[MOD] CivMore

RogerBacon said:
Temple of Artemis (+100% Food Stored After Grouwth; +2 Happy; +6 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Polytheism)

Won't this mean that the city will grow each turn until it reaches its maximum since each new size only requires 2 more food than the previous size?

Roger Bacon

Maybe... How I understand it is that the city grows +100% so the city can be something like size 40 :blush::crazyeye:

PS: post 21 already!
Hi! This is my first time posting on CivFanatic's Forums, but I have been lurking for quite a while.

All I can say is excellent job--this is one of the more enjoyable mods out there. :goodjob:

I can only see one problem with farmers and Argiculturists--late game unlimited growth. Although only in an OCC, this could really put the balance of late game at risk.

Globe Theatre=no unhappiness. That limit is gone.
Cure For Cancer=Basically, no unhealthiness. That limit is gone.
Speacialists don't produce two food--don't be so sure.
Separation of Powers + Grange(20% Increase) + many, many food bonuses (each at +5%) makes farmers produce two food, occassionally one.
The difference is made up for by Great Agriculturists producing two food themselves. If farms and windmills are placed on all available tiles, that's a nice base to grow off of.

I tested the ultimate food OCC with Saladin (on easy settings--noble, I think on a Terra Sized Duel Map with 5 other Civs), and it worked like a charm. :mischief: 161 people in a city :eek: , (140 Farmers Forced), with many, many specialists (most are agriculturists) and it has 100 suplus food, and the surplus is growing.
(+1610GPP per TURN :wow: )

I know that it is a small thing, but I found it kind of funny/interesting. It might throw the late game and U.N. balance off just enough to be considered an exploit.

Everything else--Superb! Magnificent! Delightful!

I love the new Wonders and Buildings especially. :D

*sigh* The uploader isn't working, but I would post a screenie or save if I could. :sad:

Thank you so much for making a wonderful mod.

~Insert Sig Here~
Pegasos said:
I think Mark V is in other mod(s) too. For example in Robo Composite. Have you made it´s graphics? I mean when you say that you´ve done everything in this mod yourself.
The Mark V model (as well as all of the other units that I added) came with CivIV, but were not used (eg, they weren't in any of the XML files). These were added independently of any other mods out there; the stats and attributes, etc. were developed from scratch, and were not based on any existing mods (with some help from wikipedia.com for historical background).

Pegasos said:
Well, to the point. I learned using XML a week or two ago and I have some great ideas for the civics. I could make you some and you can then fix them the way you want. I really would like to help you with this. ;)
Sure, by all means! Let's see what you've got! I know I'm not particularly happy with the way that the 'Health & Social' civic options turned out; they all feel too similar to one another (it was originally just 'Health care', but this limited me even farther). I was planning on re-doing most of these civics, so your suggestions are more than welcome! I am trying to stick with options that are realistic, logical, fit well into the scope of the game, and provide more strategic decisions.
RogerBacon said:
Temple of Artemis (+100% Food Stored After Growth; +2 Happy; +6 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Polytheism)

Won't this mean that the city will grow each turn until it reaches its maximum since each new size only requires 2 more food than the previous size?

Roger Bacon

Exactly! It's basically a super-granary. Effectively, once your city has filled up it's food box, it will grow every turn until it runs out of extra food. However, this can be a curse if not weilded carefully, as unhappiness, unhealthiness, and maintenence costs can begin to be a major wear on your city if you let it grow too fast. Also, the Temple of Artemis doesn't last for an exceptionally long time before it expires.

Do you think the effect is too powerful? What changes would you suggest?

BTW, I've been following some of your mods... nice work!
The full changelog has been posted (see post #3).
fitchn said:
Do you think the effect is too powerful? What changes would you suggest?
Well, based on GrinningSatyr's post above that he got a size 161 city, I'd say it may be too much. Of course, if that is what you're going for then its ok. Anyway, it's simple enough for anyone to change in the XML... say, to 75%. I just wanted to point it out in case it was an unintended effect but since you were already aware of it it's fine.
BTW, I've been following some of your mods... nice work!

Thanks. If you liked the assassin mod you'll probably be a fan of the mod I'm releasing this weekend.
GrinningSatyr said:
Hi! This is my first time posting on CivFanatic's Forums, but I have been lurking for quite a while.

All I can say is excellent job--this is one of the more enjoyable mods out there. :goodjob:

I can only see one problem with farmers and Argiculturists--late game unlimited growth. Although only in an OCC, this could really put the balance of late game at risk.

