[MODCOMP] Great Specialists


Jan 16, 2006
Great Specialists Mod
By: TheLopez

Last Update: 04/16/06

Version: v0.4.2
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.4.2

Version: v0.3
Patch Compatibility: v1.52
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.3


The great specialists mod is a reference integration mod that combines
the following modcomps together into one proof of concept mod:
[TAB]- Specialist Stacker Mod
[TAB]- Great General Amped Mod
[TAB]- Great Doctor Mod
[TAB]- Great Statesman Mod
[TAB]- Dr Elmer Jiggle's Python Utility Library
[TAB]- Stone-D's SD-Toolkit

Installation Instructions:

1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Great Specialists
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.

-----Game Play-----
Spoiler :

- Great Generals that join cities give +2 to production, +2 to gold

- Citizens specialized as soldiers give +1 to production, +1 to gold and
+3 to great person points

- Great generals now inspire troops, they will get Morale I when a Great
General is two spaces away, Morale II when a Great General is one space
away and Morale III to units in the same plot as the Great General.

- If configured, Great Generals that have joined a city (settled) will continue
to inspire troops.

- Great Doctors are automatically given the following promotions:
[TAB]- Medic I
[TAB]- Medic II
[TAB]- Medic III
[TAB]- Heal I
[TAB]- Heal II
[TAB]- Heal III
[TAB]- March

- Great Doctors that join cities give +2 to production, +3 to research
and +2 to culture

- Citizens specialized as doctors give +1 to production, +1 to research
and +1 to culture

- Units in the same plot as a great doctors have a very small
chance that they may be taught one of their skills. Players are
notified when a unit is taught a new skill by a great doctor.

- Great Doctors that join cities provide cities with at least double
extra production, research and culture points than regular doctors

- Great Doctors can build the military hospital building in cities to increase
city health, happiness and healing rate.

- Citizens specialized as doctors provide cities with extra production,
research and culture points

- Great Doctors can build the field hospital plot improvement, this new
plot improvements provide medical support to damaged units.

- Great Statesmen that join cities provide an extra 4 production

- Citizens specialized as statesmen exchange money for production at a
2 for 1 rate and give +3 to great person points

- Great Statesmen can:
- Immediately end a war between that great statesmans civilization and
civilization that they are at war with

- Improve the relations between their civilization and another civilization

- Cause insurrections in player's cities with the chance that the targetted
city will revolt and join

- If the bureaucracy legal civic option is selected by a player they will get
a number of free statesmen in their capital city.

Spoiler :

- Combat Medic:
[TAB]- Can only be built in cities with a military hospital
[TAB]- Cost: 40 hammers
[TAB]- Combat: 5
[TAB]- Can only defend
[TAB]- Starts with Medic I, Medic II and March
[TAB]- Can withdraw from combat (20% Chance)

Spoiler :

- Palaces, walls, bunkers, bomb shelters and United Nations no longer allow
citizens to be specialized as soldiers (In Snaitf's Great General Mod you are
able to)

- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Heroic Epic (1)
[TAB]- National Epic (1)
[TAB]- West Point (1)
[TAB]- Mt. Rushmore (1)
[TAB]- Scotland Yard (1)
[TAB]- Pentagon (2)

- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- West Point(3)
[TAB]- Castle (1)
[TAB]- Dry Dock (1)
[TAB]- Jail (1)
[TAB]- Pentagon (1)

- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Red Cross (1)
[TAB]- Military Hospital (1)

- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- Red Cross (3)
[TAB]- Hospital (2)
[TAB]- University (2)

- The following buildings now provide free doctor:
[TAB]- Red Cross (2)

- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Kremlin (2)
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
[TAB]- Taj Mahal(2)
- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Courthouse (1)
[TAB]- Castle (2)
- The following buildings now provide free statesmen:
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
- Military Hospital:
[TAB]- Heals units 15% extra each turn
[TAB]- Required to train combat medics
[TAB]- Can only be built by great doctors

- Field Hospital:
[TAB]- By default increases unit healing by 15%
[TAB]- Can only be built by Great Doctors[TAB]


Spoiler :

- Heal I:
[TAB]- +7% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +5% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +10% defense
[TAB]- Requires the March and Medic II promotions instead of the Combat III promotion

- Heal II:
[TAB]- +7% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +5% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +5% defense
[TAB]- Requires Medic III and Heal I promotions

- Heal III:
[TAB]- +8% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +7% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +5% defense
[TAB]- Requires Heal II promotion
- Morale I:
[TAB]- +1 First strike chance
[TAB]- +5% to strength

- Morale II:
[TAB]- +1 first strike
[TAB]- +1 First strike chance
[TAB]- +5% to strength

- Morale III:
[TAB]- Immune to first strikes
[TAB]- +1 first strike
[TAB]- +10% to strength


-----Notes to Modmakers-----

If you want to use the Great Specialists Mod in your mod I have tried to
make things as easy as possible for you. In the XML files modified sections
are enclosed by:
<!-- Great <Specialists> Start -->

<!-- Great <Specialists> End -->
Where the <Specialists> is the great specialist: Great General Amped, Great
Doctor or Great Statesman.

