Modern Earth (Giant)

Hi Kiwitt,

this is an amazing mod and VERY excited to play this. Congrats.

I am having an issue installing the mod however. I have downloaded and extracted the files into the MODS folder on the bits files. However, after i launch the MOD, during the re-start I am getting XML errors? do I need to place these files somewhere in particular?

Additionally, once it loads I can't find the map anywhere?

Sorry to ask, but looking forward to making it work

I am on a MAC btw.

Hi Kiwitt,

this is an amazing mod and VERY excited to play this. Congrats.

I am having an issue installing the mod however. I have downloaded and extracted the files into the MODS folder on the bits files. However, after i launch the MOD, during the re-start I am getting XML errors? do I need to place these files somewhere in particular?

Additionally, once it loads I can't find the map anywhere?

Sorry to ask, but looking forward to making it work

I am on a MAC btw.

Just started a game as Russia. Do the barbarians spawn new units, or am I being attacked by the same invisible units every turn (they rarely are defeated, they just retreat)? How can I see them so I can attack them?
Try to see it as Terrorist cells making sneak attacks and disappearing again. i.e. just like in the real world, a 'nuisance' you now have to live with.
Hey KiwiTT, i know its 2017 :D buut civ4 (or more specific YOUR Mods ^^) are still mega fun... i played this mod a few hours and want to share some thoughts about it. Before i was playing only your RTW historical mod soo thats why i came here a bit late...
First off all great work, sooo many cities my gosh. At the beginning it was just too much to handle (e.g. first game with russia....). So i startted another with a smaller nation, Germany. The thing is that the player does not only have to handle all the city and unit stuff but the average time between the rounds is about 1 min 30 sec (8gb Ram) so that the game rly takes ages...but well :P
Also theres kind off a lack of action as germany for example i had built all units to the max limit (even 90 infantry lol) but all nearby nations were still in defend pacts..this was kinda frustrating as said before the rounds take ages and your starting with many units but you cant do anything. I went attacking Arab liga (not close to me obviously). Germany just doesnt seem to go well for me
Now im trying a new game with egypt. I lost couple of units to terrorists but this cant be avoided i guess ;)
So far it turns out well i conquered libya and some cities of arab liga. But i think egypt is much more vulnerable then Germany to unit loss as it cant build anything at the i lost couple of fighterd and soecial forces and now i dont think i can do any progress as i simply cant build effective units...(without air forces and arty its almost impossible to kill those mashine guns)
But well its pretty chalanging but thats cool :)
Also i guess egypt shouldnt be one of the stronger nations so i guess i reached the max of its capabilities...
I guess theres a bug removing all units from a city after enemy bombardment. Eg my HQ mashine guns were placed out of my city once...this happened also to the AI 2 times...
Also im really strughleling against terrorists..spys cant rly spot them always i dont know, wheni was playing germany sometimes i could arrest a terrorist with my spy
Also the arab liga is spamming terrorists all time (as its one of the only units it can build :P)
I dont know if everything i wrote makes sense and my english skills at 6 am (was playing all night :D) are kinda lost right now...anyways sry for replying after so long time maybe i will write another comment later :P
THANK YOU for your efford :D
I am glad you are enjoying it. I enjoyed making it. I tend to play the smaller nations and just watch the world develop around me.
I have a question. I've noticed that the the Road to War mod is slow. It becomes painfully slow as the game goes on. I see the enemy tanks, artillery just going in circles. This consumes a lot of time. Is there a way to streamline this? It seems whoever developed it didn't do things as efficiently as the non-add on games. They don't take nearly this much time. Is our Road to War mod of a mod based on whatever they did in the original?

Over 4,000 downloads
Thank You

Have you ever wondered what the world will be like in a few years time? - Well wonder no more, this scenario recreates the modern earth as it is today and how it develops diplomatically. While it is still reasonably random, it gives new insights into what is essentially a very complex world. Lots of interdependence and relationships that need to be carefully managed.

Playing one of the major nations, like the USA, Russia or China is a very hard as you not only have a lot of cities manage, but also a lot of units. So if you chose to play one of these, be prepared for a lot of micro-management or alternatively set them to 'auto' and focus on your units.

Now you will need to be careful with your units as they are irreplaceable, i.e. you have more units than you are allowed to build.

Now Updated to Version 1.4 @ 18 October 2015
Link to File Download
I am keen to hear feedback.

