Monitor not showing image:


Trekkie At Large
Jun 29, 2003
Heart of Dixie
I am beyond annoyed. A few weeks ago, my monitor started taking breaks at random intervals and refusing to display an image. The computer was on- thanks to keyboard shortcuts I could shut it down without the benifet of seeing what I was doing- and the monitor was on and reciving a signal- it just wasn't displaying an image.

We took the monitor to the store where we had purchased it, where they plugged the monitor up to another machine and deduced it was working. :rolleyes:

We then went to Best Buy, and they told us that if the monitor was working, it had to be the graphics card. So we brought it in. They stuck in a GeoForce 2 and we went home. Well, it worked fine for about a week, then it started wigging out again. We brought it BACK to Best Buy where they determined that it was now a case of insufficent RAM- we only have 64. So I told them to upgrade to 128, which they reccommended.

A few days later, I called about it status, and they said it was dead. Apparently adding the new RAM shocked the motherboard. A week later, we came back to pick it up and they told us a miracle-worker named Donna managed to fix it. Whoopee. We bring it home, it works. The next day, it works, and I spend twelve hours playing Civ, browsing the 'net, and working. This morning, SAME PROBLEM- no image. Anyone have an idea?
Sounds like your problem is in the monitor not the computer.

Can you beg steal or borrow another monitor? Even better, swap monitors with a friend for a couple of days.

Seems like a connection problom:

Replace the monitor plug, if possible.

try securing the plug better to the computer and the monitor itself.

Or just get a new monitor.

Also try to deturmine under what conditions the monitor doesn't work.
It's not a connection problem- I've made sure of that. :-/

And like I said, it's random. It's largely based on use- the longer I stay on one day, the longer it will be out on the next session.
sounds like a "dry joint" somewhere in the monitor. As the monitor warms up and reaches a certain temperature then an oxidised solder joint is giving up the ghost.

Try to do as I suggested earlier and swap monitors with a friend for a couple of days.

like most other people have said - it's gonna be the monitor, and either connection to, or connection somewhere inside the monitor. and new ram was never going to change anything, what the hell are these people on?

I hope you get your money back.
just out of interest, what kind of monitor is it and how old?
best bet is to have a look around the net and see if other people have had problems with that model.
Maybe your outlet can not suply enough power. I have heard that that will cause the monitor to flicker, so maybe it can cause it to shut off as well.
bobgote: they said we didn't have enough RAM to supply the new GeoForce.

This is our second monitor. It was refurnished when we bought it to replace the orignial monitor, which suffered some electrical damage and so was dead. New monitor is a Compaq something-or-other. I'll need to check when I get home tonight. (Before I go to pick up Conquests which I already paid for...) While we're there, I'm going to go to BB again and let them know it's still not working.

And unfortunately, we can't get our money back for installation. I don't mind the new RAM- on the contrary, now I meet the specs for Conquests.

Something rather odd happened last night. I was playing Civ (a 7CC) and decided to leave the computer running while I went to church. If I wasn't going to church, I would've stayed on the computer, anyway, so I figured there was no risk. I get home at 9:30 or thereabouts (leaving at 6:40) and the monitor AND tower are off. I turn `em on and it starts up fine- except the monitor, bless its communist heart, refuses to display an image. Does this change the situation?
How old is your monitor? I had a problem once with an older monitor of mine. One day I was using it like I always have and it just went black and I smelled this awful burning scent. It was truly fried. :mad: It doesn't really seem to be the computers fault but the monitor. Have you tried using a different monitor with the computer? If it works totally fine, I think you have your answer. ;)
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