[Vote] (5-14) Proposals To Reduce Faith Costs In Later Eras

Approval Vote for Proposal #14

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Dec 19, 2017
VP Congress: Session 5, Proposal 14
Discussion Thread: (5-14) Reduce Faith Cost Increase With Era
Proposer: @Anarcomu
Sponsor(s): @Legen

Proposal Details
Current :
  • Pre-Renaissance : 100%
  • Renaissance : 150%
  • Industrial : 200%
  • Modern : 300%
  • Atomic : 400%
  • Information : 500%
Proposed :
  • Pre-Renaissance : 100%
  • Renaissance : 125%
  • Industrial : 150%
  • Modern : 175%
  • Atomic : 200%
  • Information : 200%
Rational : The actual situation means that starting with renaissance, spreading faith with missionaries becomes harder and harder, and buying new faith buildings becomes less interesting, even thought it is a full belief. Also, Spain's UA and Zealotry belief loose a lot of their meat as the game goes on. Also starting with industrial era, GP becomes the only relevant faith purchase, exacerbated by the fact that all other faith purchase become far too costly for their benefits.

This proposal is meant to be a first step to solve this (also i don't know if it is feasible).

VP Congress: Session 5, Proposal 14a
Discussion Thread: (5-14a) Remove Faith Cost Scaling From Buildings and Non-Religious Units
Proposer: @azum4roll
Sponsor(s): @azum4roll

Proposal Details
Remove faith cost era scaling from all buildings and all units that don't spread religion and don't remove heresy. Great People already have their own scaling and are out of scope for this proposal.

Change building costs as below:

BuildingCurrent Cost at unlockNew Cost
Opera House520500
Broadcast Tower1500800
Public School800600
Research Lab1500800

All belief-unlocked buildings/Monastery will stay the same cost throughout the game.

Change unit costs based on the tech tier the base unit unlocks in (exceptions for some units):

Tech Tier/Exception UnitCurrent Cost at unlock (for land unit)New Cost
Agriculture + Ancient T1100100
Ancient T2100150
Classical T1200200
Classical T2200250
Medieval T1300300
Medieval T2300350
Renaissance T1600400
Renaissance T2600500
Industrial T11200600
Industrial T21200700
Modern T12100800
Modern T22100900
Atomic T132001000
Atomic T232001200
Information T150001400
Information T2 + T362501600
Siege Tower200200
Mehal Sefari1200550
Note that naval units no longer cost more in faith than land units, a slight buff for Spain.

Buildings cost less in production and gold in later eras, but cost more in faith. So much that the later buildings are usually not worth to spend faith on over Great People. Later buildings already have a higher base cost, and do not need to be further amplified by an era scaler.
Similar with units. How is 5000 faith a reasonable cost for a unit? Unlike production/gold, there are no non-trait/non-difficulty discounts on unit faith cost. Later units already have a higher base cost, and do not need to be further amplified by an era scaler.
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I am against this.

Part of the charm of moving though the era's is how the game shifts focus. The decline of importance of the religion competition is a major aspect of this.
Problem is, this render bonuses based on passive pressure very valuable, since they continue to benefit when in those eras.
Only 4 Nos? AI is already spamming my games with missionnaries and we want to increase that? I don't get it.

EDIT: I feel it will be reversed maybe even before session 6 of the congress ^^
5-19a keeps missionaries and inquisitor costs as they are. It should not increase religious unit spam.

You could argue it will cause more spam indirectly by lowering :c5faith: Faith costs on military unit/building purchases, leaving more faith left over to buy missionaries with. However, my guess is that it will have the opposite effect. The scaling faith costs currently make faith-purchasing military units and buildings so unreasonable that people don't do it. If faith prices are made more worthwhile for those things, people will spend more faith on them, rather than making them with :c5production:or:c5gold:.
It is late where I am, better off to bed than reading wrong some proposition ^^

If faith prices are made more worthwhile for those things, people will spend more faith on them, rather than making them with :c5production:or:c5gold:.
I do it all the time regardless of cost. I mean it a free building bought with faith, saving time and hammers for building something else in the meantime. Never thought they were too expensive in cost. Aren't they already all less expensive in faith cost than hammer cost? Well I don't play deity and not emperor no more so maybe I am wrong. Let's try ^^
It is late where I am, better off to bed than reading wrong some proposition ^^

Never thought they were too expensive in cost. Aren't they already all less expensive in faith cost than hammer cost? Well I don't play deity and not emperor no more so maybe I am wrong. Let's try ^^
Generally how I think of the costs beyond medieval is.... is this worth a GP?

In classical/medieval the costs are still pretty low (and GP buying far away). But after that that is the comparison. If you found that the costs were comparable to GP you could buy, then I would vote no on the proposals. If however, you found your faith always going to GP buys rather than your unit buys because the cost was no longer competitive, than vote yes on one of the proposals.
When weighed against the cost of a Great Person, the military unit prices given by Spain, Zealotry, and for the buildings unlocked by certain Reformation beliefs, they rarely seem worth it to me. I would rather save my Faith for the next GPerson, or even hold onto it for a Great Prophet spread. In industrial, I could have a Gatling Gun for 1200 :c5faith:, or I could have a Great General for 1000 :c5faith:.

But in addition to that cost, consider that you picked Zealotry, or Spain, or Faith of the Masses with the expectation that you were getting a special deal by buying with faith. You blew a whole belief slot on unlocking that ability, after all. What is that opportunity cost worth?
In industrial, I could have a Gatling Gun for 1200 :c5faith:, or I could have a Great General for 1000 :c5faith:.
When I think of the GP costs, I generally think of a 15k faith GP, as that is the point where actually getting the GP becomes questionable.

I always have faith for the core GP buys up to that number, so faith only impacts how quickly I get them. But once its the 15k level, I have to "work for it". So again that's the price point I would look, as buying units and things would deny me the 15k GPs.

TTGOG changes that math a bit since I can buy so many GPs, at that point its more like 10k GPs, as sometimes I can't afford 10K ones as I've spread out my faith buying lots of different kinds of GP.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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