In the Python files I have added #<GS START> and #<GS END> in all of the
places that I have made changes to the original files. I have also included
the Specialist Stacker Mod version of CvMainInterface.py file.

All I ask is that you give me credit.

-----Version Information-----


- Updated CvMainInterface.py to actually read in the INI variables for the
great statesman. This part of the code was forgotten somehow when the update
happened in the v0.9 version.

- Fixed the missing TXT_KEY_SPECIALIST_GREAT_GENERAL tag reported by Jeckle.

- Updated all python code and XML to be compatible with the v1.61 patch.

Spoiler :


- Re-integrated the Great General Amped Mod


- Re-integrated the Great Doctor Mod.


- Setup Great Specialists Mod infrastructure and started rebuilding the mod
from the ground up.

- Re-integrated the Great Statesman Mod which also re-integrated the
Specialist Stacker mod v0.6.2 and Dr Elmer Jiggle's Python Utility Library
and Stone-D's SD-Toolkit.

-----===Credits & Thanks===-----

- Exavier
[TAB]Composite Mod - readme.txt format

- C.Roland
[TAB]For providing the wonderful field hospital terrain improvement models
[TAB]and skins

- Snaitf
[TAB]Snaitf's Great General Mod - For redeveloping the CvMainInterface.py
[TAB]class and making it really easy to add new great persons.

- Zuul
[TAB]Promotions & Perks Mod - v0.72 - All of the medic related promotions
[TAB]and traits that the good doctors can use now and his Fort I promotion
[TAB]button graphic.

- seZereth
Provided the great new skin for the modern doctor and statesman. :)

- Vadus
[TAB]For his excellent popup tutorial.

- Dr Elmer Jiggle
[TAB]For providing the INI file parser code allowing for players to
[TAB]customize this mod without having to touch the python code!!!

- Chalid
[TAB]Good suggestions for balancing the mod.

- OzzyKP
[TAB]For providing suggestions to balance out the Great Specialist mod.
this is a great job TheLopez :) it probably still needs some testing for balance ( which I see going on in your other threads ) , then it's gonna be perfect and an awesome addition to the vanilla game well done!
[to_xp]Gekko said:
this is a great job TheLopez :) it probably still needs some testing for balance ( which I see going on in your other threads ) , then it's gonna be perfect and an awesome addition to the vanilla game well done!

Thanks [to_xp]Gekko, I guess if people really want to play games using it they can. I made it more as a reference mod that uses the last set of MODCOMPs that i put out the day before yesterday.
surdanis said:
when i go into the city screen, both windows have disappeared on either side so that i can't see what specalists i have, etc.

What version of the Great Specialists do you have and what options do you have selected for the specialist stacker in the CvMainInterface.py file?

I have posted a new version v0.8 with the fix to the mod. I forgot that there was an error in the specialist stacker mod that I needed to roll into the Great Specialist Mod. Thank you for reminding me :D
hey, lopez, thanks!

but i was wondering if you might create a Great Spy mod or Great Explorer mod to be integrated into Great Specialists. also, is there a way you could integrate other mods into your Great Specialists? that'd be awesome. The Blitz mod, realistic religions, and holistic culture look good.

and here's some ideas:

also, i was wondering if you could create an immigration mod. the idea here is that settlers can be built to join other cities--yours and the enemy civ's! this results in the population being varied (say, part German and part French, which i think is already implemented in the basic game), allowing for cities to be more sympathetic to your civ (ie, more likely to flip civs during cultural annexation).

also, could you make a slaver mod? civilization: call to power had them, and i always thought that was a neat way to play. any civ that has the slavery civic can build slave markets, which can produce slavers, which are able to add to its parent city's population by directly attacking a city or settler--they can also steal workers. unlike ctp, though, they should be sacrificed upon use of its power. also, city unhappiness should be increased by one for every point of population or worker gained in this manner for so many turns. enemy civs would naturally see this as an act of war, so barbarians are the best target for slavery :)
surdanis said:
hey, lopez, thanks!

but i was wondering if you might create a Great Spy mod or Great Explorer mod to be integrated into Great Specialists.
I have been thinking about doing a great explorer but I am still working out some ideas in my head, especially since I am currently working on 5 different MODCOMPs right now. As for the great spy, hmmm.... that would be an interesting mod and it could introduce new great wonders, technologies, etc.
Let me mull it over for a while, i'll see what I can come up with.

surdanis said:
also, is there a way you could integrate other mods into your Great Specialists? that'd be awesome. The Blitz mod, realistic religions, and holistic culture look good.

