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My nuclear empire brought to ruin by armies of Sipahi's and Riflemen!!!

Ur Mum

Mar 15, 2003
[just a note: i know i was extremely stupid to lose this, with my tech and resources i should have been able to win this fight. but i attacked without preparing any defenses. and i paid dearly for it. ]

playing PTW on regent, as greeks on huge map with 10 players. i managed cultural victory in about 15 hours. (usualy play to win by conquest or domination, and so was trying peaceful ways of winning).

i had destroyed the cathaginians quite early in the game for iron and ivory resources. (took all 5 of their cities). then mass-produced settlers and occupied a large percentage of the remaining contienant. by the time i won my cultural victory, i have 60+ cities. (most of them founded, with about 12 captured from romans, leaving them with 1 city left) but other than romans and the cathaginians i had no other wars.

so game finished just before i finished my spaceship :(
i had 7 ICBMs and a tactical nuke. modern armour, and mech infantry. and so much production i was able to put out 15-18 modern armour units a turn, every turn. (altho most of the citys were producing wealthat this point before the major war)

egyptians and ottomans were mid-industral age, (infantry/cavalry) the romans were late medieval age. and the eastern civs (mongols/china/japan/persia/india/korea) were between romans and egyptians . the eastern civs had frigates and gallons against my weak modern navy. (i had 2 nuclear subs, and a destroyer. as i was playing peacefully untill i won i had not built much of an army. majority of my city's were undefended. (on democracy u need to save as much money as possible from units. so only my edge citys were defended. )

so i thought, "i'll finish the romans. (i had made peace once i started my spaceship) kill the ottomans and egyptians to the north, (they had about 25 cites between the 3 of them)"

so, like any honourable man, to declare war i launched an ICBM @ the last roman city (which was being defended by pikemen).

the rest of the world kinda got p*ssed off by that. and everyone went to war against me.

at first it was no problem. i had superior units and the industrial might of a modern civ with factorys and the hoover dam. i had 4 citys with 70+SPT and another 10 in the 50-65 range.

the egyptians and ottomans (with their sipahis) attacked from the north. i think i lost 2 cities in the first 2 turns of war defending with riflemen against cavalry/sipahis. which is ok i thought. retake them with modern armour in a few turns.

so i drafted my citys for mech infantry for defense unit. and moved them all up to the bouder. (altho i had all the new tech, i had very few units already built up. which i would normally have due to be playing more offensivelly. but i thought - no problem. i'll draft citys for defense when i need to. and just build as much modern armour as i need.)

i've got my core citys producing loads of modern armour, my back citys (on the south coast) were continuing with building stuff like wonders/SS parts/research labs etc. and my fronts one producing mech infantry for defending my citys/captured citys.

so a few turns later, i've retaken my 2 citys back. captured the last roman city. and taken 3 enemy citys. everything was going ok. there were loads of enemy units, and they were making my progress very slow but i was winning.

thats when the persians showed up at the south coast with 3 galleons of knights within 2 turns. i hadn't setup my rail network completely yet(again cos of minimalising unit costs from earlier) the back citys had already been drafted before and so wouldnt let me get any more. (started having riots about draft already.) i managed to get 2 conscript mech infantry as they landed but these were both destroyed for only 3 knights. leaving 9 knights on my south coast running riot on my undefended, production citys. i lost a lot of citys quite quickly.

so i take modern armour from front lines to south to combat this new front.
manage to retake 2 citys.

then the eypatians/otto's attacked en mass again to north. i had about 8 citys along a line west-east coast of contienant defended with 1/2 mech infantry in each, as well as about 4 modern armour still left up top. there must have been 50 units come down. i had my conscipts and regular mod'arm' all promoted to elite's before they were destroyed. i must have taken 35-40 enemys down. this was all in 2 turns.

by now i had launched nukes against thebes and ottoman citys using all my ICBMs. and war wariness had started to kick in. runnng mor eof my citys(esp my big 30 pop one's) into civil disorder. (also i had lost all my traded luxuaries and my ivory to the south).

my north front had collapsed under large amounts of sipahis/cavalry. my south was being raped by knights. my empire was falling apart due to civil disorder. this made me decide to change to communism. but the 8 turns or so in anarcy meant i had no new units all that time. i lost 3 modern armour for only 6 knights. and then i had japan landing medieval infantry on the west coast. i lost my only destroyer against 2 galleys and a vet' frigate. (the galleys did 1 damage each, and then the frigate killed it after taking 3 damage)

so now i was being attacked on 3 fronts, against 4 enemys, with another 4 still at war but wiht no units landed; and no production or draft cos of anarcy.

when i finally quit, i had 8 citys left, with :
2 workers, 3 mech infantry, 2 riflemen, 2 nuclear subs(which had only killed 2 barbarian galleys.) 1 infantry, and 1 modern armour, defending against 100+ cavalry/sipahis/knights.

so. make sure u have defensive units in place before u start launching nukes at primative civ's.......

or just be a semi-decent player..........
you're weak.
microbe said:
So, you are well into Modern Ages yet you have not connected your empire by railroads.

And have riflemen defending your cities instead of mech infantry.

Thats true, theres not one good reason not to build railroads, and why on earth didnt you uppgrade the riflemen? *shakes head*
Weeeell humility is a fine thing but you must really want some salt on your wounds to post that story here ;) I feel for you though, I've done some things as stupid. The lesson = Railroad network is VERY important. oh and Siphai are dangerous!
Yeah, this is one perfect example of why democracy sux in the epic game. Once I found out had badazz communism was, I'd forgo even researching democracy (unless I wanted Shakespear's theater and I wasn't behind in the tech race), and stay in monarchy (screw republic) until I researched communism... then BAM!! I was not only building up an army of hundreds of units (at no cost to me because of the riduculously high unit support communism has), none of my cities were catastrophically corrupt (which happens in un-modded democracies) AND I was whooping everyone on research (less money going to corruption and unit support=more dough for research). I've since come up with ways to make other governments attractive (face it, democracy is the most useless government in the game): I've made it so that democracy has the same unit support costs as republic, war weariness is slightly lower, and it has the same corruption as communism. I've also (due to the weak unit support, which is offset by the trade bonus, but not enough for when the fit really hits the shan) considered adding a Democracy dependant small wonder called "The Second Amendment" which produces a Milita every 5 turns (same stats as infantry, but they have a support cost of 0).

And no, I've never been stupid enough to nuke anybody without having at least 10 of my best units in every city I own and rails (or airports for remote island locations) connecting every city of mine.
That is humiliating and extremely funny :lol: It shows that in Civ Quantity has its own Quality.
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