MPMPM - Multiplayer Mod DLC-hack (Updated!)

Sorry for delay. The file in MP_MODSPACK/UI should have the LoadNewContext lines. The UI files in the mod itself I think have no effect, but you may want to remove them entirely jsut to make sure.

Also yeah CityView.lua was unchanged because the mod didn't touch the city screen I think.
@cicero225 :
The link for the Community Patch (or Vox Populi) Modpack has changed, since Lynnes no longer take care of it :
There is no longer any need for any additional workarounds, the standard method for DLL mods now works quite well.
(Known issue : If you lauch a game with Multiplayer Mod Workaround enabled, you may not be able to play, since the "corporation" windows will be open and cannot be closed. You just need to ignore it, continue the procedure and create the Modpack, the Modpack will work without problems)
@cicero225 :
The link for the Community Patch (or Vox Populi) Modpack has changed, since Lynnes no longer take care of it :
There is no longer any need for any additional workarounds, the standard method for DLL mods now works quite well.
(Known issue : If you lauch a game with Multiplayer Mod Workaround enabled, you may not be able to play, since the "corporation" windows will be open and cannot be closed. You just need to ignore it, continue the procedure and create the Modpack, the Modpack will work without problems)

Marvel Heroes and religion packs so far are working flawlessly MP

Okay, thanks for the updates! The OP is updated.
I created a modpack with a good amount of mods, testing it in Singleplayer on my Linuxsystem works fine, but prior to playing in multiplayer i test some things on windows and this doesn't work well.

It seems there are issues with including other lua files (All the function which cannot be found reside in files included)
Any hints what might be cause this problems?
Hey all, I'm trying to make a modpack with Vox Populi and some other mods. I followed the procedure (including removing and afterwards adding the dll), and the modpack seems to work perfectly except for one thing: I don't have ANY music or sound in the game. I had this error in the database log:

[18486.524] columns StrategicViewType, TileType are not unique
[18486.524] While executing - 'INSERT INTO ArtDefine_StrategicView(StrategicViewType, TileType, Asset) VALUES(?,?,?)'
[18488.208] table UnitGameplay2DScripts already exists
[18488.208] In XMLSerializer while building table UnitGameplay2DScripts from file Assets\Sounds\XML\UnitGameplay.xml.
[18489.612] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18489.612] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18489.612] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18490.892] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18492.171] columns StrategicViewType, TileType are not unique
[18492.171] While executing - 'INSERT INTO ArtDefine_StrategicView(StrategicViewType, TileType, Asset) VALUES(?,?,?)'
[18493.700] table UnitGameplay2DScripts already exists
[18493.700] In XMLSerializer while building table UnitGameplay2DScripts from file Assets\Sounds\XML\UnitGameplay.xml.
[18494.246] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18494.246] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18494.246] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18497.693] columns StrategicViewType, TileType are not unique
[18497.693] While executing - 'insert into ArtDefine_StrategicView('StrategicViewType', 'TileType', 'Asset') values (?, ?, ?);'
[18497.693] In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into ArtDefine_StrategicView('StrategicViewType', 'TileType', 'Asset') with  values (ART_DEF_UNIT_GENERAL_KHAN, Unit,, ).
[18497.693] In XMLSerializer while updating table ArtDefine_StrategicView from file Assets\DLC\DLC_01\StrategicView\Civ5ArtDefines_SV_Mongol_Units.xml.
[18497.693] columns StrategicViewType, TileType are not unique
[18497.709] columns StrategicViewType, TileType are not unique

Any ideas?
6. Once game is loaded, switch to fire tuner. The active tab should be "Lua Console". Below the tab name, there is a dropdown menu. Select the MPMP_Maker from that list (should be one of the first, the name may be truncated but will start with "\Users\[yourName]\Documents").

MPMP_MAKER, This option does not appear here
Managed to solve, was opening the fireturner before opening the game
But now my friend have the Problem 13 (Dont have enhanced UI), and we cant find the "CityView.lua"
Here the modlist (More JFD Civilisations below)
How did you do it?
I created a modpack with a good amount of mods, testing it in Singleplayer on my Linuxsystem works fine, but prior to playing in multiplayer i test some things on windows and this doesn't work well.

