't be so sure.
Separation of Powers + Grange(20% Increase) + many, many food bonuses (each at +5%) makes farmers produce two food, occassionally one.
The difference is made up for by Great Agriculturists producing two food themselves. If farms and windmills are placed on all available tiles, that's a nice base to grow off of.
I tested the ultimate food OCC with Saladin (on easy settings--noble, I think on a Terra Sized Duel Map with 5 other Civs), and it worked like a charm.

161 people in a city

, (140 Farmers Forced), with many, many specialists (most are agriculturists) and it has 100 suplus food, and the surplus is growing.
(+1610GPP per TURN

I know that it is a small thing, but I found it kind of funny/interesting. It might throw the late game and U.N. balance off just enough to be considered an exploit.
Everything else--Superb! Magnificent! Delightful!
I love the new Wonders and Buildings especially.
*sigh* The uploader isn't working, but I would post a screenie or save if I could.
Thank you so much for making a wonderful mod.
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