Need to combine two MOD Comps into "def onCombatResult"

Yeah, you pretty much need to be able to read the code in order to merge it with another code. Because then it would probably be obvious what is what and what you need to do (if anything at all). It can be tricky reading code, but hardly impossible.
The code works in my mod. :)

I captured a number of ships, as well as when a unit respawns back to the capital it retains it's unique name.

I think I will spend some time learning some more Python code and your tutorial will help.

What version of Python does Civ 4 use, so I can buy the right textbook. (Old School)
Glad to hear you're making progress! :goodjob:

I'd actually recommend How to Think Like a Computer Scientist as the weapon of choice - its available in both print, pdf and html. But I guess any entry level textbook would do. (Someone recommended something like Head First Programming, I believe.) But the official Python tutorial will also teach you anything you'd like to know.

CivIV uses Python 2.4.1 (AFAIK) but I personally use v2.6 outside of CivIV. It would probably not make sense to go for v3 but all the basic stuff should still be the same. You can download any version you like from the website.
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