It seems there are issues with including other lua files (All the function which cannot be found reside in files included)
Any hints what might be cause this problems?

That's difficult to requires a detailed look at the code in your modpack.

Hey all, I'm trying to make a modpack with Vox Populi and some other mods. I followed the procedure (including removing and afterwards adding the dll), and the modpack seems to work perfectly except for one thing: I don't have ANY music or sound in the game. I had this error in the database log:

[18486.524] columns StrategicViewType, TileType are not unique
[18486.524] While executing - 'INSERT INTO ArtDefine_StrategicView(StrategicViewType, TileType, Asset) VALUES(?,?,?)'
[18488.208] table UnitGameplay2DScripts already exists
[18488.208] In XMLSerializer while building table UnitGameplay2DScripts from file Assets\Sounds\XML\UnitGameplay.xml.
[18489.612] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18489.612] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18489.612] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18490.892] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18492.171] columns StrategicViewType, TileType are not unique
[18492.171] While executing - 'INSERT INTO ArtDefine_StrategicView(StrategicViewType, TileType, Asset) VALUES(?,?,?)'
[18493.700] table UnitGameplay2DScripts already exists
[18493.700] In XMLSerializer while building table UnitGameplay2DScripts from file Assets\Sounds\XML\UnitGameplay.xml.
[18494.246] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18494.246] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18494.246] no such table: ContentPackage.LocalizedText
[18497.693] columns StrategicViewType, TileType are not unique
[18497.693] While executing - 'insert into ArtDefine_StrategicView('StrategicViewType', 'TileType', 'Asset') values (?, ?, ?);'
[18497.693] In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into ArtDefine_StrategicView('StrategicViewType', 'TileType', 'Asset') with  values (ART_DEF_UNIT_GENERAL_KHAN, Unit,, ).
[18497.693] In XMLSerializer while updating table ArtDefine_StrategicView from file Assets\DLC\DLC_01\StrategicView\Civ5ArtDefines_SV_Mongol_Units.xml.
[18497.693] columns StrategicViewType, TileType are not unique
[18497.709] columns StrategicViewType, TileType are not unique

Any ideas?

Those errors come up in base Civ 5, so they're not the problem. If your audio is missing, my main suspicion is that making the modpack actually crashed out just before copying the audio tables, and you're lucky it works at all...but it's hard to say. Are you sure it worked?

(Yeah I know, this is months later, ugh. Well, I may as well answer).
This thread is probably dead but I might as well ask people for some help. I made a modpack, and it mostly works great, but there are a few problems. Most notably, there is a problem that's making it hard to even test what is wrong with the modpack. I have a lot of whoward69's Pick n Mix mods, which means I am using the DLL - Various Mod Components mod.

The first problem I had was that its files were replaced with the Community Patch mod files whenever I made a modpack, even though the Community Patch wasn't enabled. I deleted the Community Patch files, though, and that stopped happening. It might be important, though, as a part of the larger problem. Replacing the Community Patch files with the normal DLL- Various Mod Components files after I made the modpack seemed to work pretty well the first time. Subsequent times, though, the game is acting as though I don't have the DLL file. I did everything right, added the DLL to the modpack folder and the DLL - Various Mod Components folder, but none of the DLL-based mods I checked are working.

Note that I have one modpack saved where the game works as intended, but has several other problems with it. If anyone encountered a situation where capturing a city doesn't give you the window where you choose whether to capture, puppet, liberate, or raze the city and also doesn't increase unhappiness, I would like to hear the solution to that problem. It isn't a problem when I use the mods tab, which makes me think it is something that happens during modpack creation, and probably related to the issue where the DLL is not working properly. However, I can't check, since the modpack where that problem occurs was created before I tested the mods on their own.
This thread is probably dead but I might as well ask people for some help. I made a modpack, and it mostly works great, but there are a few problems. Most notably, there is a problem that's making it hard to even test what is wrong with the modpack. I have a lot of whoward69's Pick n Mix mods, which means I am using the DLL - Various Mod Components mod.