Based on Barbarian King's Earth 2010 Update 6, I have worked on a scenario based on a GEM map by GreatLordofPie. I have developed a new Giant Earth Scenario. It includes over 1100 accurately represented cities and countries. Each city will include all the correct buildings, religions and corporations. In addition it includes over 5,000 units, which are placed and named as accurately as possible, given in some cases limited information.

The Map:
I have made a conscious decision to only make nations playable, whereas regional groupings of nations are not. This is essentially because no one can really control all those regional groupings and make decisions that affect them all. I have however made a fairly good representation of its types of civics and its cities. Another reason is that it would significantly unbalance the game too much. (NOTE: If you want to play one of them, you can change it in the scenario file)

Most attention has been given to making the 1100 cities as accurately as possible, but the focus has been ensuring that the "Global Cities" are the real key cities in the game. If you feel a non-global city should be better represented by its buildings let me know. Many of these Global cities also include settled "Great People", which represents the fact that it has had a significant history.
Spoiler :
List of Nations:
Spoiler :
European Union (Not Playable)
Saudi Arabia
Congo (ex-Zaire)
C.I.S. (Not Playable)
Africa Union (Not Playable)
Asian Nations (Not Playable)
Arab League (Not Playable)
European Nations (Not Playable)
Latin America (Not Playable)
Pacific Nations (Not Playable)
Relations between nations was one of the hardest research required and when you think it is a 40x40 matrix, a lot of thought had to be applied to this process. You will find however, that there are strong relationships between nations you expect to have, e.g. US and UK, but also strong animosities between others, e.g. US and North Korea & Iran. Open Borders only exist between nations who have free-trade agreements or are part of a trading block. There will also be alliances between nations. You will also find scattered around the map "Terrorist" cells. This reflects the "War on Terror" that is going on right now.

These are the heart of the game. Using the level of detail skills I applied to my Road to War Historical I have extended this to representing the World Armed Forces as accurately as possible. This means not only placed correctly but also named corrected. Where information is not available I have made some good guestimates. The major unit size is "Brigade", for Airforces it is "squadron" and the smallest unit I have used is "Frigate" for navies. However, a change from Earth 2010 that "Terrorist" units can capture undefended cities, as these now also represent "Rebels" as well. Another change is all navies and workers have freedom of movement due to the fact I have made "Open Borders" a "Free Trade" characteristic. This is because I have had to make relations between nations more accurate.

So in light of the above you will need to have a reasonably powerful computer running preferably Windows 7 64-bit to give Civ 4 BTS a full 4GB of RAM. Needless to say you'll need more than 4GB of RAM to run it.

Earth 2010 permission obtained from Barbarian KingCredits: Barbarian King, GreatLordofPie, Tigranes, and the many Civfanatics graphics model makers.

I downloaded the Mod and would love to try it, but although it loads, Civ IV isn't seeing the scenario. I even copied and pasted the map into my world maps under the Games/Civ Folder. Am I doing something wrong?
I have a question. I've noticed that the the Road to War mod is slow. It becomes painfully slow as the game goes on. I see the enemy tanks, artillery just going in circles. This consumes a lot of time. Is there a way to streamline this? It seems whoever developed it didn't do things as efficiently as the non-add on games. They don't take nearly this much time. Is our Road to War mod of a mod based on whatever they did in the original?
The map has 1100 cities and 7,000 units. The modscript is single core, despite being a multicore game, it can take upto 10 minutes or more for the first turn to complete on my very fast core-i7 4790k 4 Ghz. However, after the first few turns have progressed it then startrs to play a bit faster.

I downloaded the Mod and would love to try it, but although it loads, Civ IV isn't seeing the scenario. I even copied and pasted the map into my world maps under the Games/Civ Folder. Am I doing something wrong?
I have installed the game into - C:\Games\Civ4\ - as per this thread - and then go to
C:\Games\Civ4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Modern Earth\PublicMaps folder
and then open "Modern Earth"and it will then autostart Civ IV and start the scenario.
You can then at anytime open the save files folder in ...\Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Saves
being playing this Mod again of late. It is really just great to play the Modern World with a Civ IV engine.
I agree - i have civ 5 & 6, but still like this best. However, I make a MAC and it will not load :( anything you can do?
Hey Hey,
started playing this again and its super cool still :D Is there any way to make terrorists vissible? And for some reason aftrer Air Strikes or if a special forces unit passes through a city all units in this city are being moved out of the city :/
Love this mod and wish u a good day
Terrorists are supposed to be hidden - like the 'criminals' they are
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