Modern age music


Aug 27, 2008
The modern age music is so depressing. Everything is going well, everyone is friends with everyone and the song that plays sounds like the end of the world is coming.

Is there a way to change the playlist?
The modern age music is so depressing. Everything is going well, everyone is friends with everyone and the song that plays sounds like the end of the world is coming.

Is there a way to change the playlist?

Yeah, go to your 'Civ4/Assets/Sounds/Soundtrack/Modern' directory and replace the files there with music you like. Just be sure to back up the originals in case you want to restore them later.
Or just play some happy MP3 files from your own computer instead. There is a player in the sound menu and you can always revert to default again.
ahhhhh the peasants... are... the people... and... the peasants...

I don't remember wtf they're singing, but it's something like that.

It's really depressing and ominous. Even when I'm in a world war in the modern era, I'd rather be hearing Corrosion of Conformity or some other outlandishly ridiculous metal band.
its: the people... are... the heroes... are the lala... laaaaa la la la... laaaaa

The most catchy song in the modern era, and that says a lot. I mostly quit in the medieval times anyway ;)

I'm glad I'm not the only one - The people are the heroes is sort of catchy but most of the rest of it is either painful screeching or makes me really edgy.

Some sounds like the soundtrack to a Hitchcock film.
Add me with the people who find the "people are the heroes" kind of catchy, it's certainly an interesting tune though it's only real appropiate if I'm in the middle of a global war...

As for the other modern music, I cannot for the life or me recall any of it, for better or worse.
its: the people... are... the heroes... are the lala... laaaaa la la la... laaaaa

The most catchy song in the modern era, and that says a lot. I mostly quit in the medieval times anyway ;)


It's good. The first 100 times :lol:
You've go to be kidding me! John Adams is one of my favorite composers. I'm SO glad they put Shaker Loops on there, one of the most eerie, beautiful, exciting compositions in latter half of the twentieth century. The song "The People Are the Heroes Now" is from his opera Nixon in China, one of many beautiful scenes from it.

It is odd that they chose only Adams and that all of those aren't exactly happy, but it's not annoying.
Okay, but all the John Adams? Where's Phillip Glass? I'm wondering if it has something to do with copyrights and they were able to get adams' permission. Or maybe someone at firaxis is just an adams aficionado. still, i could go for some Low or Einstein in the soundtrack, or any glass.
FWIW, I believe the chorus is:

The people are the heroes now;
Behemoth pulls the peasants' plow.

Put me down as someone who also digs having Adams on the soundtrack, but also as someone who made my own playlist for each era. (I also agree: Where is Glass?)
The Futuristic era music is worse. I kinda liked the choir singing in harmony in the Modern era. The futuristic era music sounds like something that should be connected to to a cheap, C class space movie.

My favorite music era... classical, ancient. Something about african music that gets me dancing, and the simple melody reminds me of an mideval europian city.
It is really odd. Not just Glass, but Reich, Boulez, Stravinsky (for God's sake, not even him?), Schoenberg, Part, Bartok, and all the other billion and one famous composers of our time. Adams is great and very modern, but just having his music doesn't give the listener/gamer a good look at all the sounds of the "Modern Age", as they tried to do (and, to a point, succeeded) with the other eras.
yes, modern age music really pulls on my nerves too. it's one of the main reasons I want to reach a victory condition as soon as possible to me out of my misery ...
I'm probably doing something very wrong, but I just replaced the modern era music with the files from the industrial folder. When I reach the modern era now in my games, I just get a message that the music files can't be found. Any advice on this?
Rename the Ind. age music files?
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