The first problem I had was that its files were replaced with the Community Patch mod files whenever I made a modpack, even though the Community Patch wasn't enabled. I deleted the Community Patch files, though, and that stopped happening. It might be important, though, as a part of the larger problem. Replacing the Community Patch files with the normal DLL- Various Mod Components files after I made the modpack seemed to work pretty well the first time. Subsequent times, though, the game is acting as though I don't have the DLL file. I did everything right, added the DLL to the modpack folder and the DLL - Various Mod Components folder, but none of the DLL-based mods I checked are working.

Note that I have one modpack saved where the game works as intended, but has several other problems with it. If anyone encountered a situation where capturing a city doesn't give you the window where you choose whether to capture, puppet, liberate, or raze the city and also doesn't increase unhappiness, I would like to hear the solution to that problem. It isn't a problem when I use the mods tab, which makes me think it is something that happens during modpack creation, and probably related to the issue where the DLL is not working properly. However, I can't check, since the modpack where that problem occurs was created before I tested the mods on their own.
I think you forgot to put dll file away from mods when compiling your modpack.. CP, DLL-Various Mod and MPMPM all have their own dll. Remove dll beside MPMPM's DLL and your modpack should be good to go. Problem with UI can be caused by other conflicting UI mods or just an incomplete modpack. I hope this helps!

After Modpack is compiled in DLC, put the DLL back inside it's original folder in DLC
Is it really a 20 second process with VP? Mines taking time. Is it just because VP is so BIG, or because win10 (perhaps) never really disables antivirus?

It hasn't frozen on language en - it's still on the c's

edit looks like it could be because firetuner and the sdk is on my storage drive, whilst civ moved to my ssd some time ago.
Alright I did some more testing with my mod problems from before. I still don't know what was causing the DLL problem, I was setting it up right, but I tried it on a different computer and it seems to work fine. So now the problem I was having before is my top priority, and I need some more help. I installed UI - City Expansion from whoward's pick n mix mods, but whenever I enable it there's two problems with it. First, clicking the notification does not bring me to the city expansion tab, I have to do it manually. Second, usually whenever I capture a city the game does not bring me to the screen asking whether to Annex/Puppet/Raze/Liberate, and doesn't affect my happiness unless I decide to manually raze the city.

I don't know how a simple UI mod that only comes into play when a city gets the culture to expand, but I tested it with that mod specifically. It isn't a result of conflict with another mod either, I've tested it with just City Expansion and Various Mod Components, as well as just Various Mod Components modified to manually enable City Expansion. I downloaded a new copy of each mod directly from the Pick n Mix mods website, so it's not anything I did. Either there's something fundamentally messed up about my Civ V, or City Expansion is broken.

There are still a few more tests I could do, perhaps I need an earlier version of City Expansion (I used the newest version, v15), since it seems to have worked out for people in the past. I could clean install Civ or MPMPM, etc. But I'm really not confident in any of those things working. There must be something I missed, could any of you help?
The first problem I had was that its files were replaced with the Community Patch mod files whenever I made a modpack, even though the Community Patch wasn't enabled. I deleted the Community Patch files, though, and that stopped happening. It might be important, though, as a part of the larger problem. Replacing the Community Patch files with the normal DLL- Various Mod Components files after I made the modpack seemed to work pretty well the first time. Subsequent times, though, the game is acting as though I don't have the DLL file. I did everything right, added the DLL to the modpack folder and the DLL - Various Mod Components folder, but none of the DLL-based mods I checked are working.

@SupremeWarrior: I'm having a similar problem that has me stumped. I am only using my mods, about a half dozen of them, no dlls. The problem manifests as 2 of the mods getting clobbered by contents of other mods in the created DLC\MP_MODPACK\Mods folder.

DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\mymod1\<contents of mymod1>
DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\mymod2\<contents of mymod2>
DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\mymod3\<contents of mymod2>
DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\mymod4\<contents of mymod6>
DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\mymod5\<contents of mymod5>
DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\mymod5\<contents of mymod6>

I suspected this was a modid hash collision issue, but all of those are unique now and I'm still having problems. The mods work when loaded in single player. They mostly work if the missing assets are copied over after the modpack is created, but not perfectly since I still get crashes to desktop which don't happen when loaded from mods instead of from modpack.

If you figure it out be sure to post! Good luck.
Hey all, I'm trying to make a modpack with Vox Populi and some other mods. I followed the procedure (including removing and afterwards adding the dll), and the modpack seems to work perfectly except for one thing: I don't have ANY music or sound in the game. I had this error in the database log:
Any ideas?

This is a very late reply, but for future reference, as of the time of my post the "Community Events" mod breaks all sound in modpacks. A fix is coming.
Sorry for reviwing this but I just came across it and used it to add some mods I loved, but is there a easy way to add the mods already compiled here to the game or do I have to find them and go true the same run around, boot game go to mods run with mods, boot firetune and createmp() or can I copy paste the mods from the mods folder directly into the MP_MODSPACK and it works?

As I was hoping for a easy way to take some of the greate modspacks here that works and add to mine without having the hassle of having to create it every time?
I have a question regarding building modpack with JFDLC + CP. There is a good reason of why there is none there I suppose, not only because of the balance issues in MP. Modpack builds OK and works fine except there are no buildings in the building queue in the cities. The unit queue is fine, but the building queue is not there.

According to the lua log, the issue is with provinces code in CiD part of the JFDLC. Log says:
[8438.515] Runtime Error: Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\JFDLC (8) - JFD's Rise to Power (v 55)\JFDLC Core\Cities in Development\Provinces\Lua\Utilities\JFD_CID_ProvincesUtils.lua:71: attempt to index local 'provinceUpgrade' (a nil value)
And the line 71 in the lua file says:
    local numCitiesMod = (player:CountNumBuildings(GameInfoTypes[provinceUpgrade.BuildingType])*defineCIDProvinceCityCostMod)

Now, the JFDLC works OK with CP, when loaded from mods selection option. It means (to me) that the loading order is different with MPMPM loaded. Any obvious way of debugging it?

a) I did remove the CP dll from the folder before building the MP
b) I did try it with JFDLC, Cultural diversity and CP only - with the same result as above.

Thanks in advance for any tips and help.
What the heck means Firetuner "2"? I only find the normal firetuner version from the sdk. And this is version 1.0.4206.18846
And I didnt find anything about firetuner 2 @google.

My current situation: If I start firetuner first and then civ + start game then I cant find MPMP_Maker in the drop down menu. If I restart firetuner at this time I can find MPMP_Maker but it looks different --> seems like firetuner doesnt start the other things.

I hope you can understand my english x)
What the heck means Firetuner "2"? I only find the normal firetuner version from the sdk. And this is version 1.0.4206.18846
And I didnt find anything about firetuner 2 @google.

My current situation: If I start firetuner first and then civ + start game then I cant find MPMP_Maker in the drop down menu. If I restart firetuner at this time I can find MPMP_Maker but it looks different --> seems like firetuner doesnt start the other things.

I hope you can understand my english x)

It's just the firetuner that comes with the SDK. I think it's labeled 2 somewhere but the number doesn't really matter since there's pretty much only one.

MPMP_Maker should only exist if you have firetuner running and have a mod game running with the mod loaded. It won't appear until a game like that is launched. Firetuner doesn't start the other things, no.
I've made a ModPack for the Mods: Middle Earth Civs, City-States, Barbarians, Soundtrack and Only(Middle Earth Only is the mod that disables the Firaxis Civilizations so you can play with only the mods one) that is the first compacted folder, the second one doesn't have the Middle Earth Only mod(It is the compacted file with the title modpack_without_Middle_Earth_Only_mod, the MP_MODSPACK folder is the only thing inside of this second one)
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