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[MODCOM]Pirates Mod


Jan 16, 2006
Pirates Mod
By: TheLopez

Last Updated 09/01/06

Version: v0.5.1BtS
Patch Compatibility: Beyond the Sword v3.19
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.5.1BtS

Version: v0.4w
Patch Compatibility: Warlords v2.0.8.0
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.4w

Version: v0.3
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.3

This mod basically enables barbarian units to be spawned in oceans more
realisticly. When examining the SDK code it turns out that the feature way
already available but was not taken advantage of since pirates were able to
build seafaring units but very, very slowly. Also if the mod is configured to,
some of the pirate ships will carry crews.

As of v0.5.1BtS I have ported the crew creation code to the SDK but have left
in the original python code but commented out the line that calls that code
if you want to switch this mod to be just python you will need to delete the
included DLL and uncomment the line found in CvPiratesModEventManager in the
onUnitCreated method.

Installation Instructions:

1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Pirates Mod
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.

-----Game Play-----
Spoiler :

- Makes the spawing of barbarian units in oceans more realistic.

- There is a chance that barbarian ships will carry a crew.

-----Notes to Modmakers-----

If you want to use the Pirates Mod in your mod I have tried to make
things as easy as possible for you. In the XML files modified sections are
enclosed by:
<!-- -->
<!-- Pirates Mod Start -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Pirates Mod End -->
<!-- -->

-----Version Information-----


- Updated to be compatible with Beyond the Sword v3.19 patch.

- Removed SDK code since base BtS SDK code already includes the changes

- Ported the attemptPopulatePirate method found in the
CvPiratesModEventManager.py file to the SDK. The call to the method in the
onUnitCreated method has been commented out. If you want to use this mod in
python only mod you will need to uncomment this line out and remove the
included DLL.
Spoiler :


- Updated to be compatible with Warlords v2.0.8.0 patch.


- Updated the code for adding crews to barbarian ships since the way it was
done originally does not work. Basically ships will just leave their crew
in the water if they are not explicitly loaded into the ship. Using the
COMMAND_LOAD doesn't work since canLoadUnit always returns false for
barbarian units.


- Added the code that will add crews to barbarian ships.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if spawned pirate
ships should carry units.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify the chance that a
spawned pirate ship will carry a crew.


- Setup Pirates Mod infrastructure

-----===Credits & Thanks===-----

- Exavier
Composite Mod - readme.txt format
Craig_Sutter said:
Could loaded pirate ships be spawned (ie. vikings). Barbarian invasions by sea would be nice.

You mean with units on board? Yes, I don't see why not.
Loaded pirate ships would not have to be limited to ancient era vikingesk kind of units, in our modern times pirates are common through out the world's water ways.

Arrr, may the landlubers timbers be shivered!
TheLopez said:
You mean with units on board? Yes, I don't see why not.

DaLopez: Great idea! I love it. It's in. And I think I like the idea of loaded ships...

Around the time that navigation/compass is discovered (with the advent of ocean-faring vessels) you could allow spawning of pirate ships; then shortly thereafter allow for transports loaded with barbarian units!

I love it!
Jeckel said:
Loaded pirate ships would not have to be limited to ancient era vikingesk kind of units, in our modern times pirates are common through out the world's water ways.

Arrr, may the landlubers timbers be shivered!

True--an oil rig was just attacked & workers kidnapped; and look at the problems some of the cruise lines / shipping lines have had off the coast of Africa. Pirate ships ought to have a very high withdrawl chance and be difficult to detect in the modern era (assuming they're small but dangerous). But this might play into balancing big civs a bit--bigger civs will have to work harder to protect their huge empires.

Sorry for the spree of posts--this is just such a good idea, and so obviously missing in the game in retrospect. It's exciting!
Sevo said:
Sorry for the spree of posts--this is just such a good idea, and so obviously missing in the game in retrospect. It's exciting!

Hey, no problem about the posting spree...

I agree, it was definately missing from the game, especially including the water based animals.

Anyways, I am busily working on the code needed to get pirate/barbarian ships laden with land units bwahahaha.
Gods - somebody really needs to make a Pirates Mod... sail the seven seas with your scurvy crew, pillage and plunder your way to glory - that'd be AWESOME.
While there are still pirates out there today, loaded pirate ships (i.e. pirate ships with small armies on board) would probably be very unrealistic. I haven't heard of pirates invading and conquering any coastal cities recently.

So I would have the troop-carrying pirate ships die out much earlier.
Great to see this out, TheLopez! I'm excited about loaded pirate ships, hehe :)
Dom Pedro II said:
While there are still pirates out there today, loaded pirate ships (i.e. pirate ships with small armies on board) would probably be very unrealistic. I haven't heard of pirates invading and conquering any coastal cities recently.

So I would have the troop-carrying pirate ships die out much earlier.

I hadn't thought of barbarians in civ as pirates or outlaws (whether on sea or on land) - I thought of them as the collective term for all the smaller peoples that don't warrant their own civ.
zulu9812 said:
I hadn't thought of barbarians in civ as pirates or outlaws (whether on sea or on land) - I thought of them as the collective term for all the smaller peoples that don't warrant their own civ.

Well, I'd say yes and no... I mean, smaller peoples don't necessarily attack others indiscriminately like the barbarians do. I'd say they represent more groups of raiders that have plagued empires for ages, which sometimes represent smaller tribes, but could also pertain more to organizations of bandits and pirates.
Dom Pedro II said:
Well, I'd say yes and no... I mean, smaller peoples don't necessarily attack others indiscriminately like the barbarians do. I'd say they represent more groups of raiders that have plagued empires for ages, which sometimes represent smaller tribes, but could also pertain more to organizations of bandits and pirates.

I tend to agree with you both: the pirate ships in the medieval eras could easily represent smaller civs out pillaging and looking and conquering. By the modern era loaded ships would be a bit odd--they should act more like pillagers and/or terrorists.
Dom Pedro II said:
While there are still pirates out there today, loaded pirate ships (i.e. pirate ships with small armies on board) would probably be very unrealistic. I haven't heard of pirates invading and conquering any coastal cities recently.

So I would have the troop-carrying pirate ships die out much earlier.
Insurgents have to come from some palce, and when everyone has culturally dominated the land, the sea is the only place left for them to come form. In game terms they could represent terrorist insurgents.
Realalistic or no, loaded pirate ships will be a fun addition to the game from a playing perspective. :)
Jeckel said:
Realalistic or no, loaded pirate ships will be a fun addition to the game from a playing perspective. :)

I agree completely, and I fully support an addition of this. All I'm saying is that I think it should end by the industrial age.
I hadn't thought of barbarians in civ as pirates or outlaws (whether on sea or on land) - I thought of them as the collective term for all the smaller peoples that don't warrant their own civ.

This is kind of spoiled by the fact Animals are Barbarian, I always felt this was silly Barbarian is only aplicable when applied to humans. I felt animals should belong to team "Ferocius" so you would be attacked by "A Ferocius Bear" and "A Ferocius Lion" like Duuuu Firaxis :rolleyes:
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