[MOD] Visimod

Not to intruse too much on your thread, NikNaks, but how do you feel about a few buildings looking more modern in the modern/future era? I had thought of the Forge, Aquaduct, Granary and Colosseum... Aquaduct would become the sewage plant graphic, granary a silo graphic, colosseum the stadium and the forge become a 18-19th century-looking factory hall.
It's already done. Just asked because if you prefered the original graphics throughout the ages I would need to make a different version for you. ;)

Okay, feel like some modding today, let's see how far we get with the Indian artstyle. :D
I dont know how hard it is to convert these things but any chance of a 2.11 compatible version while I wait for BtS to come?:p
(Was posted by PLAY.com yesterday... Wonder if I'll get it before I go on holiday to hungary on wednesday... hmmm...)
Any chance of a 2.13 warlords version coming out? My game keeps crashing with the new patch.
Just a quick status check. BtS conversion is going well. Thanks to Geo, White Rabbit and Willowmound's speedy updates, I'm close to completing the XML. Hopefully an interface update will be completed in the near future, along with a few modules which add new slants to the game (all optional).

Also, if anyone is interested in joining as a Modern Unit maker, SDK programmer or module designer or coder, please PM me. BtS will be required.
Yess! It will be very kind of you to re-upload it, thanks!
Btw, I've Bts but I've an XML problem and no way to play with. 2KGames (and me) seems inefficient to solve my problem till now!
So, is the version in the first post BtS-compatible? I think the game is going to be delivered today and I'd love to play with this mod.
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