My First Win on Monarch!


Apr 14, 2002
Melbourne, VIC
Ladies and Gents,

I am proud to announce my first win on Monarch! I played as the persians and won a space race victory in 1950 (only because i had to beat AI to it, I would've preferred Domination, have taken out space race victory now). Not really a strategy or a tip, but a proclamation.

To any who doubt communism, don't. It's a great help with a huge empire, many of my best producers were miles away.

And I'd be glad to help anyone, especially those trying to get into the Monarch difficulty level.
um 3900 or so. If I hadn'tve had space race on i would've got heaps more.
Good going, but Communism sucks. It's only helpful if you are pushing for the kill in a conquest game and only after getting MA.

How did you manage 1950?
Communism, i've found, has the capacity to be the best government of all. It is useful once a) you have hospitals, police stations, courthouses b)the civ is large/decentralized.
There is a thread on this, and you might well discover, as I have that communism is the only way. Production is often more important that science.

and if you mean by 1950? That it was early for space race, then i think you'll find that monarch will be much faster in the tech trading than easier games.

Otherwise, you mean it's slow (I'm assuming not, since you're a newbie here). It was a very war oriented game, and all civs were in communism so research took longer. I also was really rushing for tech (also stealing) so the modern era went quickly.
Thanks for the thread. Read it. Disagree though.
I'm the ultimate Warmonger, but never go for communism once I have reached MA and fall into anarchy. Otherwise Democracy and Republic.

Yep, I'm a newby this formum, but not to others nor Civ3.:D

Play only Emperor and Deity and try to finish around 1700AD's on large map.

Earliest finish 780AD, conquest.

Communism results in slow tech turn around. Slow tech = slow win.
Congrats!!!!:goodjob: [party] :beer:

Although I don't use communism that often I do appreciate it's uses. Communism is one of those concepts in Civ3 that hasn't really been understood properly. Culture flipping is another example but I digress..............
Yeah, communism in the game is entirely inaccurate, but hey, you gotta play with what you have. There are situations where communism is the best, and this was one of them.

Also, I don't know if this is odd, but now monarch seems to be a lot easier. Maybe i'm just getting better, maybe the mods i'm putting in drastically change play (i don't think so).
You're probably just getting better, and manage to hold it together despite communism, rather than because of it :D

He he he he...

*goes back to emperor/huge DyP game silently*

I wish I could play huge games :( they're easier, but i don't have the resources to do it.
They're not easier... As I'm finding, they're a pain in the friggin' but. With the amount of conquering I've been doing, in a normal sized game I would have my own continent and with such a huge base for research I would be flying through the tech tree.

As it is I've been almost continually at war since I started (thanks to the Jaguar Warriors) and killed two civs (god damn this 'respawn' option... I'm not putting it on again. I killed the chinese and they respawned with 3 braves (dyp unit) really close to my capital... not that it did them any good).

Anyway, so the turns take ages, maintaining an empire this size takes zillions of bits of micromanagement, I've only just finally managed to switch to republic and then democracy and now have to build up about 30 cities from practically zero (with dyp your cities can't grow beyond size 2 while under the chiefdom govt, and you can't afford many improvements... but you have no unit limit :nya: ) while still dealing properly with two other big civs on my own continent who hassle me and demand tributes and such... And at the same time I need to speed up my research to catch up with the big'uns now that I can't bully tech from my neighbours anymore...

Easier? I think not.

i've played it a couple of times (takes forever) but won easily on levels that i found hard on smaller maps. I like it because there's more diplomacy involved, and more nations to conquer. There's just a lot more play.
Yeah, but it takes ages and is a lot of hassle... I think my next game will be back on normal or - if I feel really stupid - large... :)

I haven't found it to be easier btw. I'm on emperor, and getting rid of your neighbours (or crippling them badly) early on is really important at this level, but you can only have so many jaguar warriors going around terrorising other civs, and Maybe I could have attacked the americans (other big civ on my land) and done them a fair bit of damage, but then all the others would have expanded a lot more and been more of a problem. So now I have a huuuuge long empire like a sausage with a massive common border with the americans, who are slightly ahead of me in tech and have more troops... compare that with the normal map situation where I would have a whole continent to myself, and you can see that that would be a bit easier than having this huge slumbering AI next to me waiting to be pissed off and attack me everywhere at once... :p

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