Yes, it will require python. But it won't be hard to do. I'll see what I can wip up.
def onNukeExplosion(self, argsList):
'Nuke Explosion'
pPlot, pNukeUnit = argsList
CvUtil.pyPrint('Nuke detonated at %d, %d'
%(pPlot.getX(), pPlot.getY()))
def onNukeExplosion(self, argsList):
'Nuke Explosion'
pPlot, pNukeUnit = argsList
## Begin Change ##
if pPlot.isCity():
CyInterface().addMessage(pPlot.getPlotCity().getOwner(), False, 25, "%s has been destroyed by %s's Nuke!" %(pPlot.getPlotCity().getName(), gc.getPlayer(pNukeUnit.getOwner()).getName()), '', 2, "", 7, pPlot.getX(), pPlot.getY(), False, False) ## A message to the city's owner
pPlot.getPlotCity().kill() ## Kill the city
## End Change ##
CvUtil.pyPrint('Nuke detonated at %d, %d'
%(pPlot.getX(), pPlot.getY()))
def onNukeExplosion(self, argsList):
'Nuke Explosion'
pPlot, pNukeUnit = argsList
## Begin Change ##
if pPlot.isCity():
if pPlot.getPlotCity().getPopulation() <= 5:
CyInterface().addMessage(pPlot.getPlotCity().getOwner(), False, 25, "%s has been destroyed by %s's Nuke!" %(pPlot.getPlotCity().getName(), gc.getPlayer(pNukeUnit.getOwner()).getName()), '', 2, "", 7, pPlot.getX(), pPlot.getY(), False, False) ## A message to the city's owner
pPlot.getPlotCity().kill() ## Kill the city
pPlot.getPlotCity().setPopulation(pPlot.getPlotCity().getPopulation() - 5) ## Can't remember if cities have a change pop function
## End Change ##
CvUtil.pyPrint('Nuke detonated at %d, %d'
%(pPlot.getX(), pPlot.getY()))
perhaps counter this by making nukes a national unit: limit 3 or something because you could actually kill off the WHOLE world in one turn if you had enough nukes