Globe Theatre=no unhappiness. That limit is gone.
Cure For Cancer=Basically, no unhealthiness. That limit is gone.
Speacialists don't produce two food--don't be so sure.
Separation of Powers + Grange(20% Increase) + many, many food bonuses (each at +5%) makes farmers produce two food, occassionally one.
The difference is made up for by Great Agriculturists producing two food themselves. If farms and windmills are placed on all available tiles, that's a nice base to grow off of.

I tested the ultimate food OCC with Saladin (on easy settings--noble, I think on a Terra Sized Duel Map with 5 other Civs), and it worked like a charm. :mischief: 161 people in a city :eek: , (140 Farmers Forced), with many, many specialists (most are agriculturists) and it has 100 suplus food, and the surplus is growing.
(+1610GPP per TURN :wow: )

I know that it is a small thing, but I found it kind of funny/interesting. It might throw the late game and U.N. balance off just enough to be considered an exploit.

Everything else--Superb! Magnificent! Delightful!

I love the new Wonders and Buildings especially. :D

*sigh* The uploader isn't working, but I would post a screenie or save if I could. :sad:

Thank you so much for making a wonderful mod.

~Insert Sig Here~

Wow! Thanks for the high praise! I'm honored that you came out of lurking to post a reply to my humble mod! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

As far as the population thing goes, I do want the cities to be able to grow somewhat larger and somewhat faster. The OCC problem was my only major concern with setting up the Cure for Cancer the way I did. I was hoping that it wouldn't be too much of an issue, since it comes so late.

Originally I was going to make CfC a world wonder, but it didn't quite seem to fit with reality (ie, if some developed a cure for cancer, they likely wouldn't horde it and keep it to themselves). For gameplay purposes, though, I may revert back to this. Another option I was debating about taking was imposing a minimum number of cities that you must have before you could build CfC; this would effectively take it out of the OCC games altogether. What suggestions might you have to resolve this?

BTW, I've still got quite a few more ideas planned yet for this mod, so keep lurking...
Very nice
but regading all the Civic additions..
Could you not re-word some it to make it at least fit..
Example,, instead of "Organized Religion" just call it "Organized".. a Lot of those that over-lap can be reduced to one word...
It doesn't load for me. I cleaned out my cache, and I'm getting "Tag: UNITAI_GENERAL in Info class was incorrect
Current XML file is: Units/CIV4UnitInfos.xml"

This appears twice. Same for the agriculturist.
I would really like to try out this mod. But as others I have a problem with high resolution. I was said that it could easily be change, but I am not that skilled that I can figure out how to do that.

Would I be too difficult to post two versions of the mod. One in high resolution and one in low?
Bringa said:
It doesn't load for me. I cleaned out my cache, and I'm getting "Tag: UNITAI_GENERAL in Info class was incorrect
Current XML file is: Units/CIV4UnitInfos.xml"

This appears twice. Same for the agriculturist.

This error message is from something that I have set up in anticipation of the SDK. Currently, the game loads with four of these such errors (two for UNITAI_GENERAL and two for UNITAI_AGRICULTURALIST). For these particular errors, the game simply ignores the tags (ie, treats them as though their value where NONE). This does not affect the gameplay at all. In the next iteration, I will probably go ahead and remove those tags all-together until the SDK is available. In the mean time, you can simply ignore those errors... everything is working as it should! Be sure to let me know what you think! Enjoy!
Can't Play With Civ Screen To Small, Better Fix! CAN'T LEAVE CIV SCREEN HAVE TO SHUT DOWN. LOCKED UP!
I reread your postings and this (you can change the self.W_SCREEN and self.H_SCREEN variables in CvCivicsScreen.py to better suit your resolution.) is too advanced for me and some others, but i would like to play, it sounds interesting! please help us python dummies!
For those of you with 1024x768 resolutions who are having prolems with the civics screen, please extract the attached CvCivicsScreen.py file into your /MODS/CivMore/Assets/Python/Screens/ folder; this will allow the civics screen to fit on your screen.

I will fix this in the next release version, so that the civics screen is automatically adjusted to fit all resolutions.

Thanks for your patience!

FYI: from within any advisor screen, you can always hit the 'esc' button on the keyboard to get out of the screen... neither your computer or Civ IV are locked up!


thanks for the fix, i tried doing it manualy like you first suggested, but i must have done something wrong because nothing changed.
Great work, this.
Would have been greater if you can add new resources as well.
I got my civics ready, but don´t know how to get files to fitch... can some1 help? :cringe:
OOPPS! found the zip file, played all nite! Great mod!!!!Thanks!! ps. i meant it just locked up the mod!
Good Sauce said:
thanks for the fix, i tried doing it manualy like you first suggested, but i must have done something wrong because nothing changed.

Not a problem! I hope you're enjoying the mod. I look forward to any feedback or suggestions that you (or anyone else, for that matter) may have.
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