Mod to deplete resources?

oops, dang twitch posting finger..

Anyway, my point being that, if you have several basic templates that each have a couple config options, modders can then assign wich template is used by wich bonus.

Also on a somwhat related note, what are the chances that someone could make improvements buildable outside cultureal boarders so that, when those pesky whales move out side my boarder, my workboats can chase them down?
This is awesome! I was hoping someone would make a mod like this. I wanted to make a Peak Oil mod, where oil will eventually run out and you have to research alternative fuels, but haven't had the time to learn python. Have you done any of the script yet? Would it be too much to ask you to post a few lines of the code you're using to assign and subtract the resources, please?
I dont think whales or fish should move,fishing groands and whaling groands dont change.What i think should happen is that a coastal camp improvement should be added to the game this will have range over coastal areas.
In game play ,you can build this improvement on the coast close to the would have a range of maybee 2 or 3 tiles and all coastal resorces within that range can be accessed.technological advances would expand your range to deeper water and let you go further out from the coast to give you more access.

If your moding to move resorces around would it be a streach to grow resorces?In my mind this would require adding a few more teraine tiles,(temperate grasslands,temperate plains,arid grasslands,arid plains.semi tropical grasslands,semi tropical plains,tropical grasslands,tropical plains,hills would go into this equasion as well)and adding more "living" resorces(oxen,llamma,camel,goat,flax,hemp,barley,potato,tomato,rye,oats,cotton,tobaco) What i would like to be able to do is if you have the resorce ,either by trade or its already in your terratory ,you should be able to attach that resorce to a empty tile and "grow" it in that tile.If the resorces can only grow in spacific tiles than you have the building blocks for a colony mod.
fishing groands and whaling groands dont change

Its been my understanding the fishing and whaleing boats cover vast distances hunting for their catch. If you watch the discovery channel, they say that whales swim hundreds of miles all over the planet, though they may return to the same areas at the same times.
they do but they still go back to the same port,and its there that distabution of food and commerse happens.sorry about the mis understanding.
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