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MoreGreatPeople 1.5

May 5, 2015
Brackenspore submitted a new resource:

MoreGreatPeople - More Great People

More great People mod

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Great Generals
Classical: Joshua, Scipio Africanus, Vercingetorix, Genseric
Medieval: Charlemagne, Sviatoslav I Igorevich, Timur
Renaissance: Maurice of Orange, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Shah Jahan
Industrial: Mikhail Kutuzov, Arthur Wellesley, Francisco de Miranda, Yamagata Aritomo
Modern: Paul von Hindenburg, Hugo Eckener, George S. Patton
Atomic: Yitzhak Rabin, Erich von Manstein
Information: Tommy Ray Franks, Osama bin Laden, Norman Schwarzkopf

Great Admirals
Classiacal: Patrocles, Eudoxus of Cyzicus, Marcus Atilius Regulus
Medieval: Wang Jinghong, Awilda
Renaissance: Amaro Pargo, Vasco da Gama, Hayreddin Barbarossa, John Hawkins
Industrial: Fyodor Ushakov, Cheng I, Fridtjof Nansen, Alfred Thayer Mahan
Modern: Reinhard Scheer, Isoroku Yamamoto, Alan Goodrich Kirk
Atomic: Otto Kretschmer, Jacques Cousteau, Nikolay Kuznetsov
Information: Eric Thor Olson

Great Engineers
Medieval: Wang Zhen, Peter Parler, Pietro Antonio Solari
Renaissance: Andrea Palladio, Blaise Pascal, Giambologna, Francesco Rastrelli
Industrial: Antoni Gaudi, Thomas Edison, Nicolas Appert, Joseph Monier
Modern: Le Corbusier, Vladimir Shukhov, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
Atomic: Philip Johnson, Robert Venturi, Qian Xuesen, Nikolay Dollezhal
Information: Norman Foster, Renzo Piano, Elon Musk

Great Scientists
Classical: Aristotle, Zenodotus, Hipparchus, Pythagoras, Archimedes
Medieval: Thomas Aquinas, Avicenna, Al-Kindi
Renaissance: Mikhail Lomonosov, Rene Descartes, Gerardus Mercator
Industrial: Alexander Butlerov, David Livingstone, Humphry Davy, Horace-Benedict de Saussure, Alexander von Humboldt
Modern: John von Neumann, Niels Bohr, Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin
Atomic: Louis Leakey, James Watson
Information: Stephen Hawking, Kip Thorne, Tim Berners-Lee

Great Merchants
Classical: Hanno the Navigator, Pytheas, Hippalus, Gaius Maecenas
Medieval: Ibn Battuta, Wang Xuance, Ibrahim ibn Yaqub
Renaissance: Jerome Horsey, Pierre-Esprit Radisson, Giovanni Maria Farina, Giacomo Casanova, Richelieu
Industrial: Karl Marx, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie
Modern: Jean Paul Getty, John Maynard Keynes
Atomic: Mary Kay Ash, Ruth Handler, Henry Kissinger
Information: Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates
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I agree completely that Osama bin Laden does not belong in a list of "great people" and will be changing his entry in the mod to Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. on my PC.
"No matter what you think of him, he can be considered a "Great General". After all he fought in many conflicts and wars and is one of the most important figures in recent military history and in large parts resposbile for the current state of the middle east." - quote from Steam. I completely agree. Napoleon too was a bloodsucker.
"No matter what you think of him, he can be considered a "Great General". After all he fought in many conflicts and wars and is one of the most important figures in recent military history and in large parts resposbile for the current state of the middle east." - quote from Steam. I completely agree. Napoleon too was a bloodsucker.
All great generals were bloodsuckers. They all caused death and destruction, but the difference between them and Bin Laden is that they at least did it in times of war, sometimes wars they did not initiate themselves. Bin Laden basically killed people for the purpose of killing people.
All great generals were bloodsuckers. They all caused death and destruction, but the difference between them and Bin Laden is that they at least did it in times of war, sometimes wars they did not initiate themselves. Bin Laden basically killed people for the purpose of killing people.
It is a new strategy and tactics (yes, ugly strategy and tactics) of warfare at the 21 century - called 'terrorism'. Awake... And bin Laden is the author of this strategy. If you are from Israel you should know it like no other.
It is a new strategy and tactics (yes, ugly strategy and tactics) of warfare at the 21 century - called 'terrorism'. Awake... And bin Laden is the author of this strategy. If you are from Israel you should know it like no other.
There is warfare and there is terrorism. They are not the same. A great general should be a military general who fought in actual wars, that's all. I am not getting into the moral questions and matters of controversy. I am just talking about semantics and definitions here. I just can't put Bin Laden on the same list as Napoleon, Patton, Vercingetorix, and the rest. There is a huge difference between planning a terrorist attack and commanding troops on the battlefield.
There is warfare and there is terrorism. They are not the same. A great general should be a military general who fought in actual wars, that's all. I am not getting into the moral questions and matters of controversy. I am just talking about semantics and definitions here. I just can't put Bin Laden on the same list as Napoleon, Patton, Vercingetorix, and the rest. There is a huge difference between planning a terrorist attack and commanding troops on the battlefield.
Today there is no classical wars. Today there is hybrid (non-classical) wars. So we will have non-classical armies and non-classical Great Generals.
Today there is no classical wars. Today there is hybrid (non-classical) wars. So we will have non-classical armies and non-classical Great Generals.
Terrorism isn't a new tactic, nor is it a good one. It's based off of guerrilla warfare and all it did was, "Poke the bear." Causing a definite decline in the Middle-eastern economy because of wars and foreign invasions. Also Bin Laden wasn't the, "Author" of terrorism. What about the 61 islamic terrorist attacks before 9/11, the earliest of which was in 1979 and killed 244 people.
Terrorism isn't a new tactic, nor is it a good one. It's based off of guerrilla warfare and all it did was, "Poke the bear." Causing a definite decline in the Middle-eastern economy because of wars and foreign invasions. Also Bin Laden wasn't the, "Author" of terrorism. What about the 61 islamic terrorist attacks before 9/11, the earliest of which was in 1979 and killed 244 people.
9/11 organized american government not terrorists. :p To suffer :p
9/11 organized american government not terrorists. :p To suffer :p
But the American Government simply responded by invading the Middle east in the, "War on Terror." Bin Laden made the American Government suffer, sure. But it was the Americans who got the last laugh when the bombed the horsehocky out of everything and killed him. Not really a great general, he wasn't even a general.
I ran into an issue last night and wanted to make sure it was/wasn't this mod causing it. In my deity game, it didn't seem to "add" more great people--the list of great people seemed to be capped, meaning the new great people from this mod prevented later era great people from becoming available (for example, the space race contributors were never available). Have there been any other similar issues like this reported?
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