Please understand that the Great Specialists mod is just a reference mod that demonstrates how my mod components can be integrated together. It is not meant to be a "super" or "complete" mod, nor do I plan to make it be one. But, don't lose hope, I am planning one developing one with my mods, but with one difference, using the new INI parser library put together by Dr. Elmer Jiggle, I now have the tools needed to create the mod the way I have been wanting to: one where it is feature rich but the feature inclusion can be controlled through an INI file. Meaning if you want all of the specialists except for the great spy then you would be able to turn off the great spy feature in the INI file.

surdanis said:
and here's some ideas:

also, i was wondering if you could create an immigration mod. the idea here is that settlers can be built to join other cities--yours and the enemy civ's! this results in the population being varied (say, part German and part French, which i think is already implemented in the basic game), allowing for cities to be more sympathetic to your civ (ie, more likely to flip civs during cultural annexation).
Hmmm.... that's an interesting idea

surdanis said:
also, could you make a slaver mod? civilization: call to power had them, and i always thought that was a neat way to play. any civ that has the slavery civic can build slave markets, which can produce slavers, which are able to add to its parent city's population by directly attacking a city or settler--they can also steal workers. unlike ctp, though, they should be sacrificed upon use of its power. also, city unhappiness should be increased by one for every point of population or worker gained in this manner for so many turns. enemy civs would naturally see this as an act of war, so barbarians are the best target for slavery :)
There is another mod similar to the one that you are talking about, I don't remember exactly what its called though at the moment.
Master Lopez,

You give me hope. Kudos so far! I enjoy the mod, and impatiently await the future fruits of your labor in a complete mod. I hope your complete mod is one that isn't heavily themed, but spans real world history.

So does all this make you a Great Artist or Engineer???<---:king:
surdanis said:
So does all this make you a Great Artist or Engineer???<---:king:

Neither, I just like to tinker around with code and game internals... but if if I had to pick a title, it would have to be more of a code poet than anything else.
Hi TheLopez, I'm having a problem trying to merge your mod with my compilation. in the file CvEventInterface.py ( assets/python/entrypoints ) , your mod defines :

normalEventManager = CvGSEventManager.CvGSEventManager()

problem is, I already have many other mods that need it to be set:

normalEventManager = CvCustomEventManager.CvCustomEventManager()

do you know of any way aound this? thanks in advance for your help! :)
[to_xp]Gekko said:
Hi TheLopez, I'm having a problem trying to merge your mod with my compilation. in the file CvEventInterface.py ( assets/python/entrypoints ) , your mod defines :

normalEventManager = CvGSEventManager.CvGSEventManager()

problem is, I already have many other mods that need it to be set:

normalEventManager = CvCustomEventManager.CvCustomEventManager()

do you know of any way aound this? thanks in advance for your help! :)

You could update the code to use the library from this thread:

The other way is to merge all of the custom event managers into one event manager and set that as the single event manager. If you look at my CvGSEventManager class I needed to do this for the Great General Amped, Great Doctor, etc.
[to_xp]Gekko said:
Hi TheLopez, I'm having a problem trying to merge your mod with my compilation. in the file CvEventInterface.py ( assets/python/entrypoints ) , your mod defines :

normalEventManager = CvGSEventManager.CvGSEventManager()

problem is, I already have many other mods that need it to be set:

normalEventManager = CvCustomEventManager.CvCustomEventManager()

do you know of any way aound this? thanks in advance for your help! :)

If you want to zip up all of the custom event managers and send them to me I would be more than happy to help you combine them.
Is it possible to use this mod in junction with Exavier's Composite mod?

I like that mod but your mods incorporate the military aspect better...

And if it is possible, how can I do it?

also can I incoporate other mods like the military base mods too?

I like your ideas and want to try them out... but I really like Exavier's composite mode because I REALLY REALLY HATE GLOBAL WARMING!

(I play with no time limit and like to destroy all 18 civs!!!)

any help is greatly appreciated!
Well, you will have to talk to Exavier about getting my mods added to his mod. Or another option would be wait until I actually stop working on little components and make my own "super" mod. :D
Again Lopez - love your great people work! However, the biggest issue I see is managing what types of great people you produce. We all want our fair share of engineers and artsits (for obvious reasons) and I fear using all your mods at once would dilute that too much (I know your not recomending to use them all at once, but its tempting!)
Anyway - why not implement some other ways to get great people?
Great General - perhaps generated by winning battles/ high xp units (ala Civ 3)
Great Doctor - maybe the same as Generals but for medic-promoted units, maybe a freebie for the first to get medicine? Or first city to reach x (or y or z) pop?
and another you have talked of implementing...
Great Explorer - freebie when you circumnavigate the globe? or explore all territory? (depends on what you want this unit to be able to do I suppose)

I just think this aproach might compliment the current GP system without complicating/diluting it. Keep up the fantastic work!
TheLopez said:
Well, you will have to talk to Exavier about getting my mods added to his mod. Or another option would be wait until I actually stop working on little components and make my own "super" mod. :D

well if you do make a "super" mod...


I hate it when I play no time limit and start destroying all other civs! :mad:

hopefully you'll make a super mod soon! :D
Laststander, please realize that I put the Great Specialists mod just as a reference mod, if people want to play it as a real mod they can. I just wanted to put something together so people could see how the different components I created worked together.

Also, I think I might change the way the great general works, so it is possible for you to get one after combat. This won't happen until I release the mercenaries mod, hopefully later today.
Very awesome work, on all the stuff, but are you planning to upgrade this mod with Specialist Stacker v0.6.2? and maybe Not Another Game Clock mod aswell?
I will only do it if people want me to create an update version of the Great Specialist mod and it would only happen after I complete the sniper mod.
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