Modular Civ: Venetian Republic


on steam: ekmek_e
Aug 7, 2002
San Diego, California
A modular civ for the Venetian Republic.

It includes:

- San Marco by hrochland - replacing Maoi Statues but also gives 1 gold per tile (as well as hammers)
- Arsenal by Chamaedrys (Holstentor graphic) - replaces forge acts w/ 50% faster ships like dry dock

- Trader by Ekmek - replaces explorer but can enter rival territory and do small trade missions
- Also some civ unique graphics from Varietas Delectat
- Trireme graphic replace with CRoland's Galleas.

- Unique Civ color - Venetian Red (of course)
- Enrico Dandolo by Ekmek - new leaderhead for the blind Doge of Venice
- New trait Commercial - +1 happy banks, +1 ship movement
- New trait Maritime - Combat I and Amphibious for gunpowder units and naval units (to compensate for weak UU)


That's a good choice for UB I always thought that Maoi Statues looks weird in most CIV. The graph that it sits on should go, of course.
hmm .. mabey post a pic with a larger city population to show how it blends in ?
change the tiles from blanc ? mabey a more natural look ?
I see the venetian floating city square. It looks great :goodjob:
This is cool stuff, very nice! I have the Venetians in my mod, but it was nice to see them released as a separate civ.

Interesting choice of flag, what made you decide on it?
Shqype is Venice in Italy not Venice in California :D

I know, but for my Venice I used a different flag. Still appears to be the same thing though: the Lion of St. Mark :cool:
I know, but for my Venice I used a different flag. Still appears to be the same thing though: the Lion of St. Mark :cool:
I was joking about it, but I've thought that You didn't know the symbol of Venice, ;) there's another flag that is the one of the venetian region, but the flag of the city is still the same.


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I like the mod, however I get a crash to desktop whenever I try to construct the Piazza San Marco, how can I fix this?
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