Multiplayer Balance Patch


Oct 27, 2016
I'm working right now on a patch to balance some of the Civs for multiplayer. I am looking for some suggestions from yall about what kind of changes would be appropriate. My philosophy about this is incremental and minimalist. I don't want to change the game more than I need to (for this patch). And I want to start with smallish changes and work my way up to bigger ones.

With that in mind, I'm starting by looking at unique districts. Unique districts are obviously very powerful, both by being cheaper than normal to build, and also by not counting toward the city district cap. Giving unique districts to some of the weaker civs is thus one way to help bring them up to par. So here's what I've done:

1. Maktab - Arabian replacement for campus. I honestly am not sure what the bonus here should be. Great Prophet points would be a thematic choice, but Arabia doesn't really need that. Granting faith would also be thematic, but overlaps a bit too much with the madrasa. So I don't know exactly what this district should do, but I do really like the idea of Arabia having a unique science district. Soooo suggestions?

2. Marche - French replacement for commercial hub. Provides great artist points in addition to merchant, and provides culture when the origin or destination of an internal trade route.

3. Shipyard - Norwegian replacement for Harbor. It makes a ton of sense and should help them out for the Vikings to have half-price harbors. Other than that, I'm not sure what the bonuses to this district should be. I tried to give it a river adjacency (like commercial hub) but it had no effect even when the Shipyard was at the end of a river (oops). Soo suggestions here too!

4. Frontier Fort - American replacement for Encampment. Has additional hitpoints and provides 2 housing.

5. Plaza - Spanish replacement for encampment. Must be placed adjacent to city center. Provides bonus faith from holy site adjacency, bonus gold from district adjacency. Plus 2 appeal, instead of -1 from encampment.

So that's what I've got so far. What other civs do you think need some love?
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