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Modern Armor questions

ALA Gator

Jul 2, 2007
I have 2 question regarding modern armor. I am playing a regent level game CIV 3 1.29f.

1. Does MA ignore cultural borders? I thought I saw that MA could use other civs roads and RR.

2. What is the cost to upgrade from tanks to MA?
1. Modern Armor cannot use another civ's roads unless it has an ROP--same as for any other unit.

2. Sorry, I don't remember the upgrade cost factor for vanilla civ
Tanks cost 100 shields, MA cost 120. I believe it costs 4 gold for one shield, so that would make the upgrade cost 80 gold per tank. Of course, I could be off by any multiple of 20...
Does it matter that I really WANT MA to ingnore the culture...:)

Thanks, I wasn't sure exactly how much a shield cost. :)
That 3x cost factor is for C3C.

I believe ALA Gator is playing vanilla civ and the cost factor is different in that version. The mass warrior --> swords upgrade strategy used to be better because the upgrade cost was cheaper, so I'm guessing the cost factor is something like 2x for vanilla.

That would make a tank --> Modern Armor cost 2*(120-100) = 40gp per upgrade. I might be off still in the cost factor, though. ;)
yeah kinda strange that warrior-sword and tank-ma upgrade cost the same 60 gp. in AA you can upgrade only few warriors without emptying your treasury totally, but in the late game 40 gp is really nothing. i wish there had been a more sophisticated upg-system...
you could make the shield values of the units higher, i did this when i edited the rules for ptw, 180 for a tank and 240 for MA. forgot to change the panzer so naturally the germans did a bit of stomping in the late industrial.
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