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Most Notorious . . .

Ninny Man Jr

Jan 14, 2001
Who is the most notorious poster in the Civilization site forums scene . . .

How about Zulu Elephant . . . Tim Vincent . . . Provost Harrison . . . Pedro Lopez . . . or name your own!

Who IS the dirtiest spammer?

Guess who!
You are you dirty dirty spammer
ATG is the worst person i've met
<FONT size="6">HARDMAN</FONT s>

No one else comes close.

<IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/blast.gif" border=0><FONT size="4"><FONT COLOR="blue">All knowledge begins with the Phrase:</FONT c><FONT COLOR="red"> I don't know</FONT c></FONT s><IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/ninja1.gif" border=0>
Hardman . . . now there's a name I haven't heard in while . . .

His entry in the CGN Voice Contest had EVERYBODY stumped . . .

Guess who!
<FONT size="4">I am the most notorious spammer and the most notorious person in CFC because of my evil and backstabbing ways - OK???</FONT s>

Now let's close this subject now that both questions have been answered!!!

Veni Vidi Vici.

Håkan Eriksson, Stormerne, vladmir_illych_lenin, Cunobelin Of Hippo, Bluemonday.
That's it, Shadowdale! You and your spamming ways have gone too far this time. We've had enough of your useless chatter, now begone!

Moderators: I call for a two-month ban on Shadowdale. Preferably starting before the next GOTM is launched.

(But seriously... This is an ill-conceived thread, Ninny Man Jr. There's been enough mud-slinging lately. Let's lay off on discussing whom we dislike.)
some people think that i spam, but i do not think so. there was this one day when some kid came to ot and posted about 20 topics about spamming that thunder erased soon after. but, besides that, hardman. what ever happened to that one bosnian kid? MIG21. i remember him. he didnt like me very much.
Originally posted by goodbye_mr_bond:
Moderators: I call for a two-month ban on Shadowdale. Preferably starting before the next GOTM is launched.

I agree, let's give everyobdy else a chance to win GotM.

As to who was the worst, well starting this topic isn't helping you on the list
Seriously, since this is all in fun I'd say HARDMAN/MIG21. There was a rumour that they were the same guy. Oh, my fav is Tripa . He is the local CTP2, or as he liked to say CTP@, fanatic.

<FONT face="tahoma">
All rights reserved, all your base are belong to us . </FONT f>
Hey hey - that's not fair!!!! At least not if it begins on June 1st!!!! I just broke my foot so I won't be able to go to work for the next four weeks - so if you can wait until July 1st then I can accept that I need a ONE month ban for spamming so bloody much - especially since I have been posting almost three entire post per day for the last two weeks!!!

But I am infamous for my evil backstabbing ways - I always call other members names and I constantly curs and try to create tension in this forum!!

BTW I'm an 11 year old boy on a powertrip...............

Veni Vidi Vici.

Håkan Eriksson, Stormerne, vladmir_illych_lenin, Cunobelin Of Hippo, Bluemonday.
Well hows this. Modorators posting bad things about members, boy that is such a good way to get more people comming here, maybe i should Try insulting all the people that come to my site, seems to help here.
Palhorse you are a wanker plan and simple, i had no problems with anyone in this forum for ages untill you said that now i just have a problem with you.

Tripa from what i remember you crying about earlier, your a maniac, you need to take a chill pill.
And CTP Sucks, how can anyone stand to play that abomination of civilization

Civilization God of War & Economic Prosperity
http://www.civfanatics.com Staff and forum moderator

<IMG SRC="http://www.homestead.com/house_of_lux/files/suntzu1.gif" border=0>

Elevators always smell different to midgets
Hey Tripa PaleHorse76 can insult me all he want's if you call it insult - but then again it might just be a bit to difficult for you to understand......

And PaleHorse76 - For that I shall challenge you to a duel - what do you choose:

GotM (I hope)

Or just Water pistols????

We are species 8472 - assimilations attempts are futile - the weak shall perish

No wait we are species 5618 and we got beer...... don't harm us!!!!!!
Whoa what did I miss? How come Tripa is getting all this abuse (from mods). And Tripa you hardly made yourself look good by calling someone a wanker.
You can't believe anything Tripa says, he likes Call To Power. That alone is reason enough for a lifetime ban.
umm yeah i am guessing none of u hae a clue what is going on atm
Wee My members of skaven have just finished finding the biggest bug in CTP2 and this really is serius it makes it posible to build anything in one turn (including wonders) now since this i and all my members are pulling ourselves out of Game League adn the CTP2 section will be closing down.
now also i have gone back to CTP and found another bug this one is basicly the same but its more like worrior to grannary then worrior to wonder
So there you go the Legendary CTP2 fanatic has herby thrown the game out the window and is planing on going back to Civ2 till the release of Civ 3 that is anyway

<IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/mwaha.gif" border=0> ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/mwaha.gif" border=0>

<IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/mwaha.gif" border=0> he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/mwaha.gif" border=0>

I'm sorry but I can't help thinking that this is hilarious!!!!! <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/lol.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/lol.gif" border=0>

<IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/snipersmilie.gif" border=0>

We are species 8472 - assimilations attempts are futile - the weak shall perish

No wait we are species 5618 and we got beer...... don't harm us!!!!!!

[This message has been edited by shadowdale (edited June 03, 2001).]
At last the Defender of the Anti-Civ has seen its False ways for what they are and recognized its Evil. And with its defenestration, he abandons it and joins the Side of Good, entering the camp of Sid Meier, the One True Civ-maker!

Just kidding.
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