[MOD] Visimod


Jul 25, 2006
Visimod (for Warlords 2.08)
Life's better with a little flavour

Visimod is here. No gameplay changes, just tweaks here, there and everywhere and loads of flavour. Diverse units, citystyles and quotes are abound.

Download v0.1 here and v0.11 patch

The Team:
Bakuel - Unit graphics
Gaurav - Python coding
Myself - XML coding

Gaurav - for the Python
ruff_hi - for the mod on which this is based
snipperrabbit - for some great buttons
snafusmith - for his Modern Warfare units
asioasioasio, Chamaedrys, C.Roland, Ganart, Sevo, White Rabbit, Woodelf and the FfH Art Team - for the city art
GeoModder - for the city art XML
White Rabbit, danrell, sepamu_92, baal_isidro, Chugginator, ModFreak and bernie14 - for some excellent flavour units
Zebra_9 - for the formations editor that I'm going to use here

And all the mod makers whose mods are included here:

Gaurav, Geomodder, ruff_hi, Ultraman, White Rabbit, Willowmound and many more.

And anyone I've forgotten (please tell me and I'll update this list). ;)
Version History:
v 0.11
Cleaned up UnitInfos (EDUs now alphabetical)
10 new EDUs:
German Grenadier
German Rifleman
German Machine Gun
French Machine Gun
Arabian Cavalry
Asian Cavalry
English Cavalry
French Cavalry
Indian Cavalry
Ottoman Cavalry

Previous Versions:
Spoiler :
v 0.1c
Fixed a mistake in the Formations file

v 0.1b
Fixed a typo in the Civilizations file
Fixed the 'mysterious lack of UUs' bug

v 0.1a
Fixed a bug with the Hellenistic Scout
Added two new units:
Roman Longbowman
Asian Worker

Added a few formations

v 0.1
Included Mods:
Ruff's Cobbled SG Modpack - ruff_hi
Sevopedia 2.2a - Various (currently maintained by Gaurav)
ActualQuotes 3.5 - Willowmound
Ethnically Diverse Units - Rabbit, White
Better Unit Scale - Ultraman
Ethnic Diverse City Styles - Geomodder
Spoiler :
To install, extract this mod into your Civ 4 Warlords installation directory, in the Mods folder.
This is normally:
C:/Program Files/Firaxis Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 4/Warlords/Mods/

If you would like the mod to begin on startup:

Go to your CIV Warlords installation directory, and double-click on _Civ4Config.ink.
This will bring up a text file. Find the following:

; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none
Mod = 0

and change it to:

; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none
Mod = Mods\Visimod

It will then run whenever you run Warlords. To stop this, undo the above change.


If the mod has no effect, check that the mod is not stored as follows:

Mods/Visimod x.x/Visimod/

If this is the case, move the 'Visimod' folder so that it appears as:

Known Bugs:
Some Axemen cause CtDs (fixed and ready for next patch)
Many unit scales need modifying
Some units are without formations (working on)
Carthage has the wrong warrior unit.
Please report any other bugs found

Version 0.12 Plans:
Melee unit formations Working on
Scales fix
Maceman re-name (now footman)
Various EDUnits:
African Cavalry
African Crossbow
African Grenadier
African Machine Gun
Egyptian Footman
Egyptian Knight
Incan Longbowman
Mesoamerican Crossbow
Mesoamerican Cavalry
Russian Musketman
Zulu Horseman
Mods Included:
Ruff's Cobbled SG Modpack ruff_hi
With more options than you can shake a stick at, Ruff's mod adds a whole load of new features to Civ 4, including Civ4Lerts, Not Another Game Clock Mod and many more. You can customise your game using Alt-J when playing.

Sevopedia Various (currently maintained by Gaurav)
Making the Civilopedia much more useful, this mod adds a stramlined interface and new category screens. You can always turn it off, of course (Alt-J) ;)

ActualQuotes Willowmound
This mod adds a whole load of new diplomacy text, meaning leaders may now use their actual quotes.

Ethnically Diverse Units Rabbit, White
This mod makes units much more interesting, by introducing ethnic diversity for many units. I've since added many, many more units to make it even better.

Better Unit Scale Ultraman
Although little known, this modcomp tweaks the scales of units to make them appear slightly more realistic.

Ethnic Diverse City Styles Geomodder
Making good use of the tags ignored by Firaxis, this mod makes cities appear as if they're straight out of history.

Better AI Blake
This slipped into my mod by accident, but I decided to keep it :) It improves the AI by quite a way. If you don't like it, simply delete the CvGameCore.dll in the Assets folder. It will be available as an optional extra in future versions.
Looks alright! Good job on the first release.

I'm not familiar with some of the mods you added, maybe you could add a description of what they do? (I'll find the threads for them in the meantime).
Ah, ready for release. :D
Btw, I'm not the one to thank for the city art/building graphics, but merely for the city art xml part. ;)
So who do I thank? Cham did a few IIRC...

From my readme: asioasioasio, Chamaedrys, C.Roland, Ganart, Sevo, White Rabbit, Woodelf and last but not least the FfH artteam.

So the list is not as long as you may have feared. ;)
Looks good... Although a quick glance at the civilopedia did make it look like a fair few of the units havent been linked up to their respective civs correctly (no 'unique unit for...')... And when I played as the egyptians they used a very caucasian-looking worker.
But keep up the good work!
Yes, I know. I coded it and yet they don't come up... Very confusing indeed...
I'll try and fix that for v0.11

If anyone has anything that they think would fit in with this, please drop me a PM or post here and I'll put it on my to do list.
Same remarks as psycadelic in general. I also dropped back to desktop (playing as Carthage) when I tried to put their scout in a building list for the capital... have to check in the nifviewer if perhaps my graphics card can't handle this model or what. I did browse a bit in the Civipedia and noticed that the elephants from one of the artists don't show well with my graphics card, but that's not a problem of the mod, merely my weak card.
O yes, when starting the game as Carthage, an xml exception popped up for their swordsman IIRC. It let me go through after clicking a few times on the OK-button.
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