MoM Installation Failure


Dec 27, 2018

I recently downloaded and installed Master of Mana with the installer. I get a load of xml errors when loading the module. Firstly, none of the SPELLRESEARCH seems to be included but there are a few other xml errors before the module fails to load.

Has anyone had this problem before?
Am I missing some required patch?
Does it matter that I'm using Steam?
I wouldn't know.
but I read on multiple mods for FFH2 that using the steam install leads to bug.
If you do a search with "FFH2" and "steam" you might find how to correct it.

Problem 1: Although I had set both Civ 4 and BtS to the Unsupported Original Release in the Beta in Steam, I had not initiated an online game from within Steam since doing this. I clicked Play for both Civ 4 and BtS whilst online in Steam this evening.

Problem 2: Mods folder. There are several and apparently I was using the wrong one (even though the module appears in the ingame listing). The correct location for the mods when playing with Steam is, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods. I corrected this this evening also.

At this stage FFH (installed from installer) worked and Middle Earth (installed without installer) worked. MoM still did not work. I was not getting xml errors now though. The error was, GFC Error: Failed to initialize the primary control theme.

Problem 3: Module name. When the MoM installer was run, it used MoM as the module's folder name. I retitled this to Master of Mana. The module now loaded perfectly.


  • Steam Beta setup.png
    Steam Beta setup.png
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Good to know.

Willl have to install Civ4 on a Win10 system and the Steam-Version handles that, but has other problems when modding. This info greatly helps.
Hello, I am having the issues you mentioned but cannot see any fix for me. I still get XML issues
here how I play the mod with my friend:

1. We are using the Steam Version of Civ4 - Beyond the Sword. (Reason: We want to play online together over Steam)
2. We are using this Mod Version:
3. We have additionally my little Module in it:
4. Simply place the "Master of Mana" Folder in Civ4 - Beyond the Sword - Mods. So for example: "....\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Master of Mana"
5. Then we have the following "Start Option" in Steam: "mod=\Master of Mana" (Including the "")
6. Now Steam starts Civ4 directly with Master of Mana. And with that, all works fine for my friend and me.

I hope this helps :)
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