Naming "Free City"s


Dec 30, 2011
I have an existing mod that creates 'Free City"s at the start of the game. CIV give the cities names of the cities of unused civilizations in the game.
I want to make a list of names that the "Free City"s use. I was thinking this would be east enough just add some XML like:
<!--America -->
Just change the civ to free cities and city name to desired name.
But the problem is that while "Free City"s are a distinc player I can't find a 'CivilizationType'. So any suggestions on ways to accomplish naming the city when I create it?
I use LUA to add the cities at the start of the game. Calling the 'AddCity()'.
I can probably rename the city after it is created but where would I store my list of city names?
I can make a LUA table of names but would prefer some database option in the very off-chance someone wanted to add their own.

Apparently I needed to look beyond the 'base' game assets. 'Free City' were added in one of the expansions. So there exists:
which makes the above irrelevant. This thread can be deleted or left if this factoid is useful